Feral 10 week old not eating

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Alpha Cat
Mar 8, 2018
It may just take time for your younger cat to get used to the new kitten. Sounds like you're doing things right. If they sleep on something portable, you could switch those things occasionally to help each of them get used to the other's smell. Maybe try feeding them in the same room, or give them bits of food as treats when they're together. You're lucky that the older one is so laid back!
Well yeah my senior is laid back younger one is not.

And now the problem is.. my young one has
Refused his pate for 24 hours now. Ate breakfast yesterday then acting freaked out and weirder since. I took him to the vet today and he was hissing, growling, purring at everyone. They said nothing seems abnormal and just gave us Cerenia and if he isnt eating by tomorrow then bring him in for sedated xrays and blood work because maybe he ate something he shouldnt have.

This is all so stressful. Ugh. My senior is acting way more social and energetic and my young one is opposite. Usually he's sprinting around everywhere acting like an idiot. Him refusing Kiwi Kitchen canned food is mind blowing because he would inhale that in seconds any other time. We cant always buy that brand because its 3.50 a can

The foster is eating great now and even purred when I picked her up this afternoon and forced a cuddle. Put her down in front of her food since she was hiding away this morning and didnt eat lunch but ate when I placed her in front of it. I stroked her back and she hissed at me a few times. But I think when Tuesday comes her 2 week quarantine I should try to put her in another foster litter who has done their quarantine and she can spend time with them.. her here alone isnt helping her


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh my gosh, I'm sending all my thoughts and prayers that your youngster recuperates and starts eating :vibes::crossfingers: :hugs: