Felix now frequently pooping on the floor...


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Before, he would just do it once in a while and now his pooping outside of the litter box has become a habit.

He'll do it in our beds or by the back door. His litter boxes are clean and he had full access to them yet he still continues to do this.

I'm scared he won't stop and I have no idea what's going on with him.


spec's pet human
Alpha Cat
Sep 1, 2019
You didn't mention any vet visits, if there are sudden or even gradual issues like this, you must take the cat to the vet for a full checkup to rule out any medical or even nutrition reasoning behind this behavior.
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  • #3


Extraterrestrial Being
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May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
He's been to the vet already for check up and the vet said he's healthy. They did blood work. What other test should I ask for?

There are no other symptoms except that he's been more irritable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2014
How old is your cat? Is the poo really hard (as in constipated) or really loose? If it's either of those, it's very painful too poop so your cat will associate the litter box with pain and hold it in until well.. it comes out. Sometimes it can be the texture or the amount of litter in the litter box. Pooping can be a bit of a balancing act so if they hate the texture of the litter they won't use it. Soft litter can help with that.

check out
Cat Behavior | Pooping Outside the Litter Box


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Is Fayola stressing him? I remember you had mentioned a while back that she didn't seem to like him much, so if she's using more than one litterbox he may be avoiding them because she's using them.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Make sure you have enough boxes, some cats use one for urinating and another for poo. If he seems irritated, I think something may be bothering him, is there a new cat he can see outside? Carefully watch for Fayola bossing him too. There is always a reason for cats avoiding the litterbox, the most common is they don't like the box or the litter, so you might want to have a box with something different in it. If he always goes in the same spot, get some clear carpet runner with the little nubs on the back and place it where he goes with the nub side up so it hurts his paws to walk on it. He'll avoid that area.


spec's pet human
Alpha Cat
Sep 1, 2019
i think it would help if you gave pics of the boxes and the areas surrounding them, and his oopsies on the ground so we can give some more cohesive ideas as to whats going on, such as a visible formation issue in the stools (color, shape, texture) or if it's related to the boxes themselves. i would also think it would be a good idea to take whatever he's leaving around the house into the vet as a sample to run some tests on maybe, if you have the funds for it of course. i know i don't have the money right now to pack up poop and run tests on it lol
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  • #8


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
How old is your cat? Is the poo really hard (as in constipated) or really loose? If it's either of those, it's very painful too poop so your cat will associate the litter box with pain and hold it in until well.. it comes out. Sometimes it can be the texture or the amount of litter in the litter box. Pooping can be a bit of a balancing act so if they hate the texture of the litter they won't use it. Soft litter can help with that.

check out
Cat Behavior | Pooping Outside the Litter Box
Felix will be 10 years old this year. His poops are what I would call normal. Not too loose and not too firm. Brown throughout, no other colour. We have been using the same litter for years and have never had an issue with it other than it being quite dusty during cleaning.

Is Fayola stressing him? I remember you had mentioned a while back that she didn't seem to like him much, so if she's using more than one litterbox he may be avoiding them because she's using them.
I don't think Fayola is stressing him. They get along a lot better now for sure. He's not afraid to be close to her or in the same room as her. They eat together and I try to play with them both at the same time which neither seems to mind.

Make sure you have enough boxes, some cats use one for urinating and another for poo. If he seems irritated, I think something may be bothering him, is there a new cat he can see outside? Carefully watch for Fayola bossing him too. There is always a reason for cats avoiding the litterbox, the most common is they don't like the box or the litter, so you might want to have a box with something different in it. If he always goes in the same spot, get some clear carpet runner with the little nubs on the back and place it where he goes with the nub side up so it hurts his paws to walk on it. He'll avoid that area.
The only new thing right now is the dog. She doesn't know how to he calm around them and she ends up chasing Felix a lot of the time so we keep them separated now and only allow for short interactions. Any calm and respectful behaviour is rewarded.

