Encountered kitty


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
So I have rescued a lot of cats over the years and after losing our oldest cat in December last year and losing 2 brothers to the same disease(FIP) in the 4 months after that I decided to stop rescueing. Financially it was (and is) a heavy burden and not to mention the emotional stuff. I am also highly sensitive and somewhat an empath so it's been rough.

This week I am filling in for a newspaper round on the outskirts of towns(farms and stuff) and I noticed this one adress with cats and kittens. I wanted to add some flyers for free neutering from a foundation but this morning something happened and of course I can't shake it off.

I drove up, said hi to the kitties as I always do(mostly just to be polite) and this tiniest of kittens comes running to me..I just wanted to give him a stroke and then be on my way...he nearly jumped in my car and was meowing and purring for attention. The blue in his eyes is gone but he's sooo tiny and no doubt infested with fleas and worms..I scooped him up to see if I could deliver him to his owner because I was scared he wouldn't get out of the way if I drove on. Noticed a littermate with URI but I didn't dare do anything..I gave kitten to farmer, mentioned how I loved cats and didn't want to see little guy squashed and went back to work.
But now I have a stone in my stomach...I feel like this kitten came up to me for help and I left him...I feel bad for him and his littermate but if I were to take them I would break a promise and possible take in diseases again....There aren't that many rescues here(not like america or england) and most is strictly voluntary because they can't make people look after the cats. For the free neutering as well, people have to call the foundation I mentioned...

Part of me wants to take a carrier a scoop the kittens up when I go back tomorrow morning but that's so wrong on so many levels....

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I sympathize with your situation, I would want to take them home too. Are you in a situation where you can take them home, keep them seperated from other cats you have and find homes for them when they are better. I sounds as if they wont get any care where they are poor things.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
I do have a special made cat cage where they could stay(I have also talked it over with husband). The thing I worry for the most is the cost..they would have to be de-wormed, de-flead, get medication for the URI and I know my vet is gonna roll her eyes at me:nono:

Now for my own conscience I would like to take them with consent from the farmer..I don't know if he's willing to let them go or if he's promised them to someone else or if he wants top money for them...that seems to be a thing nowadays, people asking 100 euro (about 117 dollar, 90 pounds) for a kitten:ohwell: I could ask the regular guy who works that route what kind of man it is..I'm just so bad with people and especially if they start screaming at me or something....


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Ask the regular guy first, then take it from there. It is best to have permission from the farmer. Your instincts to care for the kittens are lovely. Perhaps the farmer would let you get the mother cat vetted and spayed and returned and the kittens vetted and to new homes. You never know till you ask. I would feel the same as you seeing their needs and doing nothing. Where in Europe are you?
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
Just the Netherlands, in rural province of Friesland. Frisians tend to be headstrong as well and very stubborn. We are a lovely people:tongue:

I'll let you guys know what happens. Thank you for thinking with me. A lot of people don't understand the affection I have for cats and their needs. I just wish I was a bit more gutsy....
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
There's a foundation but you have to go to them, know where to find them. And they rely a lot on the coöperation of the farmers. The farmers have to check the trap, I know from experience not a lot of them will do that. Free spay yes, work no...sadly

I spoke to the regular guy, he doesn't know the man, just that he has loads of cats all the time. So the plan is to gather all the courage I can muster and ask the guy if I can have the 2 kittens I saw and then slyly pass him the flyer for free fixing or put it in with the newspaper.

So any tips on how to approach this? I don't want to piss him off, I'm already there so early.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
About approaching the farmer - tell him that in these isolating times you'd really like to take the two kittens to cheer you up while you are alone at home. Farmer doesn't need to know you have a husband . . .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
The question you need to ask in a situation like this, and you have to ask yourself because you are the only one who can answer it, is which would you regret more? Possibly angering the Farmer, or walking away?

