Going insane with worry!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2014
First I need to say that I have a multi-cat household -- five indoor.    My second youngest, Binx, has always been a finicky eater, more so than the others, but he WOULD eventually eat, and I admit, I catered to him a bit.  I would try different foods (can) and be excited when he seemed to like one, but then the next day he wouldn't want it.   I'm sure you all know how that goes.  :)    Well about a month ago he just got to the point that he turned up his nose at EVERYTHING and just would not eat at all.  He seemed healthy but of course I took him to the vet for a thorough exam, blood work, etc, and he was the picture of health.   The vet said perhaps it was stress (I have three older "bully" cats).  I've had Binx for a year and half though, and they all seem to get along just fine.   Vet wanted to put him on Prozac and I actually got the Rx filled, but then I decided not to....this would be a last resort.  After his vet visit he began to eat a little, not as much as I would like, but it was something.  Now he's back to not eating.  I go so far as to open and set out 3-4 different kinds of food for him to choose from - kitty buffet - and he still walks away.   He seems only slightly thinner, but he's still very active & the picture of health.  I started giving him that high calorie supplement in a tube - the kind they're supposed to lick off your finger -- guess what - he doesn't.  I have to open his mouth and put it in there.  He wouldn't even eat a scrambled egg with ground beef I tried to feed him.  He's drinking water just fine.   The only thing I can think of is that perhaps he's nibbling on the dry food I set out during the day -- even though I've never seen him eat that either - and truly isn't hungry when I open the cans.  But this brings up another problem.  I do not want him to live on a strictly dry food diet either.   Short of just putting away the dry food altogether - anyone have any other ideas?  I wanted my cats to have a diet of both dry & wet, but I cannot continue to buy expensive can food that gets wasted.   Any input will be appreciated.   Binx is my "favorite" of the bunch, I can't stand seeing him walk away from dinner - every day!    :(     Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 5, 2014
First I need to say that I have a multi-cat household -- five indoor.    My second youngest, Binx, has always been a finicky eater, more so than the others, but he WOULD eventually eat, and I admit, I catered to him a bit.  I would try different foods (can) and be excited when he seemed to like one, but then the next day he wouldn't want it.   I'm sure you all know how that goes.  :)    Well about a month ago he just got to the point that he turned up his nose at EVERYTHING and just would not eat at all.  He seemed healthy but of course I took him to the vet for a thorough exam, blood work, etc, and he was the picture of health.   The vet said perhaps it was stress (I have three older "bully" cats).  I've had Binx for a year and half though, and they all seem to get along just fine.   Vet wanted to put him on Prozac and I actually got the Rx filled, but then I decided not to....this would be a last resort.  After his vet visit he began to eat a little, not as much as I would like, but it was something.  Now he's back to not eating.  I go so far as to open and set out 3-4 different kinds of food for him to choose from - kitty buffet - and he still walks away.   He seems only slightly thinner, but he's still very active & the picture of health.  I started giving him that high calorie supplement in a tube - the kind they're supposed to lick off your finger -- guess what - he doesn't.  I have to open his mouth and put it in there.  He wouldn't even eat a scrambled egg with ground beef I tried to feed him.  He's drinking water just fine.   The only thing I can think of is that perhaps he's nibbling on the dry food I set out during the day -- even though I've never seen him eat that either - and truly isn't hungry when I open the cans.  But this brings up another problem.  I do not want him to live on a strictly dry food diet either.   Short of just putting away the dry food altogether - anyone have any other ideas?  I wanted my cats to have a diet of both dry & wet, but I cannot continue to buy expensive can food that gets wasted.   Any input will be appreciated.   Binx is my "favorite" of the bunch, I can't stand seeing him walk away from dinner - every day!    :(     Thank you.
I don't know how much help I can be except to offer support ..
I have 2 super picky cats . I would prefer them to be on an all wet diet but they will not eat any wet food but Fancy Feast and I want them to eat something healthier ..

So for now they are eating mainly kibble , Natures Variety Instinct Grain  Free..

 .. I keep trying different brands of wet foods but they either just flat out refuse it or eat it once or twice and then refuse it ..  It is very frustrating and  I keep trying  but  I would  much rather have my cats eating kibble than nothing at all ..
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree, get a high quality, grain free kibble and see if he likes that! I have two that just lick the gravy off of wet, but they sure insist on getting that every morning. Mine doesn't go to waste though, there are plenty of hungry mouths outside. Good luck!


TCS Member
Jan 16, 2015
I too would go with a high quality grain free food (Core, Natures Variety or Orijen) and since you state your little guy is a good drinker I would not sweat over the kibble too much because he has to eat.  Have you tried any freeze dried food.  Most boutique type shops carry Primal, why not give it a shot.  Simply rehydrate the food and give him a hunk of meat.

I assume the vet checked his mouth, correct?  I know from experience that if a cat has a sore mouth he/she may not have any desire to eat.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2014
Thanks.   :)   I do appreciate your response and support is great.   :)    I know cats are finicky and my husband keeps saying "he'll eat when he gets hungry enough" but of course I'm going to worry anyway.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 2, 2014
Thanks everyone for your responses.   :)    Yes, the first thing I thought of was his mouth, but vet said he loved seeing a young healthy mouth such as his and there were no problems there.   I've tried baby food even - he won't eat that.   I found that he too would lick the broth from some of the wettest of the wet foods so I thought - I'm onto something!  So I bought food that was soupy in texture - he sopped up the broth but would not eat the rest of it.   He won't even eat treats.  Sounds like something wrong with his mouth, doesn't it?   But no, his mouth is perfectly healthy.   And he seems to feel fine.   I'm perfectly fine with him not becoming obese like my three older ones (gotta get them on a diet) but he still has to eat.   I'm going to try everything I can, including the kibble and all of your suggestions.   Thank you all so much.    :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 5, 2014
Thanks everyone for your responses.   :)    Yes, the first thing I thought of was his mouth, but vet said he loved seeing a young healthy mouth such as his and there were no problems there.   I've tried baby food even - he won't eat that.   I found that he too would lick the broth from some of the wettest of the wet foods so I thought - I'm onto something!  So I bought food that was soupy in texture - he sopped up the broth but would not eat the rest of it.   He won't even eat treats.  Sounds like something wrong with his mouth, doesn't it?   But no, his mouth is perfectly healthy.   And he seems to feel fine.   I'm perfectly fine with him not becoming obese like my three older ones (gotta get them on a diet) but he still has to eat.   I'm going to try everything I can, including the kibble and all of your suggestions.   Thank you all so much.    :)
Does he like kibble at all ?   If so , try a real smelly one like  Acana Pacifica .. Natures Variety Instinct has a Salmon kibble that is pretty smelly .. Both have  a real fishy  smell  ..  Another thing you could try is use a pate canned food and add enough warm to mix into a soupy paste .. 