Giving my cat away


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 12, 2019

I have posted here many times about my cat he will be 1 june 23. I have had dogs in the past and had very strong bonds with them. Since my kitten came home when he was small (from a breeder) I knew right away something was off he would literally be terrified and run into walls with his ears low and body low. I thought as time went on that would go away. It has gotten better and hes not afraid of me now. However he always seems stressed where he will hide in a room all day, run away from me if I try to pet him, if hes stressed he will literally pant like a dog for maybe 20 seconds and stops once hes in his safe place. All that is fine I can deal with that. My problem is his eating habits. Since he was a kitten he will go through period of refusing to eat (posted here many times about this) and at first I thought it was a health related issue. The vet said he is fine he did a PCR, full blood count, ultra sound (actually once developed a fatty liver due not eating but then vet did blood work and said hes okay) I know hes hungry because he will meow at me for his food but then not eat and will run away and not approach me all day. I know he can smell the food I know hes able to eat it because during periods where he does eat he does fine. Also any time I leave the room or house and he cant find me he will meow like crazy and come find me. With eating I've literally tried it all I will lost under neither after. He loves his food just wont eat it during these times. For example he was eating great for a week (well not on his own I have to hand feed him every single time but I dont care at least hes eating I wake up at 5:30 am to make sure theres enough time) however all of a sudden 2 days ago he refused to eat anything so I had to syringe feed him science hills diet a/d urgent care and now of course hes terrified and any other kibble or food he runs away as he associates food with something bad. It's a cycle it happens every time. Now I have to find a way to get him to eat without the syringe. I know this is all due stress I dont think he was socialized well as a young kitten. There have been many days where I cancelled work to be able to feed him, dont let friends come over because hes terrified, I cant sleep or eat myself when this happens. I really believe he will eventually die from starvation and it makes me angry because it's so avoidabe he just has to eat. I feel guilty because I brought this cat home and hes so unhappy and miserable living here that he would rather starve. I love him and dont believe in giving up a furry friend however I dont think it's fair to him when hes just not happy here maybe he would be happy with someone else. I know I would be very depressed but I want the best for my kitty. Hes very fragile and would need to live in a home with no children or other pets and I dont know who I can trust with him. I just dont know what to do anymore I'm literally in tears right now as I pack to go to pet smart to see if theres anything. Please help what do I do.

Food I've tried:
Different flavor/shapes of kibble
Different flavors/textures of many wet foods. Tiki cat, rawz, hound and gatos, fancy feast, feline natural many more
Toppers / freeze dried meat, fish flakes, parmesean cheese, baby food many more
Bland chicken breast/cooked meat/eggs, tuna

- I've tried giving to him in a shallow metallic plate, plastic plate, on the floor, high up on a table, on top of his cat tree, in his safe space, playing with him for 30 minutes and then feeding


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Have you ever contacted the breeder for advice about these issues and if anything similar was noted in previous litters?

If you plan to rehome, check the papers the breeder gave you when you bought the kitten. Sometimes there's a clause that says you cannot rehome the cat to anyone who wants it, you have to contact the breeder first about rehoming because the breeder may take the cat back.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
The cat sounds mentally ill. That can happen to cats, just like people. Meaning he likely has a chemical imbalance in the brain that is making him act whacky. Just like with people, sometimes medicines can help a lot. So talk to your vet about this stuff!

Sometimes we research and learn and think we should be able to fix every issue, and we just can't. Cats are like people like that. Not every behavioral issue can be fixed by therapy. Sometimes pharma help is needed. You've done what you can like a champ, don't feel bad about it. Now its time to see if the vet can help. If not, well, maybe then you will need to do what you need to do. We all have limits.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 11, 2018
North Carolina
How long has this gone on? How is his behavior otherwise? Do he play, drink, and use the litter box okay?

