Fostering a momma cat and her 5 kittens for the first time!

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  • #81


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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
Thank you emocatowner emocatowner ,me too,lol Now to get through this next episode with yet another big C-hopefully God Wants me here for awhile.....hey,no one is guaranteed any tomorrows,that's why we've gotta make the most out of each day above the ground- do something good,make it count!And have Great Expectations
You're a wonderful foster,a good mama too but having an open house to help so many is just fantastic- thank you for helping so many and treating them each like they are the most important one in the world... they so deserve to be loved and appreciated,you warm my heart
Oof sorry to hear it's back :(
I hope it will go well, the world needs more awesome caring people like you in it!

Poor momma had a bit of a setback. I started leaving the hallway/bathroom door open for them, for airflow and exploration. I had a couple friends visit to help socialize the kittens. I went close to momma to grab a kitten, and she bolted to the bathroom, and sat in there for hours even after the friends left, refusing any treats. She also has been refusing to do nose-finger-boops since, though she's slowly getting back into that. The friends will be back in the next few days, hopefully we can get her used to having more people in the room with her, otherwise I don't know how we'll manage to get her adopted.

At least the kittens were ok with strangers. A bit skittish at first, but they were soon eager to come out and play with them. First one to be brave enough was ofc our beloved kitten with the heart murmur, as usual. And then the others followed.
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  • #82


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
I need help again, I'm freaking out a bit. Sorry for graphic images, click on spoiler tag to see.

I opened the Litter Locker today to replace the bag, there was a hole in the bag, and I saw these things at the bottom. They were crawling about. Looks like maggots? Boyfriend's theory is that they're fly larvae, as we did have some flies in the kitchen, and I guess they placed their eggs in the poo before I scooped it?

Can anyone help me identify them and figure out if they came from inside the fosters? I haven't seen anything in their poop.
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  • #84


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
I agree with your boyfriend. It’s fly larvae deposited before you scooped.
See that confused me, because I scoop the foster poo several times a day, usually right after they do their business. On the other hand, I scoop the girls' litter boxes once a day, and I've never seen this with them, or with my previous cat.

Bf pointed out that a few times I didn't "flush down" the litter locker and left the lid a little bit open over night. A few times I scooped while really tired, so the kittens don't step in it again. Between that and the bag having a hole in it, I guess that's how it must have happened.

We're using a non-clumping soil litter with them, and a different clumping litter with the girls. I read kittens aren't supposed to have clumping litter because they may eat it and it could cause a blockage. I wonder if the soil itself could have fly eggs?

I'm also debating if I should bother my vet with this picture, bf thinks we shouldn't unless it happens again or we see other worrisome signs. At worst, I guess I'll ask at the kitten's next appointment in a week, if it could be something else.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It’s definitely not worms from the cats or kittens. This is not what they look like. Google “fly larvae” and you’ll see similar photos. Try not to over think this. It’s summer, it’s hot, and flies get into stuff and breed. It will be okay!
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  • #87


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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
It helps to keep out flies if you can…you have window screens? Swatter? Sarthur2 is correct, but, less flies = a tidier litter box.
I had some screens last year, but they kept getting pulled down by the various cats, so I removed them. I am researching buying some secure cat-proof ones, it would help a ton if I could open the window fully in the kitchen without worrying about the momma cat escaping, though a lot of them can't be set up in our rental.

I used to just catch them in a glass and take them outside, but I've been letting the cats deal with the few flies that make it in. It was great exercise for my old cat with kidney disease that didn't really like regular toys. I kinda continued that with my current cats, even though I feel bad for the flies, but they're not very good at catching them.

You're right though, I really should just start evicting them again or use an electric fly swatter. I don't want to see any more maggot infestations.
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  • #88


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
No more wiggly things these past few days, just a boring update today 🥳

We're starting to get people coming to see the kittens, one of them got reserved today! The rescue said we should expect a call from a good candidate for momma too. It's becoming real that I'll have to say goodbye to most of them in a few weeks... Though we already have another batch of momma and kittens lined up after these get adopted, assuming they're still within the socialization window, they're at the rescue for now.

Making a fair bit of progress with momma too! She's learning target training real fast, I am so proud of her! And she's starting to be more brave with getting on the floor while we're in the room. She just casually hopped down and drank some water while I was cooking! It's particularly good in the mornings, that she's actually on the cool shaded floor instead of getting blasted by the sun on the windowsill. And she's getting chubby! She put on like 700g (1.5 pounds?) since we got her.

