Dorothy and the shelter -- I don't know what's happening, please help?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 2, 2006
hiding in the bathtub
I've been trying to think how to approach this, and I think I'm just going to walk in and track down the director herself. If I can get a few minutes of her time, I'll explain the whole story, why I'm so confused and concerned... and just ask her to help me find out (a) what Dorothy's real condition is, (b) what, if anything, needs to be done for her, (c) whether S.F. can still adopt her, and (d) if not, why not.
This really sounds like the best thing to do. The whole situation sounds a bit weird. I'm hoping that they just have promised Dorothy to someone else and aren't planning anything bad. Of course, that doesn't help the poor woman who has been waiting for her.

Lots of vibes for you and Dorothy. Please let us know what you find out.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 3, 2006
Yes it doesnt sound right I hope you find out something. Even if you volenteer you still have the right to know.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
You said S.F. is an attorney. Is this director aware of that? Maybe it should be stressed to her that the shelter promised her Dorothy, and she just might be able to make things very uncomfortable for the shelter if they renege.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2001
Originally Posted by jcat

You said S.F. is an attorney. Is this director aware of that? Maybe it should be stressed to her that the shelter promised her Dorothy, and she just might be able to make things very uncomfortable for the shelter if they renege.
that is a good idea.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Update: I hardly slept last night, and I showed up at the shelter 'way early -- the director wasn't even there yet. So I helped with the morning chores in the kitten room, snuggled a bunch of kittens, and hummed Brahms' Lullabye over and over to soothe a very upset tortie who had just been separated from her two babies, bless her heart. The music really seemed to help calm her!

Then one of my favorite staff people stopped into the kitten room, C.S., a lovely woman who has always been kind to me. She isn't used to seeing me at that hour, so she asked what was up... and I decided to tell her all about it. She said that she knew E.M. was a pain to get along with, but if it made me feel any better, she'd known the woman for years and had absolute confidence that she was great with the animals -- just not with people. She said I could rest assured that Dorothy was in a good environment, which was great to hear. Then she said she would see what she could find out for me.

Ten minutes later, she came back and said that E.M. had taken Dorothy home to observe her and see if the limp that had occasioned the X-ray was something that came and went, how severe it was, etc. She said the person who knew the whole story was the operations director, J.B., and that's who I should talk to.

So I took a deep breath and went to introduce myself to J.B. She was extremely reluctant to talk to me, had the same evasive attitude that most of the staff have... it was all I could do to get her to talk to me at all, and she wouldn't sit down or even put down her bags. This did not bode well.

I explained the whole story as concisely as I could and asked whether something was really wrong with Dorothy, and why S.F. was being told she should look for another cat.

She said they didn't yet know whether Dorothy will need surgery or physical therapy or what, and she could be unavailable for months, so they had told S.F. to find another cat "for her own sake." I said that it appeared S.F. was willing to wait at least for a diagnosis... and she said, "Y'know, we have another Siamese back there. It's not declawed, but if she wants Siamese, we've got one."

I pointed out that S.F. had laid claim to Dorothy on her very first day on the floor, and I was about to tell her that S.F. does need a declawed kitty, because she has another declawed cat that she rescued from its previous owner... but I never got that said. J.B. went on about how there's no legal claim in putting your phone number on the paperwork, etc., and I readily agreed with that, I told her I'm not trying to appeal on the basis of any legal claim, it's just that this woman has been visiting Dorothy and establishing a relationship, and now all of a sudden she's told she can't have her, and I'm just trying to find out why.

I was being polite, but relentless, y'know? And J.B. didn't like that a bit... she was beginning to border on hostility at this point. She seemed to lose patience with me and finally just said, "We used to do that, adopt out animals that still needed medicine or something, but it ended up costing us money, because people would come back and say 'You gave me damaged goods, I don't want a sick cat,' or a lame cat, or whatever, and we'd end up going through the whole process again, so we don't do it anymore, that's policy, and that's final."

I said, "But surely when you did that, it was with full disclosure, right? Why would people come back if they understood from the beginning?" This stopped her for a moment, and I suspect that's the crux of the issue -- they may not have done a good enough job of informing adopters of exactly what they were getting into, just as they fail to inform fosters of the conditions of the animals they're taking in.

Anyway, I said this was a bright woman, an attorney, perfectly capable of understanding the facts and making an informed decision... so couldn't they let her have the opportunity to choose to handle whatever treatment Dorothy might need after adoption?

She said once treatment had begun under the shelter's vet, no other vet will take over, because of liability and insurance issues. That sounds absurd to me, but... I don't know, everything associated with insurance sounds absurd to me, so maybe it's true.

