Favourite Hairstyle?


Warrior of SandClan
Thread starter
Super Cat
Oct 22, 2017
Planet Earth
So, I'm getting a new haircut soon, and that brought to mind an interesting topic for The Cat Lounge.

Do you have any favourite hairstyles? Hair colours?

I personally love red hair, and I love short curly hair. My own hair is brown with golden-brown streaks, it is wavy when it's long but whenever I cut it short I look like a Hobbit (you know, from The Lord of the Rings). However, I love the super-curly look so much... that's why I'm getting it cut.

Any other hair-style lovers out there?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Well, my hair is fine, straight, and (at this point) brown with a bit of gray; it was blonde when I got married several decades ago. I wouldn't mind going blonde again, but it's not worth the time and money to me. I wouldn't consider dyeing it at home; I've seen what a professional dye job looks like, and what it takes to achieve that look, and I wouldn't like anything less than that.

When I was young, other girls my age were ironing their hair to make it straight, something I never understood since I was trying to figure out how to get mine to curl without having to sleep on curlers. (This was before blow driers became common.)

The last time I got a permanent I ended up looking like Harpo Marx, so I haven't done that again! :lol: At this point I prefer my hair short, for ease of care, but in the past I've looked good in a bun with little curls all over it (my hair was very long at the time) or a French twist. The bun and curls are better for a younger woman; I would never try that now. However, I may go with the French twist again one of these days.

I have a friend who just retired (she's a doctor), and to celebrate she went out and got a bright multi-color dye job; I must say that it looks rather good on her.



TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I do get color done at the salon now. Because of the way I get it done I only go 3 or 4 times a year, I get a combination of lowlights and highlights. She does one foil with the highlight which comes out a golden blonde not platinum. She then does the next foil in a neutral brown and leaves the next section a natural color. The grey that is in my hair blends in and the roots have to get pretty long before they start to become very obvious.

I have had it in a sling bob for awhile now but I was starting to get tired of it. I go to one of these cheap places for a trim and the girl really didn't know how to do a sling bob and she got help with it but it wasn't really done right. I kind of liked how it turned out though. The next time I am going to go where I get color done and get a haircut. I think I am going to go back to the heavier layering and give up the sling bob. The shorter hair on the top makes my thinning hair look thicker.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I go to one of these cheap places for a trim and the girl really didn't know how to do a sling bob and she got help with it but it wasn't really done right.
At some point many years ago I asked my hairdresser to write down exactly how she was cutting my hair, since it always came out looking good. I put it on an index card -- it's just things like how long the bangs should be (though I don't wear bangs, I comb them back, but that's a good way for the stylist to measure), where to cut it over my ears, how long in back, that kind of stuff. Modern styling equipment actually includes a ruler on the back of the comb so the stylist can easily measure these things while cutting. I can take my index card in to any stylist, and as long as he or she understands English I can get my hair cut nearly perfectly. (Note: That was not the plan when I got her to write it down; I planned to be traveling, and that's why I needed it, but it has still come in very handy over the years. And, yes, I have been very careful to back up the information on the card on my smartphone, just in case something happens to the card.)


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have basically worn my hair the same for 40 years and I cut it myself. A layered longer cut to my shoulders, with shorter swept back bangs. I can't stand the new styles, I have tried them several times but to look like you just got out of bed is not my style. I have to blow dry it and use a curling iron every morning, but it only takes 15 minutes. My daughter talked my 83 three year old mother into just 'letting it go' like everyone does now days and it looks absolutely awful, longer grey hair sticking up everywhere. She used to pull each side up to the back and curl it and it looked great. I would rather spend 30 minutes each morning applying make up and getting my hair to look presentable, than to look the way most of those women do every day. I'm ready for anything that comes up, unexpected guests to traveling on the spur of the moment. I think the best way to judge a hair style is to have someone take several pictures of yourself and really look at them, does the style flatter you? Does it look natural? How about the color, is it ageing you? If you saw your own picture what would your first reaction be? Everyone's style is subjective though, to each his own!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I love curly hair, so of course, mine is completely straight. But it's baby fine and low maintenance and I'm lazy so it works. I usually keep it shoulder length, because I don't like how I look with short hair and it's too fine to go really long without looking sickly, but it's usually back in a ponytail.

I also had blunt bangs until I was like 17, and I've tried the longer ones because I do have a high forehead, but they require more maintenance and they just end up getting grown out.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I don't really have a favorite hair color. I do get color done at the salon. The same woman cuts my hair. She does highlights and lowlights and leaves some grey. I can go several months in between. I think I had color done three times this year. What I don't like is how women color their hair and try to have it the same color they had when they were in their twenties. As we age, we do get wrinkles. When our hair stays dark, it accents every wrinkle and only makes us look older. Women in their sixties and seventies need to go lighter, not darker in order for their hair to be more natural looking.

