Exotic BAN bill in Ohio

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amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by sarahp

I'm so sorry to hear this is happening John! I'm not in Ohio, but if I can help, just let me know what I can do!

Have you tried approaching tv stations to do a story on it? If you can get on tv showing your beautiful animals, how well cared for they are and how silly the rule is, then maybe you can drum up more support?
We have thought about the media, but at the moment, we are hoping to stop this bill while it is in committee, before it goes for a hearing. If it goes for a hearing, then we will go to the state house. The media can be a tricky thing. The media has never been good to exotic animal owners. As many of you are aware, before you seen my posts, you may have gotten all your information about these crazy people who own these cats, by the negative reports of the media
The media makes it look like we are all nuts
Are there "bad" owners, well just like anything people do, of course there is the good and the bad. However, the vast majority of exotic animal owners are good responsible owners. Even more responsible and caring, than a lot of people are with their own children. If we go to the media, I am sure the media will also speak with the Rep who introduced the bill. You know how politicians are once they get media time. He will speak in a way, that will make this bill look "good". He will use it's all about regulations, to help make people more responsible. As I have stated before, fair regulations are a good thing. I already live by regulations that exceed the USDA requirements. But, this bill is written in such a way, that it not at all about regulations. They mention the word "euthanized" so many times, it makes you sick. It is clear, that this Rep has no intentions on regulating. He is all about stopping exotic animal ownership and making sure any animals that are here, are either moved or destroyed. Since there are so many animals, sanctuaries will be overwhelmed, zoos and humane societies will not take them. So, they will be PTS and get this, at the OWNER'S expense. So, at the moment, I am not sure how much media attention we want, but we have had a few spots. One was aired in Cleveland, but that TV station edited a lot out, so it wasn't very good for us. The other was in Cinci. I read the transcripts from that one, it was better. They at least aired the parts about the animals being PTS and did give my friend some good air time. I know I have said it before, but thank you and I will keep everyone posted as things go on


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2005
In training
John I am still praying that this bill is dead in the water, and will contiue praying for you and your big kitties until you let us know that this bill is not going to happen.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 7, 2006
Maybe its because I'm a...
Me and my kits are sending you luck from across the ocean.
As others have said, maybe you could get a local paper to do an article on your babies to prove how well they are cared for?
As a result of our big cat laws in England, we now have a small but thriving big cat population, including black panthers, pumas, and lynx, which shows what can happen when laws like these go ahead



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
John, I wish I lived in Ohio to help! I will be sending vibes from everyone in my circle to kill this bill! I am also sending personal vibes to support YOU with your personal stress in this fight.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
I can't add to what everyone else has said, John, nor can I have any effect on your lawmakers, but I can certainly add many prayers for your success in the long run and the preservation of your sanity in the meantime.
Scritches and loves for all your wonderful critters.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 16, 2006
Ohio person here. Send me the info I need so I can try and help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I just realized that I had read the draft for this back in January when it listed water monitors, green iguanas, and rock iguanas, very commonly kept pets. Now it's listing practically all venomous reptiles. Any idea if reptile owners are banding together to fight this there? Maybe they could be another source of support.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 6, 2006
I don't have much to add and sadly I don't live in Ohio, but am sending vibes to you and your crew. It's a shame the lawmakers are painting all exotic owners with the same brush. I honestly think you provide an excellent home for your exotics. This bill is just nuts, IMO.

panther pride

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 21, 2007
Saint paul Minnesoda
Couldn't agree more... though I'm definatly agians't the ownership of poisonous snakes. At least a large exotic cat like a bobcat or couger gives love back to you a snake that's poisonous is like a death bomb..... waiting.... waiting....waiting. I can understand the medias concern for safety but I agree its unfair to label ALL owners of big cats as BAD. As long as the cats are kept in good shape and are kept humanely and the owner knows the responsiblity and the dangers with having one... well its okay. In my opinion. Personally I wouldn't own one, but thats my opinion everybuddy has their own veiws and its importent to repect the others side of the story.


TCS Member
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Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Panther pride

I'm definatly agians't the ownership of poisonous snakes. At least a large exotic cat like a bobcat or couger gives love back to you a snake that's poisonous is like a death bomb..... waiting.... waiting....waiting.
The same can be said for any animal, wrong body language or a situation that scares it and your dog or cat can bite. Even our sweet little house cats can cause a person to lose a limb. There are many stories of people who work with big cats daily, who raised them from tiny cubs and know the animals well, that will suddenly be attacked, by their on error though.

Originally Posted by Panther pride

I can understand the medias concern for safety but I agree its unfair to label ALL owners of big cats as BAD. As long as the cats are kept in good shape and are kept humanely and the owner knows the responsiblity and the dangers with having one
The same applies for snake and other reptile owners.
Not all owners are irresponsible, but media smears them by showing the few who just own these animals for "kicks". Would I ever own a venomous snake? No, but only because I don't want to push my luck (or bad luck).

Intelligent restrictions are ok, banning anything crosses our rights. If some species are banned what's to stop the next bill from banning more? Until it snowballs that you can only have specified breeds of dogs or a limited number of cats.

