Friendliest little one ever!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
Hey everyone!
I live in an apartment, downstairs. And I do know that my neighbors upstairs have a cat. I was not sure if this cat that arrived on my porch belonged to them. I did knock on their door (someone was def. home) waited for about 10 minutes. No answer. This was after our encounter with the friendliest little cat ever. I believe it is a he, and my kids have already called him Milo. So ‘Milo’ appeared on our porch this morning around 7. And my kids were freaking excited. I mean, screaming at the top of their lungs. ‘Milo’ then approached the sliding door and started to rub up against it. And then he left. Then he came back when my husband was out there doing car stuff, he fell asleep in the cutest ball ever, right next to my husband. Left. Then came back again. This time, my oldest daughter is out there with him. Mind you it’s about 40 something degrees out. So my daughter brings ‘Milo’ a blanket to keep him warm. ‘Milo’ is rubbing up against her, purring and def. enjoying my daughters company. I then went to Walgreens, grabbed cat food and some toys. He ate. Played with all of the kids. Now it’s night time, we made a box house and lay down a blanket in there. Except, he’s now sitting in front of the sliding door and meowing. I let him in. I do not know what to do. He is very clean, he let me check him! I wiped his cute fat paws and wiped his fur down. No fleas! No crust around his eyes. Nothing. His fur is clean. Can anyone. I mean anyone help me delegate this situation. Because My family and I are enjoying his company so much.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Could you slip a note under your neighbor's door asking if they've lost their cat?

Cats shouldn't be out at all, but it's particular dangerous at night, so if you're happy to let him stay in your apartment tonight he'll be much safer.

A vet could scan him for a microchip, which will tell you if he has a family. Even very friendly cats get dumped sometimes, he could be unwanted, he could be lost. Either way he sounds like he needs your help right now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I don’t know your location but where I live, a lot of cats get dumped. An entire litter of sweet kittens were dumped on the doorstep of my vets office a few weeks ago. I nearly caught someone dumping the sweetest and most loving young one here. They drove away with me gesturing for them to stop! The little one is safe but another showed up at my neighbors house. He is keeping it for now. I also had someone here searching for a lost kitten so we get a variety of situations. Letting a sweet kitty wander is asking for problems for them. We even have leash laws in many parts of the US now for cats. Many people who have cats don’t know that. They may not understand the risks for that kitty either. If you cannot find the owner then I hope you will keep h and make him an indoor only kitty. Thank you so much for bringing him in! You may have saved him from injury or worse. Thank you! I love it that your kids got so excited and that your daughter was so kind to take him a blanket! You have a beautiful family! Please thank your children for me too. You’re a great parent. Please keep us updated.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
Could you slip a note under your neighbor's door asking if they've lost their cat?

Cats shouldn't be out at all, but it's particular dangerous at night, so if you're happy to let him stay in your apartment tonight he'll be much safer.

A vet could scan him for a microchip, which will tell you if he has a family. Even very friendly cats get dumped sometimes, he could be unwanted, he could be lost. Either way he sounds like he needs your help right now.
Those are great suggestions. I will do them tomorrow! Do you know if the vet will charge us to just check if he has a chip or not?
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
I don’t know your location but where I live, a lot of cats get dumped. An entire litter of sweet kittens were dumped on the doorstep of my vets office a few weeks ago. I nearly caught someone dumping the sweetest and most loving young one here. They drove away with me gesturing for them to stop! The little one is safe but another showed up at my neighbors house. He is keeping it for now. I also had someone here searching for a lost kitten so we get a variety of situations. Letting a sweet kitty wander is asking for problems for them. We even have leash laws in many parts of the US now for cats. Many people who have cats don’t know that. They may not understand the risks for that kitty either. If you cannot find the owner then I hope you will keep h and make him an indoor only kitty. Thank you so much for bringing him in! You may have saved him from injury or worse. Thank you! I love it that your kids got so excited and that your daughter was so kind to take him a blanket! You have a beautiful family! Please thank your children for me too. You’re a great parent. Please keep us updated.
Thank you for the response! My children are really extremely happy. We will try our very best to make sure he is returned to his original home. He’s already made himself at home here. It’s the cutest thing ever.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
here he is.

