Flood warning


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
So glad to hear from you! I'm glad you didn't go alone and stayed the night too. I'm sure they appreciated that!! It is a shame they lost those things; but they have such a good attitude about it it sounds. Definitely the way to look at things.

I'm going to check out the pics from your paper in a few. So crazy to hear those places on the news like they are. We take 476 and 81 through PA whenever we go to visit my family in New York. We've been doing that since like 95/96 I'd say. After we found that way was 1-2 hours faster than going up through NJ and taking the Thruway. My parents used to meet just off the end at Clarks Summit to "exchange" me when it was time for me to come home in the summer.
The names of these places is just so familiar. I'm glad you are getting a little sun...we could use some here! The gloominess for days is exhausting!!


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
My dad's parents lived just outside Harrisburg and I spent a lot of time there. They had many friends who lived in homes along the Susquehanna, and I remember a few times the river flooding into people's homes.

My heart really goes out to everyone affected.

Pam, I'm so glad you and the family are OK. It's such a shame, all that was lost.

Blairstown, NJ is completely flooded. It was a few stores and a lot of homes. Navigating around here is really difficult right now with all the flooded roads.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Thanks for the update Pam. Sorry to hear your son's new basement got flooded out. Sucks, plain and simple. But, like you said, everyone is there and ok. Sending more drying vibes to PA and the rest of the east coast!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Im glad your son and his family is ok despite the loss of everything in his basement. Losing stuff from a flood is just....undescribable. We had just moved to PA when the 96 flood happened and lived on the Isle of Que. Nothing like alarms and cops banging on the door yelling at you to get out get out get out at about 3am to stick in your head like a bad movie. It makes me glad that the worst we will have to deal with is a swamp at the pond and our driveway washing away.

Things are better in my side of the river. All the roads are opened with the exception of one or two back roads. On a down side however an entire town is shut down completely. Meckleys Dam (I am not sure where its located but somewhere near Herndon) broke and completely flooded Herndon, destroyed Jones Hardware store and shut down their local Sunoco. Both Herndon and Trevorton are down gas stations because the one in Trevorton has bad gas and also cant get more gas so everyone has to travel to Sunbury (where I live) or Shamokin.

From what I gathered about Bloomsburg, the fair grounds are pretty well demolished but atleast three houses literally had their foundations washed out from under them. DF told me about it yesterday and asked if I remembered all the pretty houses in Bloom and I was like yup. He said yeah they are all pretty well destroyed.

I talked to my mom Friday then and asked her about her neck of the woods. She lives on the same side of the river as Pam but the county next to hers. She said that they did a last minute evacuation of the Old Trail which is behind the highway against the river. The Isle of Que was flooded out and that all her friends that lived down there were ok and had enough warning to get their belongings up onto higher ground. One of her friends actually lives on the river, her front yard is a river view. One of her other friends lives on the complete opposite end of the island but is basically sandwiched by the creek and the river and she got hammered by the creek and when that went down got hammered by the river.

Im happy that everyone is ok and now the pieces can be picked back up and put back together. Natural disasters suck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Im going to flip out on UPS! I get not running Thursday afternoon and Friday. But come on now!! Wednesday roads were still open, Saturday roads were open. TODAY THEY ARE ALL OPEN!!!!! I have something very very very time sensitive that needs to show up today or its basically useless!!! Fricker frickyson!!!!!! This bites the big one!!! Im hoping the lack of updates are due to a site issue since there hasnt been one since Friday.

Before anyone says about picking it up myself...I cant I called already cuz on Saturday I was literally stalking my driveway hoping the UPS guy would show up....after I saw about 15 Fed Ex trucks going. Seriously...if this is the case Im totally going Fed Ex for shipping next time because the Fed Ex vans were driving thru the roads that really shouldnt have been traveled on like they didnt have a care in the world..thats dedication!!
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Fricker frickyson????
That's hysterical! (Sorry) As for picking it up yourself, there were times that we tried to call Northumberland to go and pick up a UPS order. Good luck with that.....not going to happen, that's for sure.

Hope the UPS guys get there soon. Things seem to be running fairly smoothly around here now. Our local schools are back in session, except for Danville, I think. They had a lot of flooding in their school.

Lewisburg had their football game last Friday night; it was at Bucknell.

When my brother and SIL came up for dinner on Saturday (from Mt. Carmel), they came up 61, then around Snydertown Road for awhile. Back and forth, back and forth. But they made it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
LOL I have watched way too many episodes of Scrubs...I stole Eliots line 'frick' It helps alleviate my need to swear sometimes..

UPS IS RUNNING!!! Haha I called 3 times yesterday trying to atleast schedule a pick up and basically the first person was all too bad so sad, 2nd person tried to find info for me but couldnt the 3rd person was awesome. Basically the office shut down and they wouldnt allow pick up schedules and they couldnt tell you when it was gonna be running. From what I gathered the really important stuff like documents and whatnot went out yesterday and today they started getting the stuff that was to be delivered last week out today....2.5 hours earlier than they normally start working. Downside..the stuff I was expecting was time sensitive and is now pretty much useless and the return policy for the shipper sucks so Im just gonna have to keep what I bought and hope I can eventually resell it.