Goodbye My Baby Girl - Lulu ♡

lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
I came across this website looking for some help to save my kitty's life. I didnt know that i would lose her and find this place where i could openly share my feelings with the people who understand what its like to lose a dear friend.

So here I am, giving a tribute to my little baby girl Lulu.

I got her when she was just 3 months old. She was always well behaved and very affectionate. My mom who is more of a bird lover had a parrot at that time when I got Lulu and she would be afraid that Lulu would snatch at her lol. It was quite the opposite. She just liked looking at Mitu(parrot) from far. Maybe even had dreams of eating him up but it was just so much fun to watch her run to Mitu when he would make noises.

My mom would look after Lulu when id be at work and she would stay in the kitchen watching mom make lunch. She would also wait for mom to finish her prayers and watch her as she prays and once she'd be done, that is when Lulu would walk all over mom for her morning snacks.

Even my mom and dad keep thinking about her and shedding a few tears. She made our life so much interesting and meaningful.

She was a quite and sweet little baby. She was my friend when i was going through some of the hardest times of my life. I was going through depression and would lock myself up in the room and Lulu would figure it out and start meowing at my door till id let her in. She would just hop up on my bed while id lay there and cry. She would just place her paw on my hands and watch me as id cry. Yesterday, i was on my bed crying again..and this time. It was coz my friend wasnt there to hold my hand any more.

I feel blessed that i got the honour of knowing such a beautiful soul like hers. So much love and understanding from a cat who didnt understand my language but knew that i needed someone by my side. I will forever be greatfull to her for that.

The vet told me yesterday that they will take her in for the night hoping the IVR and air mask would help her recover. I got a call just 15 mins after i reached home from the vet saying she doesnt look like she will not make it. I rushed back to the clinic to meet my baby one last time. When i reached, the vet told her her heart beat was very weak. I asked to carry her..i said my thank you's, and good bye's...she just looked straight in my eyes and went away. Id like to think she waited for me..she didnt want to pass away in an incubator with people she didnt know. She wanted to be curled up in my arms, and be with me one last time when i needed her.

She is my Star. She fought her pain till I held her.

"My tutu,my choti larki(little girl), my angel, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE TIMES U MADE ME SMILE,FOR ALL THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE YOU GAVE ME, AND FOR JUST BEING A PART OF MY LIFE...I LOVE YOU to the moon and back. And I am sorry if I let you down..."

(Found this picture on pinterest..couldnt believe how it matched my situation 100%)

and here she is..My baby


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Sweet baby.  I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Lulu.  I know she was well loved, and loved you in return.  

My deepest condolences.


TCS Member
Aug 28, 2014
I'm almost crying reading this. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I too have suffered periodically from depression and I know what a lifeline kitties can be. They are just very soothing presences and they make you feel loved when it feels like you are all alone. I'm sure Lulu will be watching over you 
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lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
Thank you..I hope she is, she was the only one who was with me in the most darkest times of my life. And i really do hope she continues to do so and watch over me like an angel


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 21, 2007
bless your heart... today is a week since I lost my Min as well, I understand your pain.... just know as much as you feel that love for her...that is how much loved she received from you and that is truly all that matters. May your sadness be lined in peace, knowing she was so blessed because of you! We never know how long we will have to love our pets....what matters, is the love we gave them while we can.
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lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
Thank you for your kind words. Hope you find peace in your heart to deal with the loss of your beloved pet as well
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry you lost Lulu this way.

I read your other thread and I know you did everything you could to help her. Please don't blame yourself, you were the best Cat Mum Lulu could ever have wished for. She was lucky to have you and you her.

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lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
Thanks Norachan for your comforting words and also for helping me figure out whats going on when she was ill.

I am still in shock and cant believe shes gone. I dreamt about her today where i saw that she was alive...and i was so glad and happy that she is alive..woke up with such a sinking feeling in my heart, it was unbearable :(

How does one deal with this and when does it get easy? :(


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 21, 2007
I certainly understand the sinking feeling as I had it during the phase of my Min's diagnosis of chylothorax (chest fills with fluid) for 3 weeks as we dealt with the shock of it all... I hated pilling her and taking her into the vet to get her chest was all so upsetting... I couldn't eat... felt totally depressed about it... until I KNEW, this is NOT doing anyone any good ..especially myself and I fortunately had my faith to rely on..but poured my heart out in prayer... and a deep peace came over me that took that gut wrenching feeling away... and I was actually very calm the last week knowing we would be putting her down, and thru the process was at peace as well and still have no knot in my stomach, only sadness. People grieve in many different ways...I would feel overwhelmed in grief out of the blue the first few days...and go touch and smell the fur they shaved from her paw when they put her down... it truly helped me (may sound crazy to grown son says...ummm mom please don't tell anyone you do that, ha) but you do what you need to do to's all a process to healing.... and one day, hopefully soon, the pain will be replaced by yes a sadness, but a sadness that also can be side by side to the memories that that make you smile. Please feel free to always talk it out we all understand. Sometimes our friends in life don't quite understand the loss if they haven't experienced it on their own. Above all else, we set out to give our furbabies the bestest lives we can, and we have no idea how long that will be...that is simply life the way it happens.... but what does matter, is the love they've felt and experienced through us.
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lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
You know MnM, im trying REAL hard not to think about her as i suffer from depression and i dont want to go back to those dark days, but i am finding it harder to not think about her. I managed to get out of home today, 1st time since Lulu left..and as soon as i entered back home..i said " Hi Lulu im hooommeee :) "...and my mom just looked at me with a sadness. And it hit me again that shes gone :(:(:(

I stuck a picture of her on the mirror in my room and every time i look at it i give her a kiss. It wad making me feel better. But just a while ago i got into some personal issues with someone in my life and I told my mom im losing this battle to keep going on with my life. I came back to my room and saw her picture, and cried my heart out looking at her and said to her that i need her back in my life to be with me while i feel so low.
Might sound selfish but i know she loved being by my side, late at night, while the world sleeps and i cry. She would make me feel so much at peace just by looking me straight in the eyes, almost like saying its gona be talk to her, she'd listen, and when id calm down abit, shes curl up on the side of my bed and sleep while i petted actually in tears typing this out.

