feeding tube and kitty not pooping

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  • #61


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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory.  It is the steroid that is usually given for IBD.
Oh... Well she was on that and buprenophine? But they said I didn't need to continue that unless she appeared to be in pain.
We were laying here and I wasn't touching her or anything and she was making this almost whimpering/groaning kind of noise that I've never heard her make before. Her eyes were dialating back and forth and she was breathing heavier than normal. She would start growling and flipping her tail (that what she does when she's mad before she scratches you) if I tried to pet her anywhere but her head.
I'm not sure if when she went to the vet today they irritated something, but she didn't look comfortable to me, so I ran down and go her some more of that pain killer and gave it to her. Now she seems more relaxed and is napping next to me. I hope this helps her get better. I just want my monster back.

I also called and left a message for another mobile ultrasound company to see if maybe they were cheaper than this other one, if I could find something around $200, I could probably make it happen.
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  • #62


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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Bucket seems so much happier now with the pain meds. She must have been in a lot of pain. She even felt like doing a feeding she followed me to the kitchen and waited there the whole time while I got it ready for her, all on her own. Then when I was ready, she started to walk away. I gave her the chance to do part of the feeding on her own and she did about 10mls. She had only had one very small BM all day, so I was concerned she was getting backed up, but she after the feeding she had a normal sized one. Now we are both resting until her last feeding of the night.
Fingers crossed we get moving in the right direction again.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Glad she is feeling better, but I kind of worry that it is taking a pain killer to do it.  This is a little unusual for an H/L kitty, I think (to NEED pain killers).  I just wish we knew what started her issues in the first place...I know you do to
, and I know money is an issue right now, and I know often ultra sounds don't even tell you anything 
.  But the Vet knows when you pet her on the left side, she appeared to be in pain?  And the approximate location?  Can he speculate from that information?

Let's just hope the antibiotics and other meds to the trick
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  • #64


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Glad she is feeling better, but I kind of worry that it is taking a pain killer to do it.  This is a little unusual for an H/L kitty, I think (to NEED pain killers).  I just wish we knew what started her issues in the first place...I know you do to :alright: , and I know money is an issue right now, and I know often ultra sounds don't even tell you anything :sigh: .  But the Vet knows when you pet her on the left side, she appeared to be in pain?  And the approximate location?  Can he speculate from that information?

Let's just hope the antibiotics and other meds to the trick :cross: :hugs:
I'm really hoping the pain was only temporary, maybe from the vet poking around. I don't think she had the pain the whole time based on her behavior, just those two days before and then significantly more after the vet. She doesn't seemed bothered by it now.

I've looked into the ultrasound more and I have decided I want to do it, but realistically, I won't have the money until the 1st. I am going to call on Monday to see if the Ultrasound service offers payment plans.

Bucket was super cuddly all night last night, I don't know if she was like because she feels better or because she knows I needed it.

Today was such a hard day at work. I'm really not usually an emotional person, but I couldn't keep it together when a coworker asked me how far I was going to let things go with Bucket. I have another coworker who is just a negative person and since Bucket was first sick, she said she probably won't make it, and she will make comments like I should just give up because Bucket is old. Today, she came up to me and said I needed a kitten. I said "No, I don't." And she said "Yeah, you do." And it went back and forth like that for a couple minutes until I just said "No, I just need my cat." She gave me a look and walked away.

I'm not ready to give up on Bucket. I honestly believe that when you get a pet you promise to love and protect them until they decide it's over. And Bucket isn't done in this world. She still eats (some), she still drinks, she still purrs when I rub her ears, she can still walk around the house and jump on things, she still likes to watch birds out the window, she still poops and pees in a designated area (might not be the area I chose, but it's not just anywhere or on herself)... And as long as she is still doing all of those things and making progress and having good days or good things happen... I'm not giving up. I owe her that.

I'm sorry... I just really needed to vent.

I was also so sad to hear about dear Squeak's passing. I hope her parents can rest knowing that she is in no pain and eating all she wants over the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace, Squeak.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I think hearing about Squeaky probably affected you more than you thought, and that, coupled with your co-workers' thoughtless attitudes', kind of sent you into a tailspin
.  You are right, though, when we adopt an animal, we are promising to take care of them, no matter what.  They are not trash that we simply throw away when things get tough.  We love them and take care of them and do all we can for them and (unlike with humans), when their suffering gets too great, we actually release them from that, which is the greatest love we can show.  But until that time comes, we do everything we can for them.  In MY case, I don't have any human children, so I'm probably more attached than I should be
.  I would probably run into a burning building to rescue my furbabies, but secretly I think almost everyone here would.  

Shoot, my kidney cat is 15 1/2 years old, and she gets shots every other day, sub-q fluids twice per week, she poops on the bathroom floor with some regularity, requires meals 5 - 7 times per day, plus feedings in the middle of the night, and is in general a pain in the behind.  But would I have it any other way?  No way (other to have her healthy!!)  People who don't have furbabies to love just don't understand, so pay them no mind. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
katkin9 katkin9

Ignore people who have no idea what kitties mean to us when they come out with idiotic statements. Don't even reply.
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  • #67


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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens stewball stewball

Thank you guys, I am feeling a bit better today. This is definitely an emotional time though. Most people I know are supportive and understanding and even rooting for Bucket.