i think it would help if you gave pics of the boxes and the areas surrounding them, and his oopsies on the ground so we can give some more cohesive ideas as to whats going on, such as a visible formation issue in the stools (color, shape, texture) or if it's related to the boxes themselves. i would also think it would be a good idea to take whatever he's leaving around the house into the vet as a sample to run some tests on maybe, if you have the funds for it of course. i know i don't have the money right now to pack up poop and run tests on it lol
Okay, I will try to get these today, thank you!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Just some additional thoughts, above and beyond those you have already gotten. I take it that he always pees in the litterboxes, and sometimes poops in them as well? One of the things that could be causing him to go outside the box(es) - at least the increased frequency - is the fact that he can smell his scent on the beds and by the back door. The bedding and the floor/rug at the back door need to be thoroughly cleaned with an enzyme cleaner to remove his scent. If there is a rug at the back door and it can't be cleaned, get rid of it and buy something that is washable to replace it. Once the bedding is cleaned, you might consider using plastic mattress covers over top of the bedding, just to help minimize the need for additional cleanings and help to mask any smell if you are not 100% successful in getting it entirely out of the linens.

If by chance there has been any change in the smell of his poop he could be going outside the box to avoid the smell himself. Maybe a recent food change that causes his poop to smell differently? You might not even notice the smell as much as he does. Is he pooping less frequently? I know you said the consistency is normal, but he could be slightly constipated if he is not going as often as he used to - and, it could cause him some irritation because of it. That could help to explain the irritability you spoke of.

It would probably also help to make note of what is going on around the time you notice his higher level of irritability to see if you can find any out of the ordinary 'events' going on in the house - and, note if any of these 'events' correlate to when he goes outside the box. It can be things you take for granted, so be extra diligent in your observations.
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  • #10


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Hi. Just some additional thoughts, above and beyond those you have already gotten. I take it that he always pees in the litterboxes, and sometimes poops in them as well? One of the things that could be causing him to go outside the box(es) - at least the increased frequency - is the fact that he can smell his scent on the beds and by the back door. The bedding and the floor/rug at the back door need to be thoroughly cleaned with an enzyme cleaner to remove his scent. If there is a rug at the back door and it can't be cleaned, get rid of it and buy something that is washable to replace it. Once the bedding is cleaned, you might consider using plastic mattress covers over top of the bedding, just to help minimize the need for additional cleanings and help to mask any smell if you are not 100% successful in getting it entirely out of the linens.

If by chance there has been any change in the smell of his poop he could be going outside the box to avoid the smell himself. Maybe a recent food change that causes his poop to smell differently? You might not even notice the smell as much as he does. Is he pooping less frequently? I know you said the consistency is normal, but he could be slightly constipated if he is not going as often as he used to - and, it could cause him some irritation because of it. That could help to explain the irritability you spoke of.

It would probably also help to make note of what is going on around the time you notice his higher level of irritability to see if you can find any out of the ordinary 'events' going on in the house - and, note if any of these 'events' correlate to when he goes outside the box. It can be things you take for granted, so be extra diligent in your observations.
Yes, he always pees in the litter box and only poops outside of it sometimes. We always throw away or throw whatever he poops on in the wash. But he doesn't always poop in the exact same spot.

His diet has been consistent with the same brands of foods he likes in rotation every week. He poops pretty frequently. I'd say at least once a day a little after he eats breakfast or dinner.

The previous times he pooped outside the litter box, he was stressed. Once when the dog first came and was causing him to be anxious and the next time after that, my dad was really rough and aggressive with him. It made him uncomfortable so he pooped outside of the litter that time too. He's very sensitive. He doesn't like loud noises or fast movement. He doesn't like being scolded or yelled at. Yesterday, when he pooped on the floor, just minutes before, I got upset with him for scratching up the kitchen chair when he was trying to get my moms attention. I didn't yell at him or anything like that. I unhooked his claws and told him to leave the kitchen which he did... and then proceeded to poop on the floor.

The house is pretty small because of my dad's hoarding problem so it's difficult to space the animals out enough to where they aren't clashing with each other. He doesn't get to go into the basement anymore because of the dog. I don't know if this might also have anything to do with it.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It would seem to me to be anxiety/stress related then. How long has it been since you separated the dog from the cats? If not that long, Felix might still be on 'high alert' and until that settles down every little thing probably bugs him more than even usual.

Just for the heck of it, have you tried Feliway diffusers in your home to see if they might have a calming affect on Felix? They don't work on all cats, but maybe they would help Felix with his anxiousness. There are other calming products on the market you could try as well - just do an internet search on 'cat calming products' and see if there are others you might want to experiment with.
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  • #12


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
It would seem to me to be anxiety/stress related then. How long has it been since you separated the dog from the cats? If not that long, Felix might still be on 'high alert' and until that settles down every little thing probably bugs him more than even usual.