My mom suggested i get another kitty. But i dont know if thats a good idea. No one can take Lulu's place in my heart :(


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 14, 2013
Stamford, CT USA
I know how comforting our cat can be when we go through those really low points in life.    Max would sense I needed something - that I was hurting and come lie beside me or on my belly.   If he weren`t there for me during those times I would have been alot worse off.    So I know what you mean about them helping us find peace just with their presence.   No one can tell you how long or how to grieve.... it is different for everyone.   But it usually has a cycle of shock, anger, guilt, then at some point there is acceptance and the pain moves into the background.   If the grieving lingers on excessively long then you really need help getting over it.  They have group sessions for grieving and loss in many locations.   I went to one and it helped greatly.  You will know if and when the time is right to have another cat.   


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 21, 2007
just know that, if you do choose to get another kitty, by no means is it replacing your sweet Lulu, however, you could look at it as a tribute to you would be rescuing another kitty from a shelter and giving it a chance and love it may not receive elsewhere..and in turn, it can help you focus on giving rather than focusing on your sorrow.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It takes a really long time to get over the loss of a special cat. I lost George in April 2013 but I still think about him and miss him every day. I think when you lose someone who was such a big part of your life there really isn't way you can fill the hole they leave in you.

I think it's important to do something positive to remember them by. Plant some flowers, make a little garden where you can see things green and colourful blooming every year. Draw a picture of them, or if you're not good at drawing yourself ask an artist to draw one for you. Put together a collage of your favourite photos and mount them in a frame. It's important to have something solid to remember Lulu by, a place you can go to talk to her and tell her what's going on with you. You might not be ready to do any of this yet, but when you are ready it will help.

It's nice that Lulu came to say goodbye to you in your dream. It's like she wanted you to see her happy and healthy one more time, that's the way she wants you to remember her. She wanted you to see that she is OK now, all her suffering is over.
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lulu s mum

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
It really helps reading all of your posts and replies. Not everyone understands the pain. They say " oh cmon its just a cat, you can get another one...get over it already!" It just makes me more and more angry!! She was not "just a cat" she was my best friend, my family, my everything!!...

I did plan on getting a few more pictures printed of hers and place them in a frame on my bedside table, but my mom thinks its just going to hurt me more and i wont ever move on with my life.

I just wish so bad that i could turn back time and never had gone to that vet when i did, maybe i would have gotten a few more days with her :(.

One of my friends is also suggesting a adopt another kitty, she said it would be a good distraction and maybe even help me to move on or be a peace for a while. But I am not sure a I want to let go of Lulu just yet. I feel Id be giving the love she deserved to someone else. It sounds really bad i am aware of that. But what if she feels like I got another kitty so soon after she left and i forgot about her so soon? (Now i know for a fact im losing it, but i also know you guys understand what im feeling....)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your precious Lulu, she sounded like a wonderful friend and a beautiful soul. I do believe she waited for you to be with her at the end, it comforted her greatly even though it broke your heart. Be vigilant for the touch of that paw, she'll try to comfort you as you are grieving. It may be in a dream, but when there is a love such as yours, your souls are connected and her love will surround you when you need it the most. She may be physically gone but she will reside forever in your heart. Bless you for loving so much to hurt so bad. RIP beautiful Lulu! 

PS, you would not be hurting Lulu's memory to give your love to another little soul, she would be honored that you are celebrating the love you two shared by sharing it with another. She taught you how to love and would love for you to pass it on.
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm very sorry for your loss of Lulu. These furry creatures come into our lives and nestle in our hearts. That's where Lulu still resides, even though she's no longer with you in physical form. RIP, Lulu. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 6, 2014
Hi lulu, sorry for your loss. I saw your very first post here and I started typing out a message, by deleted it. I thought from what you were telling us that lulu was in serious trouble and was going to pass on but telling you that at the time wouldn't have done you any good. What you are going through is normal. I'm going through it myself. You asked when the pain ends and how does one deal with it. It's different for everyone. My pain hadn't ended, in ways I am worse, in others I am better. You just kind of deal if you can call it that. Crying , hurting, suffering, is how I've dealt. You remind me a lot of myself with the what ifs and not going out for days after it happened. My advice is do the things that make tho happy and give you stimulation. The pain will be there. The Crying, suffering. It is worse sometimes than others and you could be fine one minute then crying the next. It's normal. Try to lessen the pain where you can. Push through the hard times. Work through it. I'm not saying it will go away but it's like a tough wave that you're just going to have to go through . There's no going around it. There's no avoiding it. Accept for a whatever time it takes you are going to feel bad and sad and it will be rough. Do what you can to get by though.

You had to take her to the vet. If u didn't, she would have been in even more pain. U wouldn't want that and u did the right thing. No you're not crazy for thinking lulu would be upset that you got another cat. I think like that too. But I think u should get another cat. Of course it's not replacing lulu and lulu knows that. Lulu would want u to be happy and getting another cat will make u happy and u need the comfort of a companion and it will help u move on. The pain and memories and love and everything won't go away but it will help you in a time of need. Also, get photos I think of lulu next to your bed IF YOU want them.

Much love.