I'm going to do everything I can to get the ultrasound as soon as possible. And I'm going to call the vet tomorrow because I have some questions, Bucket's normal doctor won't be in unt Wednesday... But I would love to hear any thoughts you all have on my questions since I'm so new to all of this.

Here is a list of her current medications:
Orbax (antibiotic) - 3.5 weeks
Prednisolone (steroid and antiinflamatory) - 3.5 weeks
Cerenia (nausea) - on and off for a month, 2 weeks straight.
Cyproheptadine (appetite stimulant) - 2 weeks, she was on another one, but they switched because it wasn't doing much.
SAMe LQ (liver health and B vitamins) - 4 days
Buprenophine (pain killer) - as needed 2 weeks.
I was also giving her Marin Pro, but he vet told me to stop when I started the SAMe, she only had it for 4 days.
I was also giving her digestive enzymes once per day, but the vet only wanted me to give her what they had prescribed, I never mentioned the digestive enzymes though.

So now for my questions...
1) She hadn't been throwing up or nauseas this whole time, I figured because of the cerenia, until I stopped giving her the digestive enzymes. Her stool is also a lighter color now. Should I start giving her the digestive enzymes again? Or should I be giving her different digestive enzymes (not sure what brand is best), I used NaturVet with probiotics.
2) I've heard with the extended antibiotics that she should be getting probiotics, but most probiotics don't have enough strains or don't survive the stomach acid. Should I be giving her probiotics and if so, what kind?
3) Since the SAMe LQ doesn't have Milk Thistle (Silybin) and milk thistle can benefit the liver as well, why can't I do both? SAMe LQ has 20 IU of vitamin E and Marin has 50.
4) I've read a lot that suggests that L-Carnitine would be a good supplement to add as well, should I add it and if so, what is a good source?
5) From everything I've read cats with liver problems are usually prescribed ursodiol, would it hurt to try this for Bucket?
6) She is still leaking urine when she jumps. Today she leaked urine when she jumped on the bed, but this time there appeared to be a little bit of brown in the urine, like old blood?

As always, thank you all for your help. denice denice mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Most of these questions are definitely ones to bring up to your vet.

If the digestive enzymes seem to be helping I would definitely ask about that.  Was your kitty checked for pancreatitis?  The definitive test is a bit pricey because it is sent to Texas A & M.  The enzymes seeming to help may be an indication of an issue with the pancreas.  I can understand your vet being cautious with those, they can make things worse.  My vet didn't want me to even try them. 

I don't understand the urine leakage at all.  Was she checked for a UTI.  Kitties also tend to carry stress in their bladder and can have cystitis without an infection.  Another thing that might help, though is a bit pricey is a Feliway diffuser.  Many vets carry them for sale and also have them going in their clinics.  I have no idea though if they add an additional markup on the price.

This is the probiotic I have started using http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/Dr-Formulated-Probiotics/Dr-Formulated-Once-Daily.aspx   I got it at the Vitamin Shoppe.  I split a third of a capsule between two kitties twice daily.  Of course check with your vet.  While on the feeding tube it can just go in with the food slurry.  I don't think it affects the flavor of food at all.  My kitties are sometimes temperamental about finishing their wet food so I mix it with a tiny bit of food and give it to them first so I know it gets finished.
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  • #69


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Most of these questions are definitely ones to bring up to your vet.

If the digestive enzymes seem to be helping I would definitely ask about that.  Was your kitty checked for pancreatitis?  The definitive test is a bit pricey because it is sent to Texas A & M.  The enzymes seeming to help may be an indication of an issue with the pancreas.  I can understand your vet being cautious with those, they can make things worse.  My vet didn't want me to even try them. 

I don't understand the urine leakage at all.  Was she checked for a UTI.  Kitties also tend to carry stress in their bladder and can have cystitis without an infection.  Another thing that might help, though is a bit pricey is a Feliway diffuser.  Many vets carry them for sale and also have them going in their clinics.  I have no idea though if they add an additional markup on the price.

This is the probiotic I have started using http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/Dr-Formulated-Probiotics/Dr-Formulated-Once-Daily.aspx  I got it at the Vitamin Shoppe.  I split a third of a capsule between two kitties twice daily.  Of course check with your vet.  While on the feeding tube it can just go in with the food slurry.  I don't think it affects the flavor of food at all.  My kitties are sometimes temperamental about finishing their wet food so I mix it with a tiny bit of food and give it to them first so I know it gets finished.
I had no idea digestive enzymes could make things worse. When she got jaundice the first time (and recovered very quickly) the doctor said she may have pancreatitis, but said the test would be expensive and the treatment plan would be the same, so I never went through with it. But we really don't know what caused the HL, it could be pancreatitis, her dental problems, or something we will find on the ultrasound. From what I've read HL, pancreatitis, and IBD like to come in a trio. So for all I know, it could be more than one. Though she has never really had diarrhea. I will definitely be asking the vet that's in tomorrow all of those questions and calling the ultrasound place to see if they will offer a payment plan.