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
My hair is naturaly ash blonde, which means that It looks dark dirty blonde unless I am in a sunny place for a long time. Then, It gets almost white. None of these extremes please me at all, so I've been dyeing It for years. There is a ton of it, by the way, but It doesn't look like there is such a lot of hair because it doesn't have much volumen as it is thin and straight, so most hairdressers have mixed feelings about it. I usually don't style It, just let It be, straight as It is, but once in a blue moon or so I curl It and enjoy looking at those bouncy locks and the amazing volume it aquires.

My favourite color is red, so, of course, I had to try It in my hair :) after trying a couple of shades of natural looking copper tones and strawberry blondes, I tried trully red hair. Everyone advised me not to do It, of course. But I am glad I did it.
I loved It. Actually, most people had to admit that, even if they didn't like that unnatural shade, It did look nice with my very pale skin and my rosy cheecks. It looks much better than my Ash blonde, that everyone agreed. I wore it for years layered to middle back lenght, and some of my students said I was like Ariel :D

I have changed It recently, cut It just below my shoulders and replaced red by a golden blonde. In an ideal world, I could have my deep red hair and no one would have a word to say about It. But, since world is far from ideal, I have to stick to a more discreet look until I retire. Probably red hair won't make sense any more then.
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Warrior of SandClan
Thread starter
Super Cat
Oct 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Cool posts so far guys! I'll update you on my haircutting: turns out it doesn't get too curly when I cut it, but it stays wavy and looks very cute. I'm very pleased with the results


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2017
I had long, thick hair down to my back for nearly a decade. About 6 months ago, I got a lot busier and just got annoyed with how much time, shampoo, and effort went into maintaining my hair. So I chopped it all off. :D Now, I have a short pixie cut that I absolutely love. I can't believe it took me so long to try it. And the best part is, I figured out the shape I like after going to the stylists a few times, and I can now trim it myself. Maybe at some point, when I have more time, I'll try getting it colored. Just annoying that you have to bleach black hair to get any color to show up.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
My hair is very fine and very straight and I wear it short now because I can't really do anything with it. I used to get perms, but they've gone out of of style and I saw a picture of myself recently with a perm and can understand why. I would never pay to have my hair colored, even thought I wouldn't mind getting it back closer to the original brown color (minus the grey), but it's not worth the money to me or the time you have to invest in it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
My hair is long, thick and very curly. I've always worn it long as curly hair doesn't fair well when its short. I mainly wear it in a braid or ponytail. Its just easier to keep the cats out of it. :climbcat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 2, 2013
My favorite hairstyle these days is a messy bun. It's quick, it's easy, it doesn't matter if I do a good job or not, and the more disheveled it gets throughout the day, the better it looks. :lol:

I have really weird hair where the front part is thin and bone straight, and back is extremely thick and curly. So after spending most of my life trying to curl and tease the front to try to match the back, or straighten the back to match the front, I just finally gave up. It's a heck of a lot easier for me to pin my long hair up in a quick updo, and the money I save from not having it cut and colored at the salon anymore I can spend on the cats. :wink:


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
I like a shaggy graduated bob. All I have to do is put gell in it and blow dry it. I don't have to style my hair or anything. And it works great for thin hair like mine. I love haircuts where it looks like you did something with it but I literally did nothing and it looks like I messed with it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
I have had long hair my whole life. Then a few years ago, I started to despise it. I guess it was a combination of aging, medication, and living in the humid south that turned it into a huge frizzy mess. I finally said enough is enough and had it cut off. I am soo glad I did. It's so much cooler in the hot months and no more frizz! This is the pic I always show the stylist when I go in for a trim.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I love that style. Unfortunately my hair has thinned out to much for that. We always want what we can't have. I used to have really thick hair and I got tired of dealing with it, I wish I had it back now.

I also like Mika Brzezinski's hair but again mine has thinned out too much for it.


Max's Human

Alpha Cat
Nov 25, 2017
Hairdressers always comment that for being blonde I have a lot of hair. The preChemo color was blonde and straight. As it grew back in not only did I look like SHIRLEY TEMPLE but it turned gun metal gray!!! I learned curly hair GETS BIG when you mess with it, so I only gelled it! As it grew back blonde with a fair amount of white/gray but with all the colors it looks HIGHLIGHTED. I wear it short because i think there comes an age where it makes you look older, I do not want to spend time messing with it and love the wash and wear timeframe. When I was wearing it long I always in a bun or ponytail, so why bother?? I get up at 4:45am and that is already EARLY....and being SHORT you can see my 6 earrings (dumb idea that was).