Elderly Mother And No Help


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
As many of you have been following along with my stray cat thread, I have a 95 soon to be 96 year old mother. I believe she is in early stages of dementia but not confirmed. I have no husband, no siblings no children and my father passed away 14 years ago. When my father passed away I moved in with Mom to help her but also I was having a hard time financially. To some extent I still am although I can move into a cheap housing if need be. The problem is that I'm supposed to put my life on hold. She yells about the cats in the back yard. I know she's allergic to the cats, and I would never bring them inside but she yells about 2 or 3 toys I leave outside for them. I do want to eventually adopt these cats because being reasonable I know Mom will not be here maybe in 4 or 5 years. I have tried to get her to go to a doctor by setting up appointments for us both but then on the day of our appointments she called and cancelled. This has occurred on more than one occasion. She yells about me being on a computer (I don't watch tv) but she turns on the tv all day long. According to her I should be sitting there staring at 4 walls all day long. She threw a fit about a plastic hand glove that is used to massage the body saying she doesn't want a fire. Huh? The demands get more and more bizarre all the time. I go with her every Friday while she gets her hair done so that she doesn't have to be alone I go shopping with her because she's scared to go alone. And yet I'm not supposed to have a life. If I try and earn money it has to be at a time when she's asleep or she throws a fit because "people in their 60s should not be working" If I exercise it has to be when she isn't watching because according to her anyone that exercises past 50 years of age will have a heart attack and die. No joke. Last year she threw a huge fit over some 10 lb weights i lift calling me a she man because it is not feminine to lift weights. I"m in a position that she yells if I do and yells if I don't. Adult services only step in (where I live) if it goes to her insurance and she gives the ok.) She won't give her ok. So I'm basically stuck inside a house with her yelling and screaming no matter what I do or don't do. She thinks that I'm trying to get rid of her because she's an old woman and she has on more than one occasion told me that she hopes I die a lonely old woman with no one (including pets). I'm not sure what more to post on here that I haven't posted in the stray/feral forum except she screams if I use her car but she screams if I take my car to be fixed. I cry myself to sleep at night because I get no help. Her relatives and friends are all dead. My Dad's relatives don't even consider us family anymore (I was adopted) so I'm in this all alone.

Am I being selfish and uncaring for wanting to hold onto these cats? I've been feeding them for a year and they have come to depend upon me and my city law now recognizes them as my responsibility. I"m not placing the cats above my Mom or vice versa but I feel I should have some kind of enjoyment which obviously she doesn't want me to have. I"m at wits end with this entire situation. Just this morning she told me that she wants me out of the house in a month with the cats. She can't manage on her own. I just don't know what to do. :(


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
I know we were talking in the other forum, just wanted to lend my support. I know you mentioned needed her insurance and consent, but hav stout allergy to adult social services and asked for advice, explaining the situation?
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  • #3


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I know we were talking in the other forum, just wanted to lend my support. I know you mentioned needed her insurance and consent, but hav stout allergy to adult social services and asked for advice, explaining the situation?
I can try if I can find a center to call and talk to. I just ignored a lot of it because all my life my Mom was stubborn and set in her ways and I suppose this came so gradual I never thought of looking into it before now.
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  • #4


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Ok so I talked to someone. They told me its her house her rules or I should leave. This is the same response I got from another agency. These places obviously are no help at all. :(
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  • #5


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
The cats have returned but Mom is still on the rampage. She is back to wanting to inspect everything that gets delivered so I can't even get a timed feeder. I moved the cat shelter to behind the garage and the hand toys are in my oversized purse but I am having problems with the cat tree. You guessed it, she won't let me store in the garage and she's watching me like a hawk. She also wants me to move the food and water down to in front of the garage. She never takes naps and by the time supper is finished she's ready to set the burglar alarm. It's a tragedy here and I don't know what to do but according to the laws here since I've been feeding these cats for more than 5 days they are my legal responsibility, whether tame or not so I can't just leave them if I move etc. I don't know if this is the same anywhere we go.

I have a post on here about my Elderly mother. I'll copy this and add more to it on there.