She wasn't checked for a UTI, but at this point it may be worth it... Except she's had a UTI here and there and they've always given her Orbax for it (She's allergic to Clavamox).... So I don't understand how she could still have one, but maybe crystals or something?

I tried the feliway a long time ago with her when she was about 4 or 5 and we were living with my sister and the other cats were stressing her out and I don't remember that it helped much then, but things can change I suppose. Plus we sell it at the Farm Store I work at so I will get a discount on it and I can return it if it doesn't... So it's probably worth a shot when I get paid.

Thank you for your suggestions.
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  • #70


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Alright, so I talked to the vet and he said he has had some cats get nauseous on the SAMe LQ, so I supposed to drop her dose in half for two days and give it with food. Then go back to giving it to her on an empty stomach, but only half her dose. Then after a week, increase it back to the right dosage. As for the everything else, he thinks we should wait on the ultrasound results to add adjust the treatment plan. 

I applied for Care Credit and was approved for $500, so that will cover the ultrasound, then if they need to biopsy... I will have to cover the rest. I called and left a message at the ultrasound place (it's up near Portland), so hopefully they will call me back soon so we can get this done ASAP. I feel bad because this going to be a long car ride for Bucket (1 hour, maybe a little more), she hasn't been on a car ride that long since she was three and she hates car rides. 

I'm praying that we find a solution, I'm ready for her to be moving towards recovery again. 

Today, she has been so nauseous, I have only been able to get 60ML in her, the doctor said I could give her another cerenia. I did about a half hour ago and she kept it down this time. I'm hoping I can get a a little more food in her before I need to run some errands. I feel so bad for her, she just lays there with her eyes open. She must be feeling somewhat better because this morning she managed to escape outside when I was letting the dogs out (I have to walk my old girl out because her cataracts are so bad she can't see and they progressed so fast, she didn't have a chance to ease into no vision). 

*just keep swimming, just keep swimming* 
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  • #71


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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Bucket and I will be leaving in a couple hours to head up to the Radiologist for the ultrasound. One of my friends offered to go with us for support. Bucket had to fast all night, so I'm bringing food with me... I hope there's a way I can feed her right after.
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  • #73


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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
It is with unimaginable sadness and a shattered heart that I report that Bucket has a rare form of cancer obstructing her gallbladder. The location of the mass is such that it would take a board certified surgeon to remove it and even still the chance of a good outcome is very slim. They gave her a week. I promised myself and Bucket, that I would accept when God was calling her home and when it was her time to go even if I wasn't ready and I would not let her suffer. That time is here and so I will be making arrangements over the next few days and making sure that Bucket's last days are the best days ever.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
OMG, I am SO, SO sad to hear this.   My heart is breaking for you. 

We are never ready to let them go, but as you say, we don't want them to suffer, so WE do instead
.  It's the least we can do for all the unconditional love they give us over the years. 

We're here for you


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I am so sorry.  Try to enjoy the time you have left with her.
Last edited:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 24, 2015
I am soo sorry. I understand the pain you must be going through. Both the hubby and I still can't believe Squeak is gone. We only regret that Squeak couldn't pass at home out on her deck looking out over her garden. . It's such a quiet house now.....

Take comfort in knowing you will make her last days the best. just love her and comfort her. Big hugs to you and kitty kisses to Bucket.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 18, 2015
Canada, BC, Kelowna.
im so sorry to hear about your furry baby, I just put my own down on the 7th she had cancer as well, and HL for weeks. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Now I'm crying and i wasn't before!
I am so sorry.
I know you'll make her last days as comfortable and happy as you can and she'll know she was loved.
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  • #79


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 28, 2015
Thank you everyone for your kind words, Bucket has had such a great day today. I haven't seen her so happy and comfortable in awhile.
We've done all kinds of stuff, she got tuna fish, she got to go outside and spend time watching the birds, she got to lay in bed and snuggle all day yesterday and a lot of today, she got brushed while laying in the sun, she had some friends come and visit her last night and today to say good bye. She is getting so much love and affection.
I've arranged for her doctor to come to the house and help her along here. I promised her no more appointments. I'm not sure if it should be this evening or tomorrow evening. I want to keep her as long as possible, but I don't know if I could make tomorrow any better than today. I'm praying for the answer to come to me loud and clear, so I can hear it over my own yearning to keep her for another day.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Well, I guess that decision really depends on how you think she is feeling, overall.  Does she appear to be in any pain...is she throwing up still, etc?   Is she eating or drinking anything at all? 

It's great that your Vet will come to the house for her.  I wish more of them would do that. 

Be strong and, again,  know that we're all here for you during this most difficult of times.  