If anyone wants to question what a dangerous animal actually is... has anyone ever seen what an enraged cow will do?

Sorry this is horribly OT but it's terribly unfair for others to force their decided norms on others, especially though bans.

panther pride

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 21, 2007
Saint paul Minnesoda
I can see your point.... One thing leads to another... and another... and another. I dont want to upset anyone so I'm keepiong my veiws to myself. I agree with you however that the law can be good but it must be used carefully.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
You didn't upset me, it is something I feel rather strongly about.
I'd never want to lose my "babies" no matter if they were furry or not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all, maybe what is considered a pet is too.
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  • #53

amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by Sweets

John, I wish I lived in Ohio to help! I will be sending vibes from everyone in my circle to kill this bill! I am also sending personal vibes to support YOU with your personal stress in this fight.
John, I wish I lived in Ohio to help! I will be sending vibes from everyone in my circle to kill this bill! I am also sending personal vibes to support YOU with your personal stress in this fight.
The stress has been getting to me. Even when I sleep, I can not get away from it, because I dream about this nonsense. But today, I had a nice relaxing day with Carmelo. He was so happy to see me, as I was to see him. I went in his enclosure and gave him a good long hug. Nothing soothes the soul like a cats purr and cougars have some big purrs to give

Ohio person here. Send me the info I need so I can try and help
I will send you the info by PM

Any idea if reptile owners are banding together to fight this there? Maybe they could be another source of support.
Yes, reptile groups have been notified as well. This will have the same effect on them.
The same applies for snake and other reptile owners. Not all owners are irresponsible, but media smears them by showing the few who just own these animals for "kicks". Would I ever own a venomous snake? No, but only because I don't want to push my luck (or bad luck).

Intelligent restrictions are ok, banning anything crosses our rights. If some species are banned what's to stop the next bill from banning more? Until it snowballs that you can only have specified breeds of dogs or a limited number of cats.

If anyone wants to question what a dangerous animal actually is... has anyone ever seen what an enraged cow will do?
Sorry this is horribly OT but it's terribly unfair for others to force their decided norms on others, especially though bans.
Actually, this is a very good post and not off topic at all
As I have stated before, thank you for all the vibes and prayers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
Still sending those prayers your way. Your cats are so beautiful and I can tell that you are a wonderful,resposible owner.I LOVE the big cats!!!
Please keep us updated and let us know what we can do.
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  • #56

amberthe bobcat

TCS Member
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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by LSULOVER

Still sending hugs and prayers from Mississippi for you and your beautiful big cats.

All these wonderful prayers and vibes are giving me the composure to sit down now and right to the State Representative who introduced this bill. I doubt he will listen, but at least he will know there are many that disagree with his bill


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
A county in Texas that currently allows exotic pets is also considering a ban. What made me very angry is the "snarling cat" picture that the media used

One more example of how the media can go for hysterics over good, solid reporting.
I am sending {{{{{{{mega prayers and vibes}}}}}}} that the Ohio bill is squelched very, very quickly!!!! It is scary to consider that one's own government can MAKE someone's once-perfectly-fine behavior into something CRIMINAL

But between the TCS Board Magic and the "gris-gris", this bad piece of legislation should be DOOMED!
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  • #58

amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by catsknowme

A county in Texas that currently allows exotic pets is also considering a ban. What made me very angry is the "snarling cat" picture that the media used

One more example of how the media can go for hysterics over good, solid reporting.
I am sending {{{{{{{mega prayers and vibes}}}}}}} that the Ohio bill is squelched very, very quickly!!!! It is scary to consider that one's own government can MAKE someone's once-perfectly-fine behavior into something CRIMINAL

But between the TCS Board Magic and the "gris-gris", this bad piece of legislation should be DOOMED!
Another bad law taking away our rights to property ownership. As always, the media plays into everyone's fear. Between the media and the animal rights groups, I don't know who is worse. One thing is for certain, the media should be held accountable for their lies. What really bothers me, is that our men and woman are fighting in other countries for their freedom, all the while we lose ours. My wife's son is in the army and will more than likely go to Iraq. This is something he wants to do and I admire him for that. But think of this. He is serving his country and risking his own life. But in his own country that he is serving for, he is losing his own rights. Just makes me sick. But, with all the TCS Board Magic and the "gris-gris", I have a good feeling that this bill is going to be stopped.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
Originally Posted by AmberThe Bobcat

All these wonderful prayers and vibes are giving me the composure to sit down now and right to the State Representative who introduced this bill. I doubt he will listen, but at least he will know there are many that disagree with his bill
Well then I will continue to send them to you.

You deserve them.

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  • #60

amberthe bobcat

TCS Member
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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by LSULOVER

Well then I will continue to send them to you.

You deserve them.

I know I sure need them, that's for sure. I guess this stress is getting to me, I see that I even spelled the word "write" incorrectly in that post. I spelled it "right"
Yesterday, we did learn of some information that may help us. It's not a lot, but it is something that could help change things. At the moment, I have to keep it quiet however. Someone please wake me, I keep hoping all of this is just a long bad dream