If I could find a way of getting the cat tree and access into the garage that Mom can't see that would help but sadly the only part of the garage that she can't see from inside the house has no windows. And I am not good at knocking out a spot for a window on the garage. I am just confused as to what to do in this situation. If I order a petmate feeder so the cats can be fed during these times when Mom is on a tantrum, she's still insist on inspecting what comes here. I live 45 minutes away from an Amazon locker as well as far enough away from a Petco/Petsmart that would allow her to do damage with the cats. And I spent all night looking for assisted living. I have to be 65 years of age, which is 1 1/2 years from now and I don't have enough income to move to another type of apartment. I'm in tears over this situation. :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
A lot of subsidized apartments take low-income people too. You probably don't need assisted living yet; look for regular apartments that take housing subsidies. Many don't allow pets though :/. Apply for all the assistance you can get---usually that's food stamps, housing, and utility assistance.

I wonder if you're presenting the situation in a way that makes the agencies think it's just a family tiff. Try telling them that your mother has dementia, cannot care for herself, frequently threatens to kick you out even though you're caring for her, and ask what you can do. Leave it open-ended for them to make suggestions. Don't mention any of your issues, don't mention the cats, don't mention anything else, don't ask specific yes/no questions (because they'll just answer yes/no and not tell you what other options exist). Just that she needs a caretaker but keeps trying to kick you out, what are her care options? There are safeguards in place to prevent old people with dementia from wandering the streets, and if you didn't exist they'd have to do something about her. Just try to find out what that something is.
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  • #7


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I have looked for subsidized. Lowest cost is $1000. I clear $700 after taxes per month from early pension. I have been up all night long searching and spent the past hour on phone with people about it. This is where the tragedy lies. I still need to be close to Mom whether I go into an apartment and she goes into assisted living. She really does have a hard time walking. :(
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Aico & Nacho

TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 17, 2019
Antwerp, Belgium
The cats have returned but Mom is still on the rampage. She is back to wanting to inspect everything that gets delivered so I can't even get a timed feeder. I moved the cat shelter to behind the garage and the hand toys are in my oversized purse but I am having problems with the cat tree. You guessed it, she won't let me store in the garage and she's watching me like a hawk. She also wants me to move the food and water down to in front of the garage. She never takes naps and by the time supper is finished she's ready to set the burglar alarm. It's a tragedy here and I don't know what to do but according to the laws here since I've been feeding these cats for more than 5 days they are my legal responsibility, whether tame or not so I can't just leave them if I move etc. I don't know if this is the same anywhere we go.
I'm glad that the cats have returned. On the other hand I'm sorry that your mom is still being the way she is. I wish you both could come to a happy medium so that you and the cats could both stay there. Do you think it's possible that'll happen?
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  • #9


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
No it won't happen. Sadly. She despises cats (although she would never do anything to harm them) intentionally that is. She's still going on a year later about how embarrassing it is to have a daughter up at 2am doing surveys to earn money. So no, she won't relent. Until I get the money or financial aid needed to move out into a senior living area that allows pets that she wouldn't mind going to (condition she has in her living will that we have to be in same assisted living although separate units there are ok). No specification as to which one though. And as part of that condition she would cash in 5 CDs that will pay for 10 years of living there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
The subsidized apartments here charge 1/3 of your cash income, whatever it is (literally. If someone has a cash income of $1.00, they pay 33 cents). Yes, regular rent is $800+, but those who receive subsidies don't pay the full amount. I'm not sure how to apply for subsidies, but the local social services office could tell you who to talk to.

Do you have any diagnosed disabilities? That can get you into subsidized apartments too.

What's the situation with the house? Will it need to be sold when she goes into a home, or is there another arrangement?
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  • #11


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
And then there's the issue of the cats. I know Treasure would come but I refuse to break her away from her best friend/sibling who is Shaman. The other cats who are siblings Noobs and Wichapi are semi feeders here but they don't get along with Shaman and Treasure. Shadow just got to the point of tolerating Treasure and Shaman and vice versa until Noobs shows up and stirs the pot between all of them. I have tried with repeated failure to find someone to take Shadow. Shadow needs to be the only cat in the household as she was the alpha in that hoarding situation. But she's a black cat and people here don't want her. The cats don't like her either and although it breaks m heart I'm afraid I'd be playing referee the rest of their lives. So I suppose it comes to getting Shaman and Treasure to come with me, asking someone else to take over feeding Noobs and Wichapi and finding a home for Shadow with someone who doesn't mind working with stray/feral cats. The cats will be much happier that way. I know Shaman wants to trust me but she's still shy/scared or whatever although she sees her best buddy rub against me and all.
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  • #12


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
The subsidized apartments here charge 1/3 of your cash income, whatever it is (literally. If someone has a cash income of $1.00, they pay 33 cents). Yes, regular rent is $800+, but those who receive subsidies don't pay the full amount. I'm not sure how to apply for subsidies, but the local social services office could tell you who to talk to.

