Doing my best but this is hard!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 24, 2022
Hi everyone, I am new here but have been a lurker for a while.
I took in a pregnant cat two weeks ago as a rescue. She is feral but has quickly warmed up these past two weeks. Before we could take her to the vet to see if we are to abort these babies or let her have them, she made the decision for us by giving birth to 4 gorgeous kittens a day after we brought her in.
about a week ago, they came down with eye infections and have been treating with terramycin for almost a week. I stopped it after two days at the beginning since the eyes got better but then two days later the infection came back so I’ve been back at it. I stink at this, really. At first giving them the gel was easy but now they’re squirming so much even when I havethem wrapped in a towel and I touched the tip of the applicator to the eyes. So now I’m stressing I damaged his eye. I’m awful at this.
weighing them is so hard. They are always catching their little claws in the fabrics and I’m scared to death I’m going to damage their fragile little bodies picking them up or getting them free from the fabric. I feel like they’re blown glass or something!
Also one of the kittens only gained 14 grams in two days. So now I’m stressing about that. I’ve had cats all my life but I’ve never raised babies before.
There is Loki, the biggest. He’s a male. Then China, female, Dot, female, and Keeto, female. Here are their weight progressions (I didn’t touch them the first week):
Born: 2/9
2/16: Loki: 244 g, China: 210 g, Keeto: 213 g, and Dot: 215 g
2/18: Loki: 272 g, China: 241 g, Keeto: 235 g, and Dot: 238 g
2/20: Loki: 300 g, China: 265 g, Keeto: 260 g, and Dot: 272 g
2/22: Loki: 337g, China: 289 g, Keeto: N/A, and
Dot: 298 g
2/24: Loki: 360 g, China: 319 g, Keeto: 334 g, and Dot: 316 g
As you can see, Dot only gained 18 grams from Tuesday to today (Thursday). Should I stress? This is a really hard job!
Also, the mom had a kitten in the summer that we rescued. He’s 7 months old now, and neutered. We couldn’t catch momma then. How possible is it for the 7 month old boy to kill the kittens if he’s neutered? He’s staying away from them anyway; separated by a room with a door.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Ok, first try to calm down, cats can easily pick up on your nervousness. Terramycin is an antibiotic, and as with ANY antibiotic you don't stop applying it just because the infection clears up, you give it as long as the vet said to, at least a week. If you stop early, the bacteria could mutate into something that makes it resistant to the antibiotic. When giving eye ointment, you pull gently down on the lower eyelid until it forms a 'pouch', and put a thin ribbon in there. If the cat is fighting you. just put some on the end of your finger and wipe it gently across their eye. Use a different finger each time to not contaminate the tube. Never apply the salve directly to the eye itself, that brings the possibility of the cat moving and poking it in their eye, and if it touches the eye, it is contaminated. you can use what you got since it is so new, just wipe it across their eyes. starting at the side and making sure they have time to close their eyes.
What your kittens have is VERY common in kittens. Almost every litter my cats have had gets it. It is called the Feline Herpes Virus and is as common as our common cold. It is NOT passed on to humans. It is a virus so most antibiotics won't touch it. but the virus in the eyes turns bacterial often and then the salve works. For now, I'll try to find some more knowledgeable help for you, since Dot IS gaining but slowly, make sure she has some alone time with mom so she can nurse more often when the others are sleeping. see if that helps. if not you'll have to supplement. giving kitten formula with a syringe is MUCH easier, make sure the kitten is tummy down and put it just a tiny amount at a time in the SIDE of the mouth. she may eventually learn to suck on it and get it herself. NEVER give cats, especially those over 6 months, cows milk. most cats turn lactose intolerent and it will cause diarrhea. your boy should be fine around teh kittens, just make sure it deosn't upset mama and supervise his visits. It's mama attacking him that you have to worry about. see how she reacts. Males VERY rarely kill kittens, and it's usually toms killing kittens taht aren't genetically theirs. I have nevr seen it and have had hundreds of cats around. I'll see if StefanZ StefanZ or Sarthur2 Sarthur2 can help you!
PS you are doing GREAT! And now that you have found us, we will guide you through this. don't ever be afraid to post. Try to remember, the first few weeks of a cat giving birth are the hardest, you are almost there! I commend you for helping and loving these sweet little ones and helping mama, bless you!
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I understand how intimidating it can be the first time you raise a litter of kittens, but try to relax because you and mama kitty are doing terrific jobs!

You can stop weighing every day because ALL four kittens are little pigs at the milk bar. They are ALL weighing in at the size of 3-week-old kittens, so no one needs supplementing with formula. There is nothing to fret about with their weights or gains.

Kittens will have a growth spurt, plateau and gain less for a day or two, then have another spurt. You’ve got a healthy crew here and that’s wonderful. Just weigh once a week if they’ll let you.

You can trim the very tips of their claws as needed so they scratch less and catch on things less. Keep them trimmed and they’ll get used to the routine over time.

You’ve received excellent advice from di and bob di and bob regarding how to best use the terramycin. I’ve always put it on my finger and swiped it across the eye. Most kittens’ eyes will clear up over 5-7 days and the infection won’t come back.

I’d wait to introduce the older kitten to the new ones when they are more mobile, but only under supervision since he is so much bigger. Use your judgment when the time comes.

Thanks for taking this mama and son into your home and providing such great care to the kittens.

Mushandthefamily Mushandthefamily
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Agree. The reason you shall wait and superwise with introducing the older kitten isnt not because he is any real danger, but because he may play too rough, if he doesnt understands them are small kittens.
Of course, its fully possible he will co-parent them. But whom wants to take any risks?