EVP, Ghosts and the Paranormal!!


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Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
I figured it was 1 of 3 things that happened. Yes, maybe one of the cats, but the bobcats were outside and all the others were fast asleep when my alarm went off. Maybe I was sleep walking, something I have never done or should I say I don't think I have. Last, maybe something paranormal. I would rather have it be something paranormal than me sleep walking though. The idea of sleep walking kinda freaks me out
Fourth possibility...you fell asleep with the light on but were too tired to realize it.

My ghost regularly turns the tv in my living room off when I fall asleep on the couch. There are 2 buttons to push so its not one of the cats. He also pulls the covers over me when I am shivering in my sleep. Its always the pink quilt, never the blanket underneath it. I would grab the blanket.
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amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by LilleKat

Wow I LOVE this kind of stuff!!
Please feel free to keep on telling this story as it unfolds!
Very interesting
I bet it's not a house I could walk into comfortably - I have had experiences whereby I simply could not walk into a room, as if there was an invisible wall in the doorway. Everyone else walked in. I just stopped in the doorway. I couldn't have walked in even if I'd wanted to.
I love this kind of stuff as well. My wife and I were just in the house again last night. I didn't review all the audio for EVP yet, but I did look through some of the video and we did see something. I have to review it more yet, to see if I can determine what it was. No one lives in this house any more. In fact, we turned it into...of all things, a haunted house for fund raisng events at the sanctuary. We did this prior to doing the EVP readings. However, my wife was working inside the house during the event last fall and she overheard some people, as they were walking through, say this house is really creepy.
We have a Generation III night scope starlight with infared.
Excellent!! Where did you get this scope?
am interested in the EVP is it like a tape recorder or more to it than that? We tried to put a tape recorder up in the room that I feel is haunted in our house but the batteries keep going dead!
EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena. Yes, you can record EVP on a tape recorder, but the little digital recorders, also called IP recorders are fast becoming the most popular. I have 2 of these recorders. They do not have to be real expensive ones either. If you are going to record, you should try speaking with the spirits. Ask them questions, be respectful and give them time to answer. For example. If you ask, "is there anyone here", wait about 5 seconds before speaking again. Then ask, "can you tell me your name"..."how many spirits are here" and so on. Invite them to communicate with you. Let them know you are interested in hearing them speak to you. Now, I must tell you, that EVP's can be hard to hear. Many times, you will need headphones to hear them, but not always. Most voices are short answers to, like 1 to 4 words, no long sentences. The "get out" voice that I recorded was loud and I did not need headphones. Another thing to remember. When recording EVP, if you make a noise, lets say you bump a wall, drop something or hear any external noise, like a car going by, make sure you announce that you made the sound or that a car just passed by. That way, when you listen to the recording, you will know where the sounds came from. On most of the recordings in this house, I hear what sounds like a door slam. However, when we have been in the house, we never heard it. So in other words, the recorder picked up something we did not hear. As for the batteries going dead, that is VERY interesting. Many times that will happen when a spirit is in a room. The spirit is drawing energy from the device.
But, a few years back, I went to see a psychic. When I walked into the room and sat down, she told me my dad was there with me and that he didn't like the fact that my boyfriend was a different faith than ours! This woman didn't know a THING about me!!! Just my first name.

(I started dating my boyfriend SEVEN YEARS AFTER my dad passed away. The two had never met!)
That is very cool!!
Fourth possibility...you fell asleep with the light on but were too tired to realize it.
That could have been a possibility, if I was one of those people who falls asleep quickly, but I am not. I usually stay awake for a while before falling asleep. But, I know the light was off, because Aurora jumped up on the bed to sleep with me, as she does every night and I can remember just seeing the outline of her, as she walked past the dim light that shines up the stairs from the night light. (It is so dark out here, I need that night light in case I have to get up in the middle of the night. Otherwise, I would fall down the stairs
) I never turn on any lights if I have to get up, because the bright light would wake me and I would have trouble going back to sleep.
My ghost regularly turns the tv in my living room off when I fall asleep on the couch.
You have a ghost in your house? Want to tell us more? You should try doing EVP, to see if he/she will speak with you


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
My ghost regularly turns the tv in my living room off when I fall asleep on the couch.

You have a ghost in your house? Want to tell us more? You should try doing EVP, to see if he/she will speak with you.
My house is about 100 yrs old. The 90 yr old woman who lives next door to me was born in my bedroom. I have felt the presence of a woman and a man and have actually seen a cat. A friend, who is a sensitive, has confirmed and seen the man. I have only seen the human ghosts do things. I know the woman does not want me ironing my clothes in the guest room. She threw the iron across the room while I was downstairs with my cat.