I'm starting to let the kittens in our bedroom for a few hours a day. The plan was to just do so with the kitten we're keeping, for scent swapping, but she was terrified to be alone in this big new room and she bolted when we turned on the TV (my bad). So we decided to allow the siblings too, which made her more confident. And two of her siblings were willing to snuggle with me in bed, I'll miss them so much 😭Then we close the door again, set out a bunch of treats, and let my resident girls back in, where we play with them. They're a bit on edge and hissy at first, as they sniff where the kittens were, but I think they're getting more used to it? I hope they are going to be willing to accept this extra gal.



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
No more wiggly things these past few days, just a boring update today 🥳

We're starting to get people coming to see the kittens, one of them got reserved today! The rescue said we should expect a call from a good candidate for momma too. It's becoming real that I'll have to say goodbye to most of them in a few weeks... Though we already have another batch of momma and kittens lined up after these get adopted, assuming they're still within the socialization window, they're at the rescue for now.

Making a fair bit of progress with momma too! She's learning target training real fast, I am so proud of her! And she's starting to be more brave with getting on the floor while we're in the room. She just casually hopped down and drank some water while I was cooking! It's particularly good in the mornings, that she's actually on the cool shaded floor instead of getting blasted by the sun on the windowsill. And she's getting chubby! She put on like 700g (1.5 pounds?) since we got her.

I'm starting to let the kittens in our bedroom for a few hours a day. The plan was to just do so with the kitten we're keeping, for scent swapping, but she was terrified to be alone in this big new room and she bolted when we turned on the TV (my bad). So we decided to allow the siblings too, which made her more confident. And two of her siblings were willing to snuggle with me in bed, I'll miss them so much 😭Then we close the door again, set out a bunch of treats, and let my resident girls back in, where we play with them. They're a bit on edge and hissy at first, as they sniff where the kittens were, but I think they're getting more used to it? I hope they are going to be willing to accept this extra gal.
They've gotten so big-oh boy! Mama looks great ,I'm very excited to hear she might have someone to adopt her
Btw-no such thing as boring updates imo,it's fantastic news when all is well- best update ever!
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  • #90


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
One more tiny problem with following up on dewormer. I just realized that this time, the vet gave me the kind where you have to squirt a thing on their back, instead of the creamy thing they have to swallow.

It worked great last time with my gals, who are willing to let me pet them a bit sometimes, but are spoiled princesses and may not want to touch a "tainted" liquid treat. On the other hand, momma cat will gladly wolf down any food I put in front of her, even with dewormer in it. I said yes at a time, hoping I'd make more progress with her and she'd let me touch her head by now, but we're not quite there yet.

So now I'm thinking what to do. She's starting to let me touch her head a bit sometimes, but I think it will be a while until she'll be ok with the back too. Should I wear my bite-proof gloves, restrain her and get it done? Or should I just use this on the rest of the cats, and ask the vet for another round of paste for momma?

Side note: I'm probably going to keep a 2nd kitten. He's really bonded with the gal we were planning on keeping, and he gets so excited whenever we pet him! We just need to hold strong and actually let go of the 3rd of the gray kittens, who just loves sleeping in our laps and has a crazy loud purr 😭



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
“Or should I just use this on the rest of the cats, and ask the vet for another round of paste for momma?” Yes, I think you should go this route.

Ah, keeping a second kitten! Wonderful!

I wish you could keep mama too. She’s starting to trust you and will have to start all over again with new people.
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  • #92


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
“Or should I just use this on the rest of the cats, and ask the vet for another round of paste for momma?” Yes, I think you should go this route.

Ah, keeping a second kitten! Wonderful!

I wish you could keep mama too. She’s starting to trust you and will have to start all over again with new people.
Thank you!

I have definitely considered keeping momma too. 4 cats is already a bit much. I’m hoping these 2 will make it easier to say goodbye to future fosters. The house would be too empty if I had to go back to just my 2 girls who don’t want to snuggle. Between the gals and future fosters and a full time job, I won’t really have enough time to socialize her properly too. And she doesn’t play or really do anything except be on the windowsill, she doesn’t want to play etc. I think she’d ideally need outdoors access and a patient owner with lots of time. Though I think it will depend on whether I can find that


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
One more tiny problem with following up on dewormer. I just realized that this time, the vet gave me the kind where you have to squirt a thing on their back, instead of the creamy thing they have to swallow.

It worked great last time with my gals, who are willing to let me pet them a bit sometimes, but are spoiled princesses and may not want to touch a "tainted" liquid treat. On the other hand, momma cat will gladly wolf down any food I put in front of her, even with dewormer in it. I said yes at a time, hoping I'd make more progress with her and she'd let me touch her head by now, but we're not quite there yet.

