
Running Matches

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 8, 2018
I have a kitten that’s 16 weeks old and when I first got her she had a lot of fleas because she and mom would sleep outside. That was 6 weeks ago and I bought some flea medicine and that failed to work so I ended up just washing her with Dawn and taking the fleas out with a flea comb. Now 6 weeks later I noticed that she was scratching herself and I decided to pass the flea comb just for the heck of it. I took out 7 fleas! Now I’m really confused because I remember being in the bathroom for an hour taking out the fleas until I felt confident that there were no more. My cat is not an outside cat she is strictly in doors so I don’t know how she could’ve gotten infested again. She’s also the only pet in our house so no other animal could’ve passed her fleas. Anyways my question is how do I make sure all the fleas are dead and gone from her.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2017
Bathing a cat may remove the fleas on the cat at the time but most of the fleas and flea eggs are in the carpet, sofa, etc. Your indoor kitty will continue to get fleas from those eggs.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Flea medicine takes time to work. One dose isn't enough to fully kill all the adult fleas and unhatched eggs. Follow the instructions on the package for how often a dose can be given. If it's a monthly prescription product, ask a vet if you can give it more frequently and the correct dose.

In the meantime, keep on top of vacuuming your home and washing everything your kitten sleeps on in hot water if at all possible (sofa cushions aren't going to fit in a washing machine;)).

How To Treat Fleas In Young Kittens
Homemade Flea Remedies For Cats

You can inadvertantly bring fleas into the home. Fleas hitch a ride on your clothes, bags, etc.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 28, 2018
You have to work to get rid of fleas. In fact revolution proved effective in getting fleas out of my pubic hairs.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Like everyone else said. Fleas live not only on the cat but on every piece of furniture, carpet, etc they can. They can also go over three months without a source of food. I would continue to use a good topical from the vet or advantage which you can get over the counter for at least 5-6 months if the fleas are that bad. Another thing is the live adult fleas you see on your cat are about 5% of the problem and a handful of fleas can become over 100,000 in a month or two. Washing isn’t going to do anything. As a matter a fact if they are that bad I would suggest a cap star advantage combo. I’ve done this before to four cats. You give the cap star the the next day treat with the advantage topical. Then give a capstar again the next month along with the next topical flea med dose the next day. And do this for 6 months and I promise the fleas will be 100% gone. Remember to vacuum vacuum vacuum and wash all beddings thay hes been on including your own if he sleeps with you. A lot of people seem to think over washing their pets will rid them of the fleas but no they are evil little bugs that won’t go away until you mass murder them all for long periods of times. They’re just awful and I wouldn’t cheap out about it. If you can’t afford to treat thourougly then consider going to a place that can help you out. The humane society in my town does a thing where they give free food to needy pet parents and sometimes will have discounted flea meds. But please make sure you’re using something decent. 10-20$ isn’t going to cut it. Getting rid of fleas is expensive and can be time consuming.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 28, 2018
Like everyone else said. Fleas live not only on the cat but on every piece of furniture, carpet, etc they can. They can also go over three months without a source of food. I would continue to use a good topical from the vet or advantage which you can get over the counter for at least 5-6 months if the fleas are that bad. Another thing is the live adult fleas you see on your cat are about 5% of the problem and a handful of fleas can become over 100,000 in a month or two. Washing isn’t going to do anything. As a matter a fact if they are that bad I would suggest a cap star advantage combo. I’ve done this before to four cats. You give the cap star the the next day treat with the advantage topical. Then give a capstar again the next month along with the next topical flea med dose the next day. And do this for 6 months and I promise the fleas will be 100% gone. Remember to vacuum vacuum vacuum and wash all beddings thay hes been on including your own if he sleeps with you. A lot of people seem to think over washing their pets will rid them of the fleas but no they are evil little bugs that won’t go away until you mass murder them all for long periods of times. They’re just awful and I wouldn’t cheap out about it. If you can’t afford to treat thourougly then consider going to a place that can help you out. The humane society in my town does a thing where they give free food to needy pet parents and sometimes will have discounted flea meds. But please make sure you’re using something decent. 10-20$ isn’t going to cut it. Getting rid of fleas is expensive and can be time consuming.
They are tough creatures and have an armor that is hard to penetrate and can live for 6 months or more without a blood feast. I got rid of them in the house by using a product called Precor 2625 Precor 2625 Premise Spray
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Running Matches

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 8, 2018
I have currently used Adavantage ll for kittens on my 5 month old cat and it’s been more than 12 hours and she’s still scratching herself. I followed all the directions and I even watched some videos on how to apply it. Also what can I use to get rid of fleas from my house for good.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Continue using the advantage monthly for at least 3 months.
Vacuum vacuum vacuum and wash everything that you can that the cat has been on.
Advantage takes 24hrs to kill all the live fleas. It will take a few more days to start killing newly hatched fleas. Don’t expect any quick miracles. Fleas have a life cycle of about three months (tho I’ve seen them service in an unoccupied home for 5-6 months in bad infestations).
You might also use advantages upholstery spray. I used it on the border of the floors. In the cracks to make sure my vacuum didn’t miss anything.
Change vacuum filter every time outside after vacuuming if it’s a bag less vacuum.
Also get a flea comb if you don’t already have one. Brush it through about once a week to see how everything is progressing. If after the 2 month mark nothing is noticeably changed you may have to talk to your vet and get a stronger topical.