Genever's got a boyfriend on the outside!


TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
So.. I first saw this cute Mister Grey & White kitty a few weeks ago, he came in the back up the driveway while I was out gardening one afternoon. He was skittish but meowed and meowed and meowed and came up to me eventually but whenever i moved he ran away a few feet, then came back. Well I've seen him off and on, he looks like he's being fed and whatnot, but no collar. How do I know if he's someone's? I just want to steal him and love him.

Today he came around back when I was out, and I decided to go get the camera so I could so you all. Genever was at the screen door in the kitchen meowing, wanting to get out the whole time, like she does..
I told her no, I don't know this Mister, that he might get her sick. (yeah, I don't think she understood me, or cared.
) At one point, Mister went to the screen door and they were sniffing each other, no one hissed or fluffed up, just actually cute meows. I wanted to get inside but not let him in or her out, so I eventually had to kind of stomp my foot to get him to run away a little bit.

Then I saw him poop in the rose garden!
So I went back outside and scared him off.

Then Genever was trilling/chirping/meowing at the sliding door, so I went over and there he was on the other side, they were having a conversation. It seemed pleasant enough. Which to me bodes well for adding another cat, Genever should definitely do ok.

So, enough talk, here's some pics of the Mister cat! (I also snapped one of his backside.. i think he's neutered?, doesn't look huge, but definitely a boy.)

He's always talking, reminded me of Rosie!

The curious kitties...

And the butt.

So, I don't want him pooping in my garden. I don't want to be mean to him either. I want to steal him but don't want to steal someone's cat. Even though I do since they shouldn't let him out especially WITHOUT A COLLAR. Any thoughts?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 2, 2010
If you think he may be a stray, capture him and take him to a vet to have him scanned for a microchip. most people chip their pets now, so that should tell you one way or another. If no chip, then congrats on your new cat!

tea cake

TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 24, 2009
Oh my goodness, that nose is too cute for words!

As for maybe taking him in, perhaps you should watch him for a few days first. Maybe keep track of the time of day when he comes around and perhaps watch to see where he goes when he leaves.

The outdoor cats around my apartment complex seem to have a bit of a "time of day" for being out. Like their owners let them out at the same time every day.

Just an idea. I know not every cat and owner are the same, but it is a little pattern I have noticed. I tend to keep tabs on the cats around here because we have a problem with people moving and not taking the cat with them, and just leaving them outside.

dusty's mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 13, 2005
Originally Posted by rad65

If you think he may be a stray, capture him and take him to a vet to have him scanned for a microchip. most people chip their pets now, so that should tell you one way or another. If no chip, then congrats on your new cat!
I second this! If you're going to have an in/out cat, then put a collar and nametag with a phone number. If you don't want to take this precaution, then the cat is anyone's fair game to adopt.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
OMG Erica...Its a skinny Fatman....seriously if he showed up on my doorstep Id steal him. Its the owners fault for letting him out without a collar or anything...Hes too freakin cute..Maybe its time G-Cat had someone to share her blankie with....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
E, that boy is beautiful! I'd steal him in a heartbeat! Do you think G-Cat would be OK with another kitty IN her house versus coming around to visit from time to time? I'd try it....he's really pretty! And I can already see them cuddling together......uh, yeah, they would!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Wow! She's found herself a handsome one! You could ask around, see if he belongs to anyone, but seeing as Genever's so fond of him....can we call him Greylin?
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TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Aww, thanks for the ideas and thoughts and compliments (even though he's not even mine!)

Ruth- please tell Billy he is and always will be in Genever's heart.
(and mine!)

So since I posted, he must have been hanging around still because when BF got home from work, he was in the driveway, and BF was petting him, and Genever and I were watching from the kitchen window. I think BF was a bit smitten too. He said we couldn't just take someone else's cat. But I think he kind of liked the idea of taking Mister if he wasn't someone else's..

We went out last night with some friends and talked about the kitty, and what Genever's Uncle Scott said was maybe ask my vet for advice? Maybe they would suggest bringing him in for a microchip scan. Or maybe they would say leave it be. I am going to email them today, soon actually.

Oh, and I'm sorry I forget who mentioned it above, that he could be someone's who they let out at certain times of the day.. As far as I can remember I only really see him mid-late afternoon. I can't recall ever seeing him in the mornings, and well I can't see anything outside at night unless the light is on. So I don't know. I still think if they feel the need to let him roam, they should put a collar on him!!!

