Emergency c-section recovery


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 13, 2015
I've posted in this site before and gotten the most wonderful help, and am again asking for help. My Siamese cat "mama" escaped while in heat a few months ago, and of course got pregnant. She did have a spay appt set up but we decided to let her continue the pregnancy and reschedule the spay, as we were already paying extra because she is over the age of 5, and we were already worried about the risks. She went in to labor last week but after 24 hrs no progress we went to the vet. The X-ray showed one very large kitten, even though she was huge and looked like there was a big litter, that's all there was. The vet did an emergency c-section and spay. The kitten was deformed and sadly died right after birth. Mama was sent home the next day with oral antibiotics and was so happy to be home. When we adopted her we also adopted her 5 year old very shy daughter, piggles. Piggles may be a cat but I think she's stuck thinking she's a kitten, and had a bad night with out her mom, and was so happy when she came home. It's been 5 days since her surgery and she is crying a lot. She's very vocal to begin to begin with but has just been crying and crying and wanting to be held and cuddled. We did try a local shelter for kittens who needed a foster, but she wanted nothing to do with them. Hissed, growled and then tried to attack them. Her insicion looks great! No swelling redness drainage or crustiness. But the crying won't stop. Is this normal? The vet is out till Tuesday because of the holiday but I want to make sure she is ok. She's eating and drinking normal, but isn't as active as normal, in assuming that's because if the surgery. I thought maybe it's the inside stitches starting to tighten, I've had stitches numerous times and always dread when they start to get tight. Thanks in advance!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm so sorry you and 'mama' are going through this. I don't have experience in this area, but I would imagine that she's still sore from the surgery as well as quite probably mourning the loss of her baby. Siamese cats are very vocal and needy anyway, so I'm not too surprised that you're getting such an exaggerated response.

Remember there'll most likely be deep bruising as well as the insicion itself, and older cats will take longer to heal than juvenile ones.

Bach's Rescue Remedy might help her deal with the trauma of this experience. Other than being there for her to comfort her, I'm not sure what else to suggest.

You might get more expert responses in the pregnant cats and kittens forum. Would you like me to ask the mods to move this thread there?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 13, 2015
Thank you for the response and yes that would be wonderful! I'm accessing the site from a smart phone, so it's a little tricky. Oh she's def always been very very needy. She loves attention! But since she started this crying stuff she won't let me put her down. I feel so bad for her. We adopted them about 7 months ago, which is why they weren't already spayed. I dont know know why the old owner never did but our intentions were to spay right away. The day of the emergency surgery was so emotional for my family and I can't even begin to imagine how scary and horrible it was for her. I know some people ive come across don't understand how a cat can mean so much to us, but she is a family member.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Ok, that's done :) I'm on my phone too - the mobile version is fine once you get used to it, but it helps to have a clearer idea of what you're looking for ;)

Cats are definitely family :nod: I can't begin to imagine how scary the emergency surgery was for you all. At least she's come through healthy...it'll just take time for her to fully heal and come to terms with the loss in her own way. She knows you're there for her though, and that will be a comfort to her. Like people, it's just a case of one day at a time :hugs:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The crying indicates pain to me. Did they send you home with any pain medicine at all?

Your cat had major surgery and is probably very sore inside. If you have no pain medicine I would be at the vet's door in the morning asking for some while she heals. Since she is older it will take much longer. Pain meds can make a world of difference in the healing process!

Is she interacting with her daughter at all?

J jjposh22
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 13, 2015
@sarther2 no they didn't give me any pain medication, they only sent us home with amoxicillin to prevent infection and that's almost gone. I think you're right, it's gotta be pain. She's definetly not her normal active self. She likes to perch up high or on my shoulders and hasn't since before her surgery. On she's very much interacting with piggles. She keeps plopping down half on her and half next to her, then cleaning her like crazy. And Piggles is just so glad she's back she's not even fighting it. They are out till Tuesday because of the holiday but we do have an animal hospital they refer patients to when they are closed, but it's about an hour away. So I'd rather not make her suffer such a long ride unless absolutely necessary. She's still got her normal appetite, in fact she just was calling me into the kitchen to get her dinner. I do wish they had done something h about the pain, esp since there were no kittens to nurse. But the only instructions they gave me was to give amoxicillin 2x a day and keep the stitches dry. She doesn't even go back to get them taken out, they are dissolvable. My poor girl. I just want her to feel better and pull through this. She may be just a cat but her and piggles have brought us so much love, laughter and happiness.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She is family! I feel that way about my cats.

Can you call the clinic that is filling in and ask for pain medicine, such as metacam, and see if they will let you get it without having to drag your poor cat back in?

However, she may be past the worst of it by tomorrow.

My cat was spayed recently when her kittens were 8 weeks old. I insisted on pain meds and glad I did. She needed them for 3 days. Studies show that people heal faster when not stressed over pain. I would think the same applies to animals.

I do not understand why vets perform major surgery and expect cats not to be in pain. No doctor would expect a human to go without pain medicine.

It's so nice to hear she is back loving her daughter! That must be a comfort to her.

I sure hope she feels better soon, but she has been suffering. And of course, human pain meds like tylenol are toxic to cats.

Maybe wrap a hot water bottle in a towel for her to lie on, or a heating pad under a blanket. The heat may soothe her nerves and her belly. At least she is eating. Poor mama!

J jjposh22
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm so sorry she wasn't sent home with pain meds :( @sarthur2 has some great suggestions. Poor Mama. I'm so glad Piggles is bringing her some comfort. Really hope she feels better soon :vibes:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 1, 2014
Awww, poor thing! I also went through an emergency c-section with 1 of my stray cats that has since become an indoor cat. Same deal where 1 kitten was very large & couldn't come out. They also spayed her at the same time. But they gave us pain meds for her to take for about 4-5 days. Have you been able to get some pain meds for her? 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 13, 2015
No but I am calling them first thing in the morning. Just like if a person has a c-section they would be sent home with pain meds. Esp since she's older. Also I know when people have c-sec they get pain meds. Those are major surgery and painful. She's at least not whimpering in her sleep now but crying pretty much ever moment when she's awake and stuff. I'm gonna insist. The vet who did it wasn't my first choice, but her normal best was just starting and another surgery and told me to call the only other one in our town because they didn't want to wait. And after a $500 bill for this surgery she would've gotten something. Thanks for all your suggestions, I will definitely give them a try. Anything to help her feel better I need her to get through this, she means the world to me. And could. Are less what other people think but I couldn't believe people would even say anything.y MIL was very mad and aggressive that I would spend that much on a cat but she don't understand that mama is a family to us. The cost just about killed us but I would've paid double if it meant her life was saved. I love her too much.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You paid what you had to pay to save her and it's really no one else's business. You did the right thing. Honestly, that's cheap. Cat c-sections usually cost double that. You did well.

I hope you get the pain meds tomorrow. A few more days and she should be feeling better. Glad she can sleep now without whimpering. Did you try a heating pad or hot water bottle for her?