I doubt your cat is so unhappy that he's trying to starve himself, he just stresses easily. It's definitely time to go back to your vet and ask if you should get an appetite stimulant and/or relaxant for your cat.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014

I have posted here many times about my cat he will be 1 june 23. I have had dogs in the past and had very strong bonds with them. Since my kitten came home when he was small (from a breeder) I knew right away something was off he would literally be terrified and run into walls with his ears low and body low. I thought as time went on that would go away. It has gotten better and hes not afraid of me now. However he always seems stressed where he will hide in a room all day, run away from me if I try to pet him, if hes stressed he will literally pant like a dog for maybe 20 seconds and stops once hes in his safe place. All that is fine I can deal with that. My problem is his eating habits. Since he was a kitten he will go through period of refusing to eat (posted here many times about this) and at first I thought it was a health related issue. The vet said he is fine he did a PCR, full blood count, ultra sound (actually once developed a fatty liver due not eating but then vet did blood work and said hes okay) I know hes hungry because he will meow at me for his food but then not eat and will run away and not approach me all day. I know he can smell the food I know hes able to eat it because during periods where he does eat he does fine. Also any time I leave the room or house and he cant find me he will meow like crazy and come find me. With eating I've literally tried it all I will lost under neither after. He loves his food just wont eat it during these times. For example he was eating great for a week (well not on his own I have to hand feed him every single time but I dont care at least hes eating I wake up at 5:30 am to make sure theres enough time) however all of a sudden 2 days ago he refused to eat anything so I had to syringe feed him science hills diet a/d urgent care and now of course hes terrified and any other kibble or food he runs away as he associates food with something bad. It's a cycle it happens every time. Now I have to find a way to get him to eat without the syringe. I know this is all due stress I dont think he was socialized well as a young kitten. There have been many days where I cancelled work to be able to feed him, dont let friends come over because hes terrified, I cant sleep or eat myself when this happens. I really believe he will eventually die from starvation and it makes me angry because it's so avoidabe he just has to eat. I feel guilty because I brought this cat home and hes so unhappy and miserable living here that he would rather starve. I love him and dont believe in giving up a furry friend however I dont think it's fair to him when hes just not happy here maybe he would be happy with someone else. I know I would be very depressed but I want the best for my kitty. Hes very fragile and would need to live in a home with no children or other pets and I dont know who I can trust with him. I just dont know what to do anymore I'm literally in tears right now as I pack to go to pet smart to see if theres anything. Please help what do I do.

Food I've tried:
Different flavor/shapes of kibble
Different flavors/textures of many wet foods. Tiki cat, rawz, hound and gatos, fancy feast, feline natural many more
Toppers / freeze dried meat, fish flakes, parmesean cheese, baby food many more
Bland chicken breast/cooked meat/eggs, tuna

- I've tried giving to him in a shallow metallic plate, plastic plate, on the floor, high up on a table, on top of his cat tree, in his safe space, playing with him for 30 minutes and then feeding
I have a 7 yr old cat that will only eat if I a there and cries for me if she doesn't see me. I have started locking her In the bedroom with me at night and using a food timer
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 12, 2019
Thank you everyone for your replies I appreciate it very much. Yes I have contacted the breeder she said she has had many kittens and he is normal. I would not want to give him to her as she seems so busy taking care of the kittens my cat needs a lot of attention and patience. Yes the vet knows about these issues I am going to call today to make an appointment to discuss any mental health/prescription medication he can safely take. This has gone on ever since I first brought him home at 8 weeks old. He is amazing when it comes to using the litter he came home already trained he never ever pees outside of the box he just does his thing on his own. He doesnt vomit. He is not aggressive towards me ever unless I am gunna cut his nails he will fight me but still never attacks me. He hates being picked up bit I know that's normal for cats. It's weird he hates being petted unless it's in my room as I said before my room is his safe space any time hes scared he stays in there. So when he hears me go to my room he literally runs behind me and meows at me to pet him which I love. Him going crazy and being terrified I feel bad but that's not a major problem for me to deal with the main problem is he will refuse to eat or drink. I have the feliway diffusers all over the house the vet suggested it bit it didnt help. I've also tried these herbal relaxant chews for stress.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
I wonder if she misses the kittens. May I ask how long you have had her? One of my cats finally decided after a year it was safe to go out to my living room. I had to feed her in my bedroom then Inched her bowl closer once a week. Now she eats with my other cats,cautiously. Good luck!