As for EVP's, I am afraid what I would hear! If someone tells me to get out, then we are not living companionably like I thought we were.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 17, 2005
this happened to my next door neighbor before I moved in. Our houses are on the same driveway and hill, his being lower then ours was.
One night after they had just moved in he was getting out of his car, out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw a dog up the driveway, halfway between our house and his. When he looked agian he saw a man standing at the edge of the driveway (there is a big cliff right there). My neighbor said Hi and the guy said hi, then when my neighbor looked agian the guy was gone, but there was no where for him to go unless he jumped off the cliff because the only way to get out would have been to walk by my neighbor.

Anyways a couple days later they found out that when they were remodeling the house I was to live in, a guy who was on a forklift, had fallen over the edge of the cliff and died, right at the same spot where this strange guy was. My neighbor never got close enough to see any details on the mans face or clothes, he just saw the siloutte of the man, so creepy!

And when I lived at that house a lot of weird things happened. I would always see something in black out of the corner of my eye in the house. Weird noises, and I swear one night when I came home I saw something outside right by the cliff, and heard a noise. It totally creeped me out!

Apparently out driveway was the cause of a couple deaths before we moved in.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2005
Originally Posted by AmberThe Bobcat

Excellent!! Where did you get this scope?
My husband bought it from Cabela's about 6 years ago and it was about $2,500. It is still a high end scope as far the the generation and quality of the starlight. It was originally my idea to go ghost hunting and it has been an experience ever since!!!

Keep posting on everything that happens! This is so interesting!
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amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by abbycats

My husband bought it from Cabela's about 6 years ago and it was about $2,500. It is still a high end scope as far the the generation and quality of the starlight. It was originally my idea to go ghost hunting and it has been an experience ever since!!!

Keep posting on everything that happens! This is so interesting!
I figured that scope would be pricey. I want to get a thermal imaging camera, but they are quite costly as well. I haven't had time to listen to the audio from the other night or to examine the movement I recorded with the video camera. I am hoping to find other places to go as well.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 22, 2007
St. Petersburg, FL
A very close friend of mine claims to be able to speak with the dead. At first when she told me this I sort of laughed in her face. But recently she has made me a firm beleiver.... She said one night that there was a man following around my s.o. at the time. His name was James, and he was worried about his grandson. She started rambling off intricate detail about someone and something that happened that she could not possibly have known about. It was shocking to see how accurate she was. But apparently an old friend of my s.o. who had recently passed away had been checking in on us from time to time. She also said that there is a young woman in a red dress with black short hair and an emerald ring that stays very very close to me all the time!!!! It is interesting to see the things that she knows that can not be explained!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
Ohhh, I think reading about things like this is really interesting.

I can't think of anything interesting to add at the moment, but I'll definitely keep reading new posts in here.


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Oct 23, 2000
Originally Posted by theimp98

sounds fun.
I dont believe in ghosts and stuff, but i love the stories.
Me too! I can think of a lot of explanations and have seen some shows that even explain things like sensing a presence in the room and so on.

I still love the stories! The webmaster in me can't help but be tempted to start a blog about ghost stories
Would anyone be willing to contribute to that, as in share stories?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Anne

Me too! I can think of a lot of explanations and have seen some shows that even explain things like sensing a presence in the room and so on.
So do you, or anyone else, want to find explanations for some of my past experiences?

Why I heard a man's voice right beside me in my bedroom when there where no men in the house - quite loudly saying "What are you going to do now?" Heard a few other voices and that vague someone calling my name from another room, but never as distinct as the male voice. Other people heard voices as well (before anyone thinks I'm truly crazy).

The 6ft (maybe a few inches more) tall shadow figure that light did not pass through and was not a cast shadow. Wasn't asleep and others saw it, too. There were other little shadows.

Getting my foot yanked while in bed one night - slept on the upper bunk, no people or pets where in the room. Afterwards it felt a bit like an how you feel after getting an electric shock.

Balls of lights and smoke/mist curling through rooms. Sometimes witnessed by more than one person and even in the daytime. Happened when there was no smokers in the house. No storms so the lights weren't possible ball lightening (an even more outrageous suggestion

Smells. Nothing was dead in the house and there's no conceivable way a ball of stink (as I call it) could only take up a two foot diameter of space directly over my bunk bed. It also caused the nearby cd player to start messing up.
Also, no one wore violet perfume or used anything violet scented. We smelled that often, usually when we'd see the curling mist/smoke.

