Feral injured cat barely eats/drinks


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2013
Hello everybody. Im new here and my name is Veronika.

We have since 6 days an injured (broken hip) feral cat at home.

We saw it on the street and called the municipal office which brought it to a vet. As we called to ask how it is the vet asked us if we could take the cat for 3, 4 weeks so its hip could heal.

Stupidly I didnt inform myself and when they brought the cat I let it walk off into the kitchen and hiding there.

As it was in a place I thought it might be cozy (and not dangerous) I let it there expecting it will adjust to us or our cat.

We tried not to disturb it and to hold the door closed but of course we came in to cook.

The first three days it didnt eat and I guess also not drink. The fourth night it ate a bit, but the fifth even less.

I put there everything it might like, chicken, tuna, joghurt, butter, dry food, egg and of course water.

Finally I managed to arrange with my boyfriend to give the kitty its own room. But its still in the kitchen as Im afraid after bringing it to the new room it again wont eat for a few days.

I will wait this night if it will eat more and if not bring it to a vet tomorrow morning.

Neither the vet nor the municipal do feel responsible. In the animal shelter they also were not interested in giving us tips.

Of course it was wrong to take the poor cat without giving it a quite room. As it can barely walk it must be even more afraid.

Now, what can I do in this situation? Is it possible that a cat is eating almost nothing for a longer time? Should I ask the vet to give it injections?

Thank you so much for your time!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Cats can get very sick from not eating. Try everything that might tempt a cat to eat, and if he still doesn't eat you should take him to the vet (like you said, if he doesn't eat anything tonight, go to the vet tomorrow, that would be best). I would suggest force-feeding but if he's feral that's probably not an option.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Veronika, it sounds like you've tried everything a happy cat might eat. But this cat is not happy, probably in pain, and afraid.

What country do you live in?

In the USA cats can sometimes be coaxed to eat with human baby food, the pureed chicken or turkey that comes in small glass jars at the supermarket. Check the label to be sure there's no onion or cornstarch. Best if it is only chicken. Can you offer it to the cat on a spoon? Just a little bit, if he eats then offer a little more.

Smelly fish, like sardines.

If offering canned cat food sometimes warm it a little bit so it smells more appetizing.

After taking him to the vet offer him a box in his quiet room, so he feels like a safe little cave. Broken hip - maybe want to keep him in a cage in the quiet room, with a towel or sheet covering top and sides so it is dark and sheltering.

I hope this poor boy settles down and recovers. It is a lovely thing you are doing to care for this poor cat.

Do keep us informed and tell us how he - and you and your boyfriend - are doing.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2013
He/she finally ate. Must have been very hungry as eating a second portion when i was still in the kitchen.
The tuna I gave him is also very tempting.

Thanx for advices. I hope from now on we will manage to do better.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I am very relieved to hear that he ate something. A cat not eating for days like that is one that has really given up on life and he must be in serious pain. I am sooooo sorry for this kitty and for you, hun, but bless you for taking on his care. Just know you are doing everything you can and doing the right thing by this little guy. Have you tried offering Fancy Feast pate canned foods? Since he has started eating the tuna, try to offer some real cat food and even mix in the tuna to get him started. Fancy Feast seems to be irresistable to most cats. There are also tuna based cat foods to get his appetite going as well. Lots of vibes coming your way for you and for this cat. I hope to hear some good updates very soon. :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2013
Thank you soo much for the vibes Feralvr. With tuna I didnt mean canned tuna ( also heard cats shouldnt eat it?) but high quality tuna based cat food, sorry
It is irresistable, my cat would do almost everything to get to it.
Today kitty ate already a whole can and I could even mix some water in it. So I am more than happy. We also called the vet who told us we could wait another two days even if she wouldnt eat. As she is young and not slim it is not dangerous for her. I am happy we dont have to do that nor to force-feed her.
Its a really cute little thing and I hope she can stay with us or with another family.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Thank you soo much for the vibes Feralvr. With tuna I didnt mean canned tuna ( also heard cats shouldnt eat it?) but high quality tuna based cat food, sorry
It is irresistable, my cat would do almost everything to get to it.
Today kitty ate already a whole can and I could even mix some water in it. So I am more than happy. We also called the vet who told us we could wait another two days even if she wouldnt eat. As she is young and not slim it is not dangerous for her. I am happy we dont have to do that nor to force-feed her.
Its a really cute little thing and I hope she can stay with us or with another family.
Happy :D to hear that your little cutie is on the mend and eating!! Oh good, on the "cat" food tuna and not the people tuna. :nod: Adding the water to the canned is a great way to get more fluids into her. Most of us add water to our cats food. My cats seems to like it soupy anyway. :D I do hope she continues to heal and thrive. BLESS YOU, Veronika, for your good heart. :heart3: :clap::clap:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2013

My little street baby is eating since them a lot and even started eating from my hands and playing with me. Looks like it will be even far less difficult than I expected. He is really the cutest boy I've ever seen.

Thanx for the help,


dr d4

TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
Glad to see that your little warrior is eating.  Feral cat's eating habits are so much different than domestics (for the most part).  They will go days with nothing to eat, then eat as much as possible when they get the chance.  Of course, yours was dealing with a lot all at once, just thought I'd chime in on feral's eating habits.  Aren't they SUCH sweethearts when they come around and warm up to you? :-)