Doomsday Prep?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
We have a 100 gallon water tank in the RV. We have 10 fold down empty plastic 5 gallon water containers (used for camping). We have 4 or 5 water filters of varying degree and replacement filters. One can turn rank puddle water into drinking water. We have a duffel full of camping food - good for probably several months. We have two backpacks ready to go - with camping gear and emergency supplies/first aid kits/cooking things, camping stove, etc. (Tent, Sleeping bags, etc.). We have guns and ammunition - for hunting and home protection. We have 3-way gas masks (biologic and nuclear and ... ? ) for the two of us, and one that attaches to a small tent for the cats. We have bottles of the "decontamination" stuff you use in a shower-down for when you take off the protective gear. (And the hanging shower thingy that heats up in the sun).
I don't remember what all we have for the cats... but we have emergency supplies for them. But in the event of total social breakdown, we'd be hunting for food anyway, so they can eat whatever we hunt. And, of course, we have the trap for the ferals - useful for possum and raccoon, if it comes to that.
We have emergency medical kits. Tamiflu, antibiotics - pretty much everything you need except ether for emergency surgery. Lots of antibiotics, antisceptics, and bandages, wound dressings...
If we had to evacuate by road, we'd just take the RV.
But we have a plan in place for what stores/pharmacies/etc. to "hit" in the event of total social breakdown. We have friends and doctors "in" on the plan, and everyone has their assignments. The RV park is a GREAT place to hunker down, because of the large propane tank and all the RVs/trailers in storage - make for great, easy ways to store LOTS of water, gas, propane, and propane can be used for cooking/heating, and easy to set up for defense. And the water supply in the park has a generator, so as long as we collect enough gas, we can fill thousands of gallons of water in the trailers/RV tanks before gas runs out.
Basically - if things go very, very wrong... a lot of people will be converging here with all kinds of things. :lol3:
Does frozen cat food count? :lol3: It is all I have in "stock"
Laurie - I think You are adopting me - that's the plan here sister :crackup:
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
So its official. If doomsday hits, we all head to LDG's trailer :) Yep works for me!! Hope you have lots for all the fur babies hehe



Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Here's the thing, I live 20  minutes away from Armageddon. Seriously, from the biblical "Har Megiddo" or Armageddon, so if Doomsday "strikes", the Four Riders of the Apocalypse will be riding through our town most likely. I promise to let TCS'ers know, so y'all get an early warning
Make sure you Like our Facebook too - I'll double post there as well.

And all kidding aside, I think this is an important topic. Back in 1991 when scuds were hitting Israel, we had a "safe room", all sealed up against chemical weapons. I still remember how I refused to get inside without the cats, and my parents all frantic trying to pull me to safety. They finally gave up and just helped me locate the cats in the house and get them into the room...

My tip is, have a pillow cover ready, as well as a cat carrier. It's easy to take an extra pillow cover, and if all else fails (carrier malfunctions or gets cracked), a pillow cover is better than nothing.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2006
Chasing Da Bird...
I have a camper outside. It's fully stocked for summer camping, (I don't empty the non-perishables) it has several cases of water, toiletries, medications, drinks, snacks, pasta, canned food, blankets, and even some warm clothes. It has dog food, dry, in tupperware, and cans, and at the end of the season, I packed up a bag of cat food and cans for Kairi as well. Flashlights, batteries, a crank radio, a battery operated satellite radio, candles, lanterns, and firewood and a fire ring. I do go out and check on stuff weekly, to make sure no mice have gotten in, I also add stuff if I have extras.

I do have some large tupperware boxes in my cellar, stocked with canned food, water, a portapotty (from our old popup camper) and the same kinds of medications I keep in the house. If we need to evac (which is the most likely scenario out here) those boxes can be shoved into the camper, the camper hooked up and on the road within minutes. It sleeps 10, with plenty of room for the dogs, cat and bird. the fish will have to ride out whatever happens-I have no way of moving them. 

When there's any weather threatening, I always make sure I stock up on things, so I never have to dip into the emergency stuff. If there is a nuclear attack, well, what are ya gonna do...