Doors opening and closing, and manging to lock and unlock themselves too. Including the heavy dead bolt.

Objects getting moved or turning up missing. Sometimes this would happen when I had only been out of my bedroom for a couple minutes - ended up with a cut foot because a glass somehow ended up right in front of my door and I didn't see it when I returned to my room.

Tapping on walls, scratching noises, walking noises, loud crashes and bangs (you'd go to the room you heard it from and find nothing out of place).
When my DH (then bf) and I were dating he would drop me off at home around 10 or 11pm - it would knock on the car windows. Front, back, and sides. There was nothing around the car to account for that noise. It scared me so much one night when I would have been home alone that I had him take me to my dad's gf's house.

That watched feeling. You'd get it outside, inside, and in every room of the house. So I doubt it was an EMF issue from any wiring.

Lights and electronics messed with... it must have had a warped sense of humor as it turned the tv to Rikki Lake one night when I was trying to watch something.
That tv didn't have a remote, no other tv's were upstairs or being used at the time, and we didn't have neighbors close enough to have somehow changed the channel.

It scared the pets quite often. Dogs and cats would growl and run out of rooms... the traitors would leave me in there alone with whatever happened next!

That's a general break down of events without all the details. Most pretty much fell into one of those categories. My father still lives in the house with his wife, without issues though my father did have some stuff happen in the past there - lights on and off, someone sitting down on the bed, hearing things, seeing the smoke/mist. I think his wife and her kids scared it off...

I considered that maybe I was causing it since I still occasionally have things happen, even here and have had odd occurrences in other homes, but my dad experienced stuff while I was living states away.

I had one other really weird thing happen. Maybe someone else has had this type of experience... While snooping around an old homestead in the country I had migraine symptoms come on - vision, balance, and confusion. The area felt odd to begin with, even DH sensed something weird about the place. I was collecting old bottles and jars I found when the aura started. Strangely the aura didn't last very long before intense pain started, and weirder yet - The pain went away within minutes of leaving - anyone who has migraines knows that they do not completely go away within 3-5 minutes and without any lingering effects....There was no photophobia, every migraine and most headaches I have produce photophobia.
I considered a possible environmental issue, like some sort of gas, but DH wasn't affected and the previous visit there didn't cause the pain - only when I was trying to take stuff.

I'm usually the first to try to find a logical cause or completely dismiss stuff like this - I tend not to believe in things I can't see or understand and know that most people let fear/hysteria affect their logical judgment. Personal experiences convinced me as it's hard to dismiss something standing right in front of you. So to those that don't really believe, maybe someday you'll get to experience something like that too.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 31, 2007
Massachusetts & Florida
I am a firm believer in ghosts and the paranormal. I have had alot of weird experiences in my time. But one of the weirdest was about 6 years ago. I was living in my apartment in Orlando, after my shift at work I came home and was tired, so I lay down on my bed to take a nap at about 7pm.

Now, if you can visualize this, my bedroom if you are laying in my queen size bed at the time. To my right is my walk in closet and a wall that goes down towards my feet to the door to leave the room. Outside that door was a super small hallway, directly across the door from my room (about 4 steps maximum) was the bathroom, and if you turned left out of my bedroom it was the living room.

I always felt a cold chill whenever I walked in that little hallway, but I have psychic abilities and can "sense" things before they happen and often dream things about people I know, that will happen the next day, which has freaked just about everyone I know out because I make a habit of telling them as soon as I dream something so they know I am not bs-ing them.

Anyhow, I was napping, and had my 2 dogs with me on the bed as usual, Sassy laying at the foot of my bed on the farthest side from the door, and Vlad who always snuggled right with me in my arms.

For YEARS on end, ever since I was a teen I would have this weird "dream" of a dark figure standing over me, sometimes getting VERY close to my face, just looking at me. Never harming me, but looking and watching me. This feeling/dream would be me in my actual room in my dream, so it felt real. Well this day I was napping, I had that "feeling" and I had left my door open and the hall light was on. I woke up feeling something leaning onto my bed and my 2 dogs growling. Half asleep, I looked up to see this figure who I had thought for so many years was a "dream" leaning over with one hand on the end of my bed, the other hand extended to my dog Sassy trying to touch her!!!!!!! There was no mistake at all, BOTH of my dogs were staring RIGHT at this thing, growling, hair on end. I reached for my glasses and by the time I put them on and flicked the light on, the shadowy figure and the pressure where its hand was on my bed were gone. The fact the light in my hallway was on left no room for question what it was I saw.