I don’t know your location but where I live, a lot of cats get dumped. An entire litter of sweet kittens were dumped on the doorstep of my vets office a few weeks ago. I nearly caught someone dumping the sweetest and most loving young one here. They drove away with me gesturing for them to stop! The little one is safe but another showed up at my neighbors house. He is keeping it for now. I also had someone here searching for a lost kitten so we get a variety of situations. Letting a sweet kitty wander is asking for problems for them. We even have leash laws in many parts of the US now for cats. Many people who have cats don’t know that. They may not understand the risks for that kitty either. If you cannot find the owner then I hope you will keep h and make him an indoor only kitty. Thank you so much for bringing him in! You may have saved him from injury or worse. Thank you! I love it that your kids got so excited and that your daughter was so kind to take him a blanket! You have a beautiful family! Please thank your children for me too. You’re a great parent. Please keep us updated.
I really wish we could keep him permanently but my husband and kids seem to be allergic to him. They have been sneezing and their eyes are itchy.



Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Do you know if the vet will charge us to just check if he has a chip or not?
It would be a good idea to call a few vets and ask. My vet wouldn't charge for that, but I'm not sure if others would.
I really wish we could keep him permanently but my husband and kids seem to be allergic to him
That's a shame. If he doesn't have a chip and you can't find out who he belongs to please try to find him a No Kill shelter to go to.

Animal Control will probably euthanize him, so don't call them. Here are a few places you could try.

THE BEST 10 Animal Shelters in Santa Barbara, CA - Last Updated November 2020 - Yelp


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
here he is.

I really wish we could keep him permanently but my husband and kids seem to be allergic to him. They have been sneezing and their eyes are itchy.
Cats pick up pollen and other allergins on their fur. It is possible that they are reacting to something other than the cat. I know mine pick up grass pollen which I am allergic to.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
My vet does not charge to check for a chip either. It’s simply a hand scanner. A couple of seconds and done. I hope he is chipped.
Since kitten needs protection until his owner is located, I am wondering if the allergies might just be something, like dust or pollens on the kitty that everyone is reacting to. The vet can bathe him and that may help or stop the reactions. You can bathe him as well but if that is not something you have done before, we can give you tips on how to do it. Maybe it can work out so you can keep him if no owner is found.
I suggest you post signs in your area simply stating “Found kitten.” Then a phone number. Let any callers describe him to you to verify ownership. Most people who have a kitty, also have photos of him. Calling local vets may turn up an owner as well. There are also lost pet sites online and you can check your area. Next door is one that should guide you to your area and besides possibly finding the owner, you may be able to find a rescue group who can provide foster care.
Shelters in the US vary greatly. No kill does not always mean they won’t euthanize so ask how long they can keep him. Right now, due to Covid in the states, many shelters are a bit overwhelmed so space in the best ones may be limited. If you contact the one mentioned above and they don’t have space, ask to be put on the waiting list! Ask about foster homes as well if the allergies are a real problem. A rescue group might be able to guide you in your choice of shelters too. If you google cat rescues and just call for information you may get an answering machine but explain and leave a number. If any shelter or rescue does not call back in a timely fashion, keep calling. Every rescue and shelter that I know right now is very busy. Please keep us updated and don’t hesitate to ask further questions. Everyone here appreciates what you are doing for this baby.:goldstar:
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
Update on Milo. We got a hold of the neighbors upstairs, they seemed a little sketchy about having “just one cat” because they asked me how Milo looked. I told them I just saw him running around my porch, I didn’t mention that he was staying with me. I will head to the vet tomorrow morning to see if he has a chip. As far as the allergies go, my husband and son are still sneezing and constantly rubbing their eyes. Mind you, Milo has not been out since we took him in and I gave him a bath with the correct shampoo. I will look up no kill animal shelters around me and hope for the best.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Hmmm. Maybe they are having troubles in caring for another kitty. I’m sorry everyone is having allergies but very glad you all stepped in to help Milo. Still hoping he is chipped.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
Hmmm. Maybe they are having troubles in caring for another kitty. I’m sorry everyone is having allergies but very glad you all stepped in to help Milo. Still hoping he is chipped.
I am heading to the vet at 12. Hopefully he is chipped and I did some extensive research and called 2 places to see if they would take him. They are no kill places.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
We’ll all hope but it sounds like you have got a good plan going! I really do appreciate all your time and effort to do this and do it very well! Thank you!
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2020
Hi family!
Here is an update on Milo. I’ve called both cat sanctuaries and there is a 6-8 week, to surrender your animal, there is no chip on him and I was told by the vet to post him on a website for anyone to adopt or foster. Fortunately, we were able to find a home for him! The couple has a cat already and they were very friendly towards each other! The family had everything a cat needed and more, now their cat has a new companion! I will be keeping in contact over the next few months with the new family to see how Milo is adjusting. Thank you everyone for your great suggestions and beautiful words! They were very much appreciated!