Goodbye My Baby Girl - Lulu ♡


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
It really helps reading all of your posts and replies. Not everyone understands the pain. They say " oh cmon its just a cat, you can get another one...get over it already!" It just makes me more and more angry!! She was not "just a cat" she was my best friend, my family, my everything!!...

I did plan on getting a few more pictures printed of hers and place them in a frame on my bedside table, but my mom thinks its just going to hurt me more and i wont ever move on with my life.

I just wish so bad that i could turn back time and never had gone to that vet when i did, maybe i would have gotten a few more days with her

One of my friends is also suggesting a adopt another kitty, she said it would be a good distraction and maybe even help me to move on or be a peace for a while. But I am not sure a I want to let go of Lulu just yet. I feel Id be giving the love she deserved to someone else. It sounds really bad i am aware of that. But what if she feels like I got another kitty so soon after she left and i forgot about her so soon? (Now i know for a fact im losing it, but i also know you guys understand what im feeling....)
You'll know if and when you're ready for another kitty.  When I lost my 18 year old baby Skittles I thought I'd never want another cat.  Three months later, I was picking up two kittens from the SPCA. Everybody's different.  And it won't be a betrayal to Lulu--Lulu knew you loved her, and that bond won't replaced if you get another cat.  What you give to another kitty will be entirely different--when you're ready.  