Flea Control For Elderly Cats


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 7, 2016
HK (indoor only) has fleas that he brought home some time ago - they first appeared after a trip to the vet. since then, we used revolution, which worked the first few times but then stopped killing the fleas. and he always felt bad for a couple days after we used it. i've steam mopped our place (we have hardwood floors) over and over. we got a powerful vacuum cleaner and vacuumed and vacuumed, but while it helped a little, it didn't really fix the issue. at the moment, our floors are covered with diatomaceous early. we even put some on the cat, which helped with the fleas but dried up his skin badly enough that we're not going to try again. he's very afraid of baths, although we're going to try to sweet talk him into one today.

our vet - who we don't particularly trust - suggested a flea drop his office only just started carrying, and a month later suggested it again. the package says do not use on elderly cats. most other preparations say the same.

a year ago, we gave him capstar. it made him lethargic even at a half dose - he'd go and hide and mostly sleep or at least lie there. and of course, capstar only works a day at a time - actually two days at a time on HK - but we could deal with that as long as he was not being tormented by fleas, if only it didn't make him feel bad.

HK is going on 20 years old and he's getting feeble. he's got kidney disease that's caused muscle wasting, IBS and hyperthyroid, and is on meds for all three. we're at a loss. the fleas are draining him, but our options seem limited, and those we try don't seem effective enough or are strongly not recommended for elderly cats.

has anyone here found something that was effective for their geriatric cat?


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Although, at 10 years old, Hekitty isn't quite geriatric yet, I've had good luck with Comfortis oral chews. She hasn't had any bad reactions to it, and the fleas are GONE. For your house, try Precore 2000. I know it is available through Amazon, but a quick google will probably turn up other sources. You do need to remove the cats from the area, but closing them in one room, treating the rest of the house, then letting them out in 2-3 hours and treating the room they were in works very well. It isn't necessary to take them off-premises.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 7, 2016
comfortis causes diarrhea in 14% of cats that use it the first month, according to the comfortis product info, as well as appetite loss in some. since HK is already quite underweight, this is scary stuff. we gave him a third of a dose of capstar, and while the fleas all died, he obviously hasn't felt well at all.

who would think with a sick, elderly cat that fleas would be the worst problem? :(


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
There's always shampooing (and rinsing WELL) with Original Dawn, but at his age, that brings its own share of concerns and worries. But the Precore 2000 should kill them in your house. OH...and add a squirt on a bit of cotton to your vacuum cleaner bag or dirt bin to kill any eggs you might vacuum up. Vacuums are bad for reinfestations.

babs' slave

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 10, 2011
There's always shampooing (and rinsing WELL) with Original Dawn, but at his age, that brings its own share of concerns and worries. But the Precore 2000 should kill them in your house. OH...and add a squirt on a bit of cotton to your vacuum cleaner bag or dirt bin to kill any eggs you might vacuum up. Vacuums are bad for reinfestations.
I sprayed with Precor a couple of months ago and it has worked wonders. No fleas. I also gave my cats Advantage. Do I need to do that if the Precor is still doing its job?