Anyway, now we were down to the sticking point. I said, "Okay -- once they determine what treatment Dorothy needs, couldn't they let S.F. have the option of adopting her and seeking that treatment with her own vet from the start?"

She said, "She's not the only one who wants the cat, so it's not a foregone conclusion she'd get her anyway. You're just wanting me to say this woman can have the cat, and I'm not going to say that."

I said, "Well, no, all I want is to get her a fair chance. She chose Dorothy on the very first day, and I just don't see why she's being told to give up on Dorothy when we don't even know yet whether anything is wrong or not."

She rolled her eyes in frustration, and I was so embarrassed... everything in me wanted to back off and stop being a nuisance, y'know? But I stopped myself and remembered what you all told me, to think of what's best for Dorothy and be strong...

So I started to cry.
Not much -- I just suddenly found myself teary-eyed, and I said, "I know I'm being pushy, but you have to understand, I found this kitty on the street and brought her into my yard, and she was happy there, she was such a happy kitty living back there. I know it was bad for her to be outside, but she was happy. And then I brought her here, and now she's had surgery, and she's been very sick, and she's been in a cage for almost a month, and now this injury, whatever it is... and I'm so afraid she'll lose her personality. She's so sweet and trusting, but all this trauma... I just want so much for her to be in a loving forever home as soon as we can get her there, and that's why I'm making such a fuss."

And amazingly, that seemed to reach her. Her face softened and she gave me her business card and said, "I'll find out what's up with her and see what I can do. I can't promise anything, and I'm out tomorrow and Thursday. But you can email me Friday and I'll let you know."

So I thanked her profusely and left feeling a little better... certainly it's clear that euthanasia was not under consideration, anyway. I called S.F. and gave her the report, and I asked if she would still want Dorothy if it turned out she needed surgery or physical therapy. She said yes, as long as she could handle it all through her own vet, because she lives downtown, a very long drive away.

So that's where it stands. I've got everything crossed for good news on Friday...


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Very proud of you dear.
I know it was hard but you did find out something.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 6, 2006
Tarheel State
Good for you, Carol.

I still don't get all the secrecy behind this, but at least they seem like they are wanting to do the right thing now.

Keep on them!
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TCS Member
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Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
OH OH OH OH OH! I can't believe it -- no sooner did I put up that post than S.F. called to tell me that the shelter called her and said she can come get Dorothy at 3:00 tomorrow!


She said they'd determined that there was no detectable injury to her leg, and they think now that the limp is due to the anesthetic injection into her hip when they tried to spay her (again). (That will go away, right?)

S.F. said, "I don't know what you said to them this morning, but you must have been very persuasive!"

Oh gosh, I'm so relieved. I'm running out now to get a crochet hook (can't find mine) so I can make Dorothy a special toy, and I'll go meet S.F. there tomorrow with that and some other little things that may help her... including a printout of the article here about introducing a new cat to an old one.

And of course I'll have to give Dorothy a goodbye snuggle at last. Bless her heart -- she really is a very special cat, and I'll miss her so.

Thank you all so much for your advice and moral support! I really think you made the difference for me... I might not have gotten through to that woman without what you guys told me. You're the greatest!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Yay for you!!!
Good for you for not backing down. Sounds like there is something fishy there and that JB didn't like being confronted with it. Thank you for being an advocate for Dorothy!


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
That is great- Dorothy must clicked her heels three times and said "there's no place like home".
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Originally Posted by katachtig

That is great- Dorothy must clicked her heels three times and said "there's no place like home".
Ha! Yes, I'm sure that's what happened!

I just can't tell you what a weight is off my shoulders... I'm just so HAPPY!


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
What wonderful news! TCS comes through to help again. You were very brave to take on the director and I'm glad the folks here helped give you the strength to do it. Bless you for doing this for sweet Dorothy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Hooray! I'm not breaking out the champagne just yet (I'll wait until I hear that you saw Dorothy safely into her new person's care) but that's great news!

Wow, you stood your ground and you were Dorothy's advocate. You did great.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
First off! YOU DID GREAT!!!

Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

Yay for you!!!
Good for you for not backing down. Sounds like there is something fishy there and that JB didn't like being confronted with it. Thank you for being an advocate for Dorothy!

Originally Posted by katachtig

That is great- Dorothy must clicked her heels three times and said "there's no place like home".
And I bet Dorothy knew which home she wanted!

Please update us as soon as you can tomorrow to let us know when she's officially with her new Meowmie!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2007
Portland, Oregon
Aww this is just wonderful news! Way to go Bulldog

I know how difficult this had to be for you. I would have been peeing my pants. I am so proud
Dorothy really is a lucky girl to have you in her corner. Please do let us know just as soon as you can that she is on her way to her new home.