Just for the heck of it, have you tried Feliway diffusers in your home to see if they might have a calming affect on Felix? They don't work on all cats, but maybe they would help Felix with his anxiousness. There are other calming products on the market you could try as well - just do an internet search on 'cat calming products' and see if there are others you might want to experiment with.
No, I haven't tried those products yet. I keep forgetting about them until someone mentions them so I will check Amazon right now and add it to my wishlist.

The dog is in the basement but she still comes up to eat, play, go outside, etc. So, she isn't downstairs all the time. She doesn't even really have to see the cats for them to start getting antsy. Fayola will start growling and spitting the moment she touches foot upstairs. I'm just scared this dynamic won't work out.

Felix also got upset when Fayola used the litter before him so he pooped in the kitchen on top of the heater where she likes to lay down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
If the dog was stressing him out that's probably part of it, even though the dog is in the basement the scent still carries so he's always smelling it.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
So, really neither cat gets along with the dog? Fayola's reluctance toward the dog probably exacerbates Felix' reaction as well. The smell of the dog about the house likely has an affect as well, as Talien Talien has suggested. Also, just to try to help out matters, I would get some additional litterboxes to place in the house, maybe one or two beside each other so perhaps if Felix sees one has been used, he will go to the other one. And, then make sure he knows where new ones are placed in other locations too.

I don't know if it will help any, but you might see if this TCS article has any tips for you. How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog – Cat Articles
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  • #15


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
That makes sense. I honestly don't think there is a way to reintroduce them however because it is an issue of personality clash. The cats are calm and docile but when the dog is thrown into the mix, she is rough, loud, and doesn't understand when the cats clearly display their discomfort.

We have pleaded with my father multiple times to clear out the basement so that everyone can have their own space but he refuses. It's a fairly large basement but his junk takes up majority of the room.

I don't know what to do anymore.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
The cats are calm and docile but when the dog is thrown into the mix, she is rough, loud, and doesn't understand when the cats clearly display their discomfort.
I would still seriously try to set up a plan for re-introducing them. Dogs are easier to train, so you might consider studying up on some training techniques to get her to settle down around the cats. It could take a while, but it is worth a shot. If it doesn't work (but, I think it could) you only end up in the same position you are in now. If it helps, then you have gained some improvement in the whole situation.
We have pleaded with my father multiple times to clear out the basement so that everyone can have their own space but he refuses. It's a fairly large basement but his junk takes up majority of the room.
Any chance he would let you 're-arrange' some things? Maybe shelving to help 'consolidate' some of the stuff into a smaller area?
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  • #17


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I would still seriously try to set up a plan for re-introducing them. Dogs are easier to train, so you might consider studying up on some training techniques to get her to settle down around the cats. It could take a while, but it is worth a shot. If it doesn't work (but, I think it could) you only end up in the same position you are in now. If it helps, then you have gained some improvement in the whole situation.

Any chance he would let you 're-arrange' some things? Maybe shelving to help 'consolidate' some of the stuff into a smaller area?
I could try that. I will get on it, right away.

No, he doesn't like us touching anything and he gets very upset and loud when we ask or try to make more room for ourselves. But he continues to bring more stuff into the house so the animals are limited to our tiny kitchen (under the tables) and my bedroom which isn't a lot of room for two cats and a dog. The dog has her play pen in the basement but the cats refuse to go down there because she charges at them whenever they pass by and chases them when she's out.

I really hate this situation because I did a lot of research on the breed before hand and it feels like I've just thrown off the once peaceful dynamic we had going in the house before she came. The breeder also told me that her dogs are easy to train but I haven't seen that yet. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I've been trying my best for months and juggling this with school, I hate that the cats are unhappy and it's my fault.
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  • #19


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
That being the case, put the breeder's claims to the test. Tell her what you're facing and let's see what she has to offer!!!
I've told her multiple times I've been having a difficult time with the dog and that I need some sort of help but the most she's offered me is the suggestion of a prong collar and a daycare meant for dogs if I need a break from her. So, I don't know what else to do. Doesn't seem like she can help me anymore than that. I feel like I'm on my own in this.