I know, typically that spirits do not follow people, but this thing has been with me for years...and still is. I have never had an experience where I WOKE UP and knew it was there since that day though. Had my dogs not been looking at it directly I could have passed it off as a dream. They saw it, they were disturbed by it, and it was VERY real. I experience this thing in my dreams watching over me to this day still. Although this entity has never tried to harm me, I certainly do not get a feeling of security or safety from it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Butterflyy

I experience this thing in my dreams watching over me to this day still. Although this entity has never tried to harm me, I certainly do not get a feeling of security or safety from it.
Have you tried anything to get rid of it? Both to protect yourself and to keep it out of your home.

Which brings up another point - if you're wandering around cemeteries, old property, known haunted places, protect yourself people. My little migraine incident wasn't fun but I'm glad that was all it did.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 4, 2003
Living in the land of not enough time
I have learned to shield myself from unwanted energies. There are 2 ways. First, imagine a bubble coming out of either the top of your head or the bottom of your feet and surrounding your body. This is a low level shield. You can thicken the walls with practice. The next level shield will take the bubble, and fill it with white light. The light will help repel anything "black".

I often wake up with a black shadow watching me. He stands either at the bottom of the bed, or on the side of the bed by my knees. When I went on vacation, he followed me and my friend woke to find him staring at her. We had to trap him in the corner of the room when we went to sleep.
One hot summer night, I woke because I was shivering. I had to pull a quilt out of the closet, grab a cat and snuggle with him to get warm. That was when I learned to SNAP the shield up quickly.

krazy kat2

TCS Member
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Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
I once lived in a house in Augusta, GA that a female spirit that hated me. If there had not been witnesses, people would have thought I was nuts. A bunch of us were sitting around the living room, and my motorcycle helmet came flying across the room like someone had slapped it, and it landed right at my feet. Everyone ended up staying the night, since we had been drinking, and when the lights went out, everything that was mine went flying to the floor, and everything that was my now ex-husband's was undisturbed. There was a closet on the other side of where the bed was, and something scratched the wall all night. The bathroom was right off the kitchen, and I was soaking in the tub, and was a woman walk into the room, open the fridge, take something out, and walk back out, closing the door behind her. I asked who the woman was, and they all said nobody new had come in, and none of the girls had been into the kitchen. All this happened in a 24 hour period. Stuff like that happened all the time, and people would gather to party with our ghost. It was kinda fun, but I didn't much care to stay there alone.
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amberthe bobcat

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Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Thanks for the stories everyone!! I wish some of you lived much closer, so that I could stop by to do an EVP session. I would love to hear them speak. In our old house that I used to live in, there were spirits there. They would yell my name and many times, when I was still living their with my mom, I would walk into the room where she was at and ask, what did you want? She would say, I didn't call you. I laughed and would say, well someone did. Many times she would do the same thing. We got used to it. I used to have amatuer (ham) and CB radio equipment. Many times when I would be talking, people would ask me, who is the person in the room with you laughing? I would just reply, that's our friendly ghost. My mom saw someone standing at the entrance to the kitchen watching her one day. She also felt someone sit on the bed one night, thought it was one of our cats or my dad. Well, my dad was already in the bed sleeping and there were no cats around. I would hear someone run across the room upstairs. I had a door open when there was no wind and the door was locked. The best was when my wife and I were just married. I was working night shift and she called my around 3am after she was woken up. She yelled into the phone, "John there is someone in the house, I can hear them walking around". Well, she was never told about the spirits and I said, I'm not sure if this is the best time to tell you, but here goes. I told her yes, there was someone walking in the house, but it will not harm you. I also remember when I brought a girlfriend into that house, a long time ago, during Christmas time. She was sitting with her arms crossed and the hair on her arms were standing up straight. I asked, what's wrong? She replied, where is the cold air return for your furnace? I said, there is none. We do not have a forced air system, it is all hot water with heated floors. I asked why? She said, don't you feel that...the cold air brushing my arms? I said no and I was sitting right next to her. That was 28 years ago and she still remembers that night as the time the ghost touched her. The people who lived in that house before us, would ask my sister if we had ever seen the ghost in the house. I want to go back there and do some EVP, but I wouldn't want to freak out the new owner

Me too! I can think of a lot of explanations and have seen some shows that even explain things like sensing a presence in the room and so on.
Sometimes people who feel weird or strange in a certain room, can be explained by high EMF readings. Electromagnetic energy from high voltage sources can make you feel sick or uneasy, if you are sensitive to this sort of thing. But it will not make you see or hear things and will not make you cold, smell strange odors, feel like someone touched you ect. EMF sensitivity will just make you feel uneasy or have a sick feeling.