Feline Polycythemia Vera


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 12, 2014

first of all, I'm from Germany, so excuse my bad english. I did'nt talk english for a few years.

My cat Sheila is four years old. For 99% she has Polycythemia. 2 weeks ago she had a seizure (i hope that's the right word for it). She was blue in her face.. i thought she had something in her mouth. We drived to the nearest Vet, but it was only someone who stand in for his college. He was very bad.. But i accepted it fot the moment. He said it's not ok, but it isn't critical. Could be something with her heart.

Hm.. a week later I drove to my standard Vet. 

They took a blood sample - hematocrit was about >80%! All of us were shocked.. but everything seemed to be a chronical lung disease. She got medicine for her bronchia and ASS to get the blood thinner. 

We planned to do a ultrasonic for her heart, but today in the early morning she got a new seizure. I called the Vet and she said I have to come directly. 

Sheila had to stay there in a box with O2, she became a phlebotomy and they did a ultrasonic for her heart and her kidneys. Everything was ok, so the Vet is for 99% sure that it is Polycythemia. :( In the morning in the Vet practice she had again two seizures (the third alltogether for this day). The Vet had only one case of Polycythemia in her hole career. Our teaching hospital was called for advice, but they did'nt have more cases. 

My Vet is going to send a blood sample to a lab in UK for checking the Epo and to be 100% sure that it is Polycythemia. This will last 14 days..

Sheila stays in the Vet practice this night. 

Therapy is planned with I think hydroxyurea, but in Germany there are only 500mg dosages.. this is a bit difficult because you aren't allowed to split it. But my Vet is calling some pharmacy!

I'm so desperate because I thought it will be so expensive! and stress for the cat.. and Vet said she has only 2-4 years to live..

I read a few comments here with cats, who lived 7 and more years with Polycythemia.. so I hope the best for my cat too.

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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Herzlich Willkommen!

I'm not at all familiar with polycythemia or hydroxyurea, but hopefully somebody who is familiar with the disease will see this thread and relate their experience. :cross: that a pharmacist can help with the proper dosage.

In the meantime, many, many :vibes: for Sheila.