
TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2016
I need help. I have two cats I got from a neighbor at 8 weeks old. They had never been outside and still remain indoor cats. They are 5 months old now and all of a sudden the fleas are out of control. I can only guess they had them when they came to me and it escalated quickly. I hadnt had any other pets for 6 months in my house prior and that cat was flea free. So I dont think they were lurking in my home and then attacked the new kittens.

Anyway they have been here since late May and seemed fine at first. About a month ago I noticed a little flea dirt and bought some Sentry to treat them. It didnt work so I waited the appropriate time to treat them again this time with Frontline...didn't work! Now that was a week ago and I need to wait another 2 weeks to try something else in that same kind of product (thinking Advantage?)

In the mean time my cats are miserable and I'm starting to get bites on my feet and ankles!!! I have a small 900 sgft home with only half of that carpeted so I vacuum daily and bought some "all natural" carpet spray/pet spray that made my poor cats sick :( and didnt help the flea troubles.

Ive done the Dawn baths more then once but the cats hate it and it stresses them out. So if Anyone has any tested methods they found helpful that I could use while I wait to apply another topical medication I'd love to hear :) it's getting scratchy over here!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I had the same problem last year, when my indoor only cat and my apartment were suddenly infested.  Here's the link to that thread...there were a LOT of good suggestions, and I am now flea-free!

OH...I use Comfortis.  It's a HUGE pill from the vet, a little on the pricey side (have found it online for less), and tastes horrid.  I dissolve it and give by syringe.  Hekitty hates it, but the fleas are dead in no time flat.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2016
Thank you for the info. I was at the vet yesterday and she didnt mention Comfortis, it looks like a good treatment and something I could use now. I read it is OK to use it with topical meds so I wouldn't have to wait the 2 more weeks to treat the kitties! I think I'll try a more aggressive house cleaning also.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
~GRIN~  I'm in the middle of my monthly "I Live In the South" de-flea procedure.  Hekitty was dosed last night (I still have the scabs to prove it), and she is currently locked, shrieking, in the bedroom.  I sprayed that room with PreCore this morning, let it dry, then sprinkled with Borax and vacuumed.  As soon as the front of the house is dry, I'll sprinkle and vacuum in here, give the hard floors a quick mop with Murphy's Oil soap, and let the wee fiend loose again.  I'm waiting for the police to show up, having been called that I'm torturing a cat to death in my apartment.

OH...about the Comfortis.  When I first put her on it, she was utterly INFESTED!  I didn't realize how bad it was, because she has some allergies, and fleas just don't bite me.  Within an hour, every flea was dead, and there was almost no scratching.
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