Giardia treatment & bath


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2019
I have rescued 2 kittens from outside with giardia. They were diagnosed around 2 months of age and received meds, and at age 4.5 months right now the female is confirmed positive again.

The vet gave me metronidazole for her and panacur this time, but he wouldn’t give me panacur for the boy without a test. I dropped off the boy’s stool sample and am waiting for the results after the weekend. I have been giving metro to the boy also because I have enough meds for both and he prescribed for 10-14 days, so even if I start the panacur later it will be still be within the same range. They are currently separated so that they don’t wrestle or play after their spay/neuter surgeries, which was one week ago.

My question is I read that you should bathe the pets on the last day of treatment. These kitties were fixed 1 week ago so they cannot be bathed for another week. Both had to wear cones because the male had a retained testicle which had to be removed from his stomach. So if I start panacur for the girl and complete the treatment, I still won’t be able to bathe her for another few days.

Should I wait to start panacur, or does the bathing really not matter? Right now I feel pretty hopeless about curing giardia because they keep getting reinfected and it’s really frustrating. I bought a steam mop and will use a carpet cleaner and clean those 2 rooms they’ve been in as much as I can with bleach also, plus any items, bowls, and litter boxes.

As far as cleaning daily that’s just impossible for me other than scooping as I have long work hours and a long commute. I also have 6 other cats in the house, but they haven’t been introduced yet and I definitely don’t want to introduce them until the giardia is gone.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. Don’t bathe them. You can call the vet for confirmation but I wouldn’t bath them. Baths are stressful to cats and stress plays an important role in Giardia. I would start the meds. But call your vet to be sure. Either way if you wanted to bath them it’s still to soon