Do you have any diagnosed disabilities? That can get you into subsidized apartments too.

What's the situation with the house? Will it need to be sold when she goes into a home, or is there another arrangement?
I'll check into that then with social services and see if that is true here. Nope, I'm healthy as an ox except for old injuries like the shattered kneecap 30 years ago and last years fractured humerus but they don't impede me at all.

House will probably be sold after Mom gets into assisted living. She has enough to do that.
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  • #13


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
This is my last posting on here for some time. Nothing against anyone but my problems with my Mom and the cats are too severe and it's not fair to anyone on here to keep hearing my woes. It takes away from the purpose of this forum. Maybe in some time I'll be able to return but the crisis on here (outlined off and on in my thread in the stray/feral forum) just never gets resolved and always one roadblock after another. Sadly suggestions given don't seem to work when it comes to my Mom as she is the most difficult person anyone could meet. And she's only getting worse. Not to mention the waiting period. The cats will be dead of old age before this situation with Mom is resolved I'm afraid and I just don't feel right coming on here constantly airing my grievances. Even ALZ. org can't help because of the stubbornness of my Mother. Take care all til my return.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
This is my last posting on here for some time. Nothing against anyone but my problems with my Mom and the cats are too severe and it's not fair to anyone on here to keep hearing my woes. It takes away from the purpose of this forum. Maybe in some time I'll be able to return but the crisis on here (outlined off and on in my thread in the stray/feral forum) just never gets resolved and always one roadblock after another. Sadly suggestions given don't seem to work when it comes to my Mom as she is the most difficult person anyone could meet. And she's only getting worse. Not to mention the waiting period. The cats will be dead of old age before this situation with Mom is resolved I'm afraid and I just don't feel right coming on here constantly airing my grievances. Even ALZ. org can't help because of the stubbornness of my Mother. Take care all til my return.
I'm so sorry. Please come back if you need to. We're not just here for the cats. We're also here for each other. Vent all you want if you have to. :hugs:
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  • #15


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I'm so sorry. Please come back if you need to. We're not just here for the cats. We're also here for each other. Vent all you want if you have to. :hugs:
So I went to Quick Trip to get Mom and I coffee. I took no purse, used my pockets. Stopped at Dollar General right next door and got (2) 13 oz cans of Friskies. One can is still in my car, the other can I stuffed inside my jeans so she wouldn't see it. Ugh What a way to live. :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
You need some big guns to help you with your mother. She is the problem. But I'm having trouble thinking of a way to get help to you. Does your city or county have mental health services? If they do, I think a call begging for some help from a social service agency might get you some help.

Where are the two of you living? This makes a big difference. I live in a city of about 100,000 people, and there are lots of services here that could help. Even the police department has social services personnel. You need to get back on the phone and keep on insisting with these people until somebody comes to your aid. Make sure you explain to them this is not a domestic problem, that it's a medical condition and you alone are not able to get her to a doctor.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Go the Metro Housing in your county and they will be able to help you. They will either help you themselves or point you in the right direction. It is Federal help.
I am very sorry about this. :alright::rbheart:


Mia xxxx


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
A lot of subsidized apartments take low-income people too. You probably don't need assisted living yet; look for regular apartments that take housing subsidies. Many don't allow pets though :/. Apply for all the assistance you can get---usually that's food stamps, housing, and utility assistance.

I wonder if you're presenting the situation in a way that makes the agencies think it's just a family tiff. Try telling them that your mother has dementia, cannot care for herself, frequently threatens to kick you out even though you're caring for her, and ask what you can do. Leave it open-ended for them to make suggestions. Don't mention any of your issues, don't mention the cats, don't mention anything else, don't ask specific yes/no questions (because they'll just answer yes/no and not tell you what other options exist). Just that she needs a caretaker but keeps trying to kick you out, what are her care options? There are safeguards in place to prevent old people with dementia from wandering the streets, and if you didn't exist they'd have to do something about her. Just try to find out what that something is.
I totally agree....
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  • #19


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I still have a 10 month wait and again the issue of leaving Mom. Trust me there is 0% hope with this. Thanks for the advice though.


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I still have a 10 month wait and again the issue of leaving Mom. Trust me there is 0% hope with this. Thanks for the advice though.
I still have a 10 month wait and again the issue of leaving Mom. Trust me there is 0% hope with this. Thanks for the advice though.
Dont EVER....give up Hope...And Dont..give up Period:alright::heartshape::sunshine::grouphug::)