I do understand where you are coming from because I find myself in a similar situation. I don't have the money to keep rescuing animals that are dumped off here. There are low cost facilities but even $40 for spay/neuter+rabies adds up quickly, and then there's having to take them to my vet to get them tested, dewormed, and flea/tick treatment. It can easily top $100 per Cat to do what's needed to be able to take them to a shelter or rescue, and for someone without a steady income (especially now) I can't keep doing it when I have Cats of my own to take care of.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
I am absolutely gutted...I went there this morning and the little guy from yesterday is dead 😭 :censored: Farmer must have accidentally run him over, his nose was all bloody(farmer had left him out). I knew it!!! I knew something was going to happen, I could feel it and I felt it when I drove up:mad2: I am so mad and sad at the same time....

Anyway there are 2 kittens left and I sweetly asked if I could have them because of the void left by our old cat's passing..yes I went there...:oops:
Then he says he has to ask his nephew/niece/cousin and also tried to direct me to another farm down the road. I haven't seen a lot of cats there but anyway, I asked if it was okay if I came by tomorrow morning, you know give him time to ask his relative...
I held one of the kittens, they're both tux, and he purred up a storm, his eyes are so gunky and I ignored all my reprimands and just doted on him for a bit.

Hopefully I can get them out of there tomorrow and my plan is to leave flyers in the paper with those 3 farms, this one, the middle one(which is very clean and orderly compared to the other 2, I'm hoping that one will be fed up with all the cats roaming around his property and call the foundation) and the last one on that road.
I just don't understand these people..they have a total disregard for the health of their cats and when someone wants one it's like they have this wall...exactly why I stopped getting involved, I loved doing it, I love cats and helping them but my heart couldn't take it anymore. I don't get why people are so difficult and careless.....

RIP little kitten, he was mostly white with tabby. I was going to change his life forever, now I will meet him again over the rainbow🌈
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I’m so sorry! I really hope he will let you take the two remaining kittens. You were brave to ask. Such a sad story. I so wish you could clean and medicate the little guy’s eyes. :vibes:I hope this works out!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
Need some more vibes....I have this gut feeling again....it's making me anxious....I have all these scenarios going through my head...from ideal to really bad....

also one of own kitties is not feeling well..I hope I can pull it all off in terms of quarantine....

I want to love them, feed them, heal them and hopefully nudge someone on that road in the right direction so it doesn't happen again...
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
Pffft, haven't got them....yet. He did say his relative probably wouldn't mind so I left my number. You guys understand my phone is not leaving my sight😉

Oh and this one kitten is so precious, I was talking to him about how I was probably gonna take him home and he stood on his hind legs and booped my nose.. the farmer saw it hihi. Good kitten
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
Ok, so I got an app. It's his niece and she wants to meet at the farm. She sounds nice but she claims to really love cats.... spay and neuter is also love.

Anyway, I will try and slip in the concept of TNR to them. Apparently they don't have a habit of giving kittens away, I can only imagine the inbreeding....pfff

I plan to get revolution for them before I go there. Any other tips on how to keep any flea from entering my very flea free home?

Still fingers crossed🤞


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Ok, so I got an app. It's his niece and she wants to meet at the farm. She sounds nice but she claims to really love cats.... spay and neuter is also love.

Anyway, I will try and slip in the concept of TNR to them. Apparently they don't have a habit of giving kittens away, I can only imagine the inbreeding....pfff

I plan to get revolution for them before I go there. Any other tips on how to keep any flea from entering my very flea free home?

Still fingers crossed🤞
Diatomaceous Earth works wonders at killing external parasites, just make sure it is food grade if you use it because some of it is guaranteed to be ingested when they groom. It does not prevent parasites however, but it will kill any that are present when you rub it into an animal's fur. The only thing you'd need to be careful of is not getting it in their eyes.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
Ok, what a day, pfew. But....

I got them:yess:

I went there and talked to her and she said she didn't advertise them anywhere and I was the first 'outsider' to ask to have them. She kept going on about how she loved cats and thought she was a catlady. Then she tells me I might have to take them to vet, because of the URI, the fleas and worms, because they don't have the time to do all that..... proudly tells me how they feed them yoghurt and other dairy products 3 times a day..