So now I'm thinking what to do. She's starting to let me touch her head a bit sometimes, but I think it will be a while until she'll be ok with the back too. Should I wear my bite-proof gloves, restrain her and get it done? Or should I just use this on the rest of the cats, and ask the vet for another round of paste for momma?

Side note: I'm probably going to keep a 2nd kitten. He's really bonded with the gal we were planning on keeping, and he gets so excited whenever we pet him! We just need to hold strong and actually let go of the 3rd of the gray kittens, who just loves sleeping in our laps and has a crazy loud purr 😭
I'd use it on the others and not use the topical... I had my outside feral( who now resides inside ONLY)on Revolution Plus for many months-I made tremendous progress petting him & every time I'd apply the topical we'd have a week of apprehension afterward- I finally switched him to a pill because establishing a strong level of trust was more important to me....she doesn't need any setbacks when you can easily find another product...

As usual I share the same sentiment as Sarthur2 Sarthur2 -I keep hoping you'll keep Mama,starting over again for her will be very difficult-you seem to be her person!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thank you!

I have definitely considered keeping momma too. 4 cats is already a bit much. I’m hoping these 2 will make it easier to say goodbye to future fosters. The house would be too empty if I had to go back to just my 2 girls who don’t want to snuggle. Between the gals and future fosters and a full time job, I won’t really have enough time to socialize her properly too. And she doesn’t play or really do anything except be on the windowsill, she doesn’t want to play etc. I think she’d ideally need outdoors access and a patient owner with lots of time. Though I think it will depend on whether I can find that
When I decided to take Timmy in( 7yr old true feral FERAL-F1) after a year of searching working cat programs ( no one would accept him)I considered he might never play,not adjust to other cats(he's never been around cats)"and might just stare out a window all day but he does trust ME & loves being petted after all.....and that'd be okay,it'd be up to him but he'd be safe,loved and cared for......

Its been nearly 60 days he's contained in a huge indoor enclosure- next week he's going to experience another change- freedom inside....he chose me & I accepted- your Mama cat will surprise you if you let her stay


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
but I've been letting the cats deal with the few flies that make it in. It was great exercise for my old cat with kidney disease that didn't really like regular toys. I kinda continued that with my current cats, even though I feel bad for the flies, but they're not very good at catching them.
Hey I just want to point out something about this part real quick.. cats can get tapeworms from ingesting flies and fleas that are infected with tapeworm larva. So I would try to not let them eat the flies... Anytime I see my girl going after one I stop her as soon as she is finished killing it. Although she doesn't eat them she just bats them or any flying bug for that matter until they are dead..
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  • #96


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
When I decided to take Timmy in( 7yr old true feral FERAL-F1) after a year of searching working cat programs ( no one would accept him)I considered he might never play,not adjust to other cats(he's never been around cats)"and might just stare out a window all day but he does trust ME & loves being petted after all.....and that'd be okay,it'd be up to him but he'd be safe,loved and cared for......

Its been nearly 60 days he's contained in a huge indoor enclosure- next week he's going to experience another change- freedom inside....he chose me & I accepted- your Mama cat will surprise you if you let her stay
That is awesome! You are being amazing to Timmy!

Still not sure what I want to do with momma, it's not that I don't want to keep her, but I have too many cats at this point. And I have another feral momma and kittens waiting to be fostered, when I'm done with this batch.

I'm definitely not abandoning her, though. All my fosters will get adopted out with a "return any time for any reason, doesn't matter if 20 years passed". So if she fails to thrive in her new home, I'll take her back, and will likely figure out a way to keep her at that point. But I want to at least give her a chance at an even better life.

Hey I just want to point out something about this part real quick.. cats can get tapeworms from ingesting flies and fleas that are infected with tapeworm larva. So I would try to not let them eat the flies... Anytime I see my girl going after one I stop her as soon as she is finished killing it. Although she doesn't eat them she just bats them or any flying bug for that matter until they are dead..
Thank you, I didn't realize that!
Thankfully it's already getting cold here, so there's fewer insects now, but I'll find some good screens to mount up for next year. I'll be sure to remove any flies that make their way inside.


General update:
Took the kitten back to the vet, heart murmur is still there, but still very faint. We're giving it 1 more month, and then doing an ultrasound.
Her and bro are going back for vaccines in a couple weeks.
We also got the paste dewormer for momma. She actually let me pet her head today, like a brief stroke, without hissing or withdrawing! But it would take another week at least to persuade her to let me apply the back dewormer. Hopefully she'll still be willing to eat liquid treat with paste.