He just really seems so lovable and wants love and attention, and probably food, but I'm afraid to just start feeding outside cats, I don't really want to attract other critters, especially coyotes. He isn't scrawny, so either he is/was someone's, or he's mooching off other neighbors.

It's supposed to rain this weekend... I want him to be ours!!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Soo.. I didn't see Mister today, but about 20 minutes ago I went to the kitchen, and the back outside light was on- it's a motion-sensor light, and I specifically turned it on in case he'd come around. So I went outside (with a knife, in case it was a bad guy. yeah i'm paranoid. but BF had to travel for work so i'm by myself this weekend!), I didn't see anyone, I went to the side and looked down the driveway toward the front, and there he was! I knew it! I knelt down and called to him but he wouldn't come. So I went inside and decided I would put some food out for him. I really didn't want to do that because of the possibility of attracting non-cat visitors, as I said before, but I did anyway because now I do want him coming around so I can hopefully catch him and get him scanned for a chip at the vet. I put the bowl by the garage, not right by the house. I haven't seen him yet, it's been about a half hour. I'll keep an eye out for the light coming on..

I did email the vet asking what I should do, if anything.. if i could bring him to get scanned or should i just leave him be, etc. I didn't hear back yet, hopefully I will tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Had a similar situation this summer and fall with a neighborhood cat that was coming around -but in good body weight and condition. Found out who it belonged to... well sometime after that they moved out and left this poor baby behind.

Several neighbors banded together and found him a home. He was very loving and friendly.. and is now getting doted on by an older lady.
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TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Yeah, I remembered seeing your threads about a neighborhood kitty but never actually read the threads (sorry!) so I did a search for them yesterday and did read about it. Poor guy, just left to fend for himself! At least Genever seems to like him, or at least is interested in him, unlike your cats were. I hope I'll be able to do something with this Mister cat.. like I said, I'd love to take him in, and we are wanting another cat... and the more I think about it the more I'm not caring if he's someone's. But I guess that'd make me just as bad of a person if I stole him. sigh.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Aww, what a sweetie. he could be abandoned, but recently enough that he's not looking like it yet.

It does sound like he has Chosen you, but asking around you may find out that he's just a sociable, well loved, but by stupid people, cat.

How about printing his picture and either going door to door (bring BF with you), or posting it on local telephone poles.

"Is this your cat? I'm planning to adopt him if no one claims him".

If you don't want to leave your phone number set up a temporary e mail address and put that on the flyer.

No chip and no collar is no guarantee he doesn't belong to someone, people really are that stupid.

And yes, he looks neutered.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
otto- Genever's Uncle Scott suggested last night that I put up signs or ask around too, but I said I'd feel weird doing that unless I actually had him in my house. I've seen "Found Cat/Dog/Cockatiel" flyers up here and there, similar to LOST CAT flyers, with the photo and description. So I always just assume that one should take the animal in first. ?? I don't know. I'll think about it. I really hope he comes back for some dinner tonight.. and at the same time I hope he has a home so he's not outside in the rain this weekend. Gosh, such conflicting thoughts in my head!
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Well I got a call from the vet's office today about the email I sent yesterday. It was one of the office girls who called, relaying the message from Genever's vet I guess. She said I should try to catch him and bring him in to be scanned for a microchip, and they'd also gie him a quick look-over to see how well he's being cared for. She said Dr. Frank said in her experience, owners who let their cats outside with no collar or chip usually don't really care if the cat finds another home, so it'd be up to me if I wanted to take him in. And also she said if I did take him, I could put up Found Cat signs if I wanted to. Didn't actually say I should put up signs, but I could.

So, I will still keep a look out for Mister. No one touched the food I put out last night, but it did rain so it was a bowl of HUGE wet kibbles this morning. It's been raining off and on today, so I hesitate to put out more food.

I hope I can catch this boy!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by DarkMavis

Then Genever was trilling/chirping/meowing at the sliding door, so I went over and there he was on the other side, they were having a conversation. It seemed pleasant enough. Which to me bodes well for adding another cat, Genever should definitely do ok.
Take him to the vet, get him his shots and neutered if he already isn't, and then introduce him to your indoor kitties and become one happy family


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by DarkMavis

Dr. Frank said in her experience, owners who let their cats outside with no collar or chip usually don't really care if the cat finds another home, so it'd be up to me if I wanted to take him in.
Wise vet!

As I said above, take him to the vet and adopt him into your house.
He's a sweetie and no kitty should be running around unsupervised outside.