I will be dropping flyers because well...the toms have got typical tom faces, thin bodies and tail and then off course huge ass 🍒....it looked so weird and they must be exhausted...it looked as though the mother of these 2 looked pregnant again, or it could be worms.....I'm hoping someone on that road will understand and call for spaying and neutering.

It was hard not climbing my high horse on the importance of spay and neuter..I just didn't dare, because I needed to get them out....but she was happy to give them to me

I gave them a Revolution topical solution and just started combing, because of course no shops selling Diatomaceous Earth were open. I stopped by a pet shop I frequent and told them of my problem. They advised some herbal sweets to make them stink, kitten paste and she gave me a bag of Planet Pet Society kitten for free! She was so moved by me helping these poor guys and happened to be high sensitive as well, so she understood.

On to the pictures

In the car, right after giving their topicals

Kittenboy 1, he's got the worst URI

Kittenboy 2, he's congested but not so much puss on the eyes or nose

After 3 times...still sooooo many

Moved them inside, gave the 3 cats in the same area a topical as well and just keep it all squeaky clean and repeat the topicals later

As you can see, they have fever coats😢, the kitten on the right has a flea village living in that white spot..dirty bastards hide on his back and then I start combing that spot, turn the kitten around and see them swarming his belly....

Plan is to deworm them beginning next week, because they have already had so much happening. They found the litterbox no time flat and the poo doesn't look half bad but still....

All in all, a busy day but I got them and I will nurse them back to health and after that we will see



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Wonderful news! ❤

You can bathe them in Dawn blue dish soap. A full bath might help. What is your plan for their URI’s? A vet trip? I imagine they will need antibiotics. The vet can also treat them with Capstar, which will kill all the fleas on them. Terramycin for eye infection?

You’ve got your hands full here, but I already can tell these two kittens are on the road to a healthier, happier life in your capable hands. So happy that you got them. I just feel sorry for the most likely pregnant mother cat and all the worn out old tom cats. Such tough lives!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Ok, what a day, pfew. But....

I got them:yess:

I went there and talked to her and she said she didn't advertise them anywhere and I was the first 'outsider' to ask to have them. She kept going on about how she loved cats and thought she was a catlady. Then she tells me I might have to take them to vet, because of the URI, the fleas and worms, because they don't have the time to do all that..... proudly tells me how they feed them yoghurt and other dairy products 3 times a day..

I will be dropping flyers because well...the toms have got typical tom faces, thin bodies and tail and then off course huge ass 🍒....it looked so weird and they must be exhausted...it looked as though the mother of these 2 looked pregnant again, or it could be worms.....I'm hoping someone on that road will understand and call for spaying and neutering.

It was hard not climbing my high horse on the importance of spay and neuter..I just didn't dare, because I needed to get them out....but she was happy to give them to me

I gave them a Revolution topical solution and just started combing, because of course no shops selling Diatomaceous Earth were open. I stopped by a pet shop I frequent and told them of my problem. They advised some herbal sweets to make them stink, kitten paste and she gave me a bag of Planet Pet Society kitten for free! She was so moved by me helping these poor guys and happened to be high sensitive as well, so she understood.

On to the pictures

In the car, right after giving their topicals
View attachment 345274

Kittenboy 1, he's got the worst URI
View attachment 345275

Kittenboy 2, he's congested but not so much puss on the eyes or nose
View attachment 345279

View attachment 345276
View attachment 345277
After 3 times...still sooooo many
View attachment 345280

Moved them inside, gave the 3 cats in the same area a topical as well and just keep it all squeaky clean and repeat the topicals later
View attachment 345281

As you can see, they have fever coats😢, the kitten on the right has a flea village living in that white spot..dirty bastards hide on his back and then I start combing that spot, turn the kitten around and see them swarming his belly....

Plan is to deworm them beginning next week, because they have already had so much happening. They found the litterbox no time flat and the poo doesn't look half bad but still....

All in all, a busy day but I got them and I will nurse them back to health and after that we will see

View attachment 345278
Good to hear you were able to bring them home. I agree, it was probably the right call not to start in on telling them about why spay/neuter is important because that might have made them mad.

It won't help now, but you can order DE online from places like chewy, amazon, some pharmacies, or even home depot.