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
:itslove:Wait-isnt that 7 babies? Lol love them all-is that Mama underneath-uhhhh,just adorable cuddle huddle!

You are awesome-hats off to anyone who does what you do and wants them to have an even better home( if possible!)
Your forever return policy has just filled my heart with such joy- Great progress report,can you feel my big hug?There it is-up top!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
It isn't as common in flies as it is in fleas but it can still happen so I just rather keep kitty from eating the flies too lol
I never knew that until looking up how cats get all kinds of worms and it was gross bleh
Also something to note tapeworms don't always show up in a fecal sample..
So if your kitty ever gets fleas it will be more than likely that she has ingested some from licking and chewing so my rule of thumb would be if I ever have to treat for fleas I will go ahead and treat for tapeworms it is just 1 little pill.
Medicine to treat most worms does not work on tapeworms it is a completely different med to rid the body of tapeworms
It is better just to use a flea and tick preventative so you don't have to worry though 😉


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Omgoodness they are so cute!!!!! I'm glad they are doing well and I really hope that the heart murmur subsides on its own. You are amazing taking care of them and making sure that whoever you adopt to will return them to you that keeps them safe and from winding up out on the streets.
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  • #100


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 15, 2023
:itslove:Wait-isnt that 7 babies? Lol love them all-is that Mama underneath-uhhhh,just adorable cuddle huddle!

You are awesome-hats off to anyone who does what you do and wants them to have an even better home( if possible!)
Your forever return policy has just filled my heart with such joy- Great progress report,can you feel my big hug?There it is-up top!
Just 5 kittens, though they like forming confusing cat piles. It'll be heartbreaking to separate them, momma isn't showing signs of getting fed up with them. She keeps panicking whenever we take them to another room and in spite of being terrified, comes to check up on them, and sometimes calls them back so they all go running 😭

The forever policy is selfish in some ways. My biggest fear with fostering is always not knowing what happens to them after. This can somewhat mitigate that. They don't have to worry about shelter surrender fees and they don't have to keep a cat they dislike. Though this rescue I work with also takes cats in without a surrender fee, they're bad with money because of loving cats too much 💔

It isn't as common in flies as it is in fleas but it can still happen so I just rather keep kitty from eating the flies too lol
I never knew that until looking up how cats get all kinds of worms and it was gross bleh
Also something to note tapeworms don't always show up in a fecal sample..
So if your kitty ever gets fleas it will be more than likely that she has ingested some from licking and chewing so my rule of thumb would be if I ever have to treat for fleas I will go ahead and treat for tapeworms it is just 1 little pill.
Medicine to treat most worms does not work on tapeworms it is a completely different med to rid the body of tapeworms
It is better just to use a flea and tick preventative so you don't have to worry though 😉
Thank you, I'll ask the vet about this at the next appointment. Surprisingly, they didn't have fleas when they came in (brushed with flea comb). I wonder if it's less common here, or they just got lucky.

Omgoodness they are so cute!!!!! I'm glad they are doing well and I really hope that the heart murmur subsides on its own. You are amazing taking care of them and making sure that whoever you adopt to will return them to you that keeps them safe and from winding up out on the streets.
I'm also worried about them being forced to live with a human that is frustrated with them, or if they get sick and the owners can't afford treatment. I hope I'm not setting myself up for bankruptcy...


Minor update: I messed up with introductions.
I'm doing scent swapping in the bedroom, and there is a window between it and the balcony. A curtain covers it so they don't see each other yet, but a kitten got behind the curtain. One of my resident gals saw him and aggressively pounced on him. There was a window in the way, so nobody was hurt, but it's really sinking in that if I ever forget the door open, she might kill the kittens.
I thought it was getting better, I have the door between my kitchen and office cracked open and give my gals treats close to it. They used to hiss at the kittens, now they stopped. Also with scent swapping, they'd hiss when allowed back in the bedroom, but they stopped that too. Every day I let the kittens in, take them out, set treats everywhere, and bring the girls in to play, so they think "kittens = food and fun". Up next, I am moving their food bowls towards the cracked door, so they see each other a little bit while eating. I think when it's time to bring them in the same room, I'll need to put the kittens in the playpen, so they don't get hurt, and have my bf play with the residents while I play with the kittens or something.
Either way, it's going to be a long process, with my gal being so territorial. I hope they will get along eventually :(