Full teeth extraction cost?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2016
Hi there!

My cat Louise has to get all her teeth pulled :/ she has feline herpes which I think has given her stomatitis. After going to the vet a few months ago for a checkup and dental cleaning, I noticed her gums were very red. After they gave her her dental cleaning and checkup they noticed her teeth weren't doing well...at all. I forget the specific terminology but I think she had lesions on her gums and many of them were loose. And because she already has a compromised immune system it was very likely she would or does have stomatitis. The dental cleaning helped, but was a temporary solution. Our vet recommended removing all her teeth. At first it was terrifying but after talking to our vet she said there really wasn't anything we could have done/did that would have made this happen. 

We go to a banfield pet hospital in AZ and they recommended us going to another banfield that has the equipment to do dental x-rays and extractions. We were ready to go get xrays but then she got face paralysis from an irritated ear drum from us cleaning it after they told us she had an ear infection. That went away with time and she's fine now. Acting like her spazzy crazy self. So this weekend we are going in to our regular vet to see if she is physically able to start this process. If she is we will go the other banfield for xrays. 

Ever since we found out this had to happen we have been wondering about how much this is going to cost. We have asked at our regular vet and asked the nurse that we ended up making an appointment to for the xrays. Both said they really couldn't give an estimate. After poking around on the internet this seems to be pretty common. I have found many forums on here that talk about how their cats were fine after the extraction, but i was wondering if anyone would share their experience with the process of getting the surgery and what it ended up costing them??

I'm nervous about so many things because I just worry in general. She's kind of a runt and a shitty immune system and I just want her to get through this okay. So far she's been quite a fighter. She's gone through respiratory infections as a kitten when we adopted her, ear infections, and face paralysis. And she's gotten through all of it. I just want her to get through this too, but also have no idea how much this will cost...

Any words of wisdom and experiences are appreciated. 



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Banfield isn't the best vet hospital, IMO. They charge a fortune for extra services and tests and stuff and service isn't the best. The ads they run on tv and radio are misleading. "Free" first exam but if the vet determnes your pet needs vaccinations or medicine, you're charged $$$ for that. I hate the ad where it says you can bring your pet in multiple times a year for any reason whereas with other vet hospitals you can only bring your pet in once a year 
There are threads here on TCS if you want to read more about other pet owners' experiences with Banfield.

I suggest that you look for a board certified veterinary dentist in your area and have your cat's dental done by that person. You can use this directory. Just bring copies of your cat's Banfield medical records to the appointment. I wouldn't be surprised if Banfield charges you for copies of the records

I've never had a full extraction done on a cat but my previous cat had a few teeth removed due to resorptive lesions. I think it was around $2000 and included day ward fee, anesthesia, pain medicine post-dental, and other things.