Dog poop in America


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Dear fellow felines,

So, I'm not really sure the best way to go about addressing this, so I'm just going to dive right in...

I moved to the states a year and a half ago, and have not been too thrilled watching the neighbour's dogs defecate where they please - even on the other neighbours' front lawns.  Where I was living in England, leaving behind your dog's mess is illegal and finable up to £250 (a little under $400).  Can you please tell me what the current expectations (or laws) are regarding picking up one's dog poop?

I live at the end of a cul-de-sac, and in the middle is a lovely circular patch of grass with huge trees growing.  It's a lovely place to watch the neighbourhood kids come together and play...and a not so lovely place to watch the dogs having their bowel movements, and then watching the owners walk away without cleaning up after them.

It doesn't seem right to me.  And yet half the people I speak to about it (in-laws, colleagues) don't agree with me.  One great response I got was: "If I pick up my dog's poop, I'll throw up and leave an even bigger mess."  

Am I crazy?


Seeing Brown
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 11, 2008
Check with the local police department that has jurisdiction for the area. If they're violating the law, take pictures as evidence and report it to them.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Thanks Dave_L.  I had contacted our local township last year regarding dogs wandering onto our (and other's) property and "doing their business".  The township responded by simply telling us to talk to the neighbours, without mention of whether or not this is even against the law.  Failing that, they said to contact our local SPCA.  I'm not really sure what the SPCA can do about it other than remove the dogs.  I don't want the dogs to be punished; I just want to see dog owners being responsible for their dogs.

My husband did speak with one neighbour who had multiple dogs behaving this way, and they have stopped.  But I'm still seeing other dogs from other houses coming this way.  Last night I was admiring a neighbour's dog.  She lives a little further down the road and was walking her Bernese Mountain Dog.  She let the dog off the lead to do its business in that exact spot I mentioned in the OP, and walked away without picking it up.

Poop aside, we have even had another neighbour's dog rip up a trash bag that I had left momentarily outside the front door.  We hadn't even realised what the dog had done until we saw an annoyed looking owner come over and grab his dog from our living room window (just out of view of the front door).  He left without even bothering to let us know what had happened; I opened the door to find trash everywhere.  The in-laws and colleagues said it was my fault for leaving the bag there for a couple of minutes.

I don't understand why this is such a trend here.  What gives?
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
"In America" is a pretty broad term.  It depends on the area. Where I live, there are laws about having dogs on leashes and about picking up waste.  On the recreation trails and in the parks, there are poop bag dispensers and trash cans for disposing of the waste.  People in general are very responsible about that sort of thing here.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
This is true. America is much larger than England, sometimes I forget that some things work by state, as opposed to the whole country. I suspect I'm just in a neighbourhood where people unfortunately don't respect each other. I have just found dog laws pertaining to Pennsylvania, with one being:

- It is unlawful to allow your dog to run at large. All dogs must be under control. Owners are responsible for all damages caused by their dog(s).

Don't see anything regarding poop, though. :/
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
P.S.  That "old veterinary adage" in your signature is so very true. :)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If a person chooses to own a dog then they MUST be a RESPONSIBLE pet owner! I would not be sorry at all to follow the person home and then leave the poop in a bag on their porch with a note saying " you left this and I'm sure you didn't mean too, it is after all YOURS!" I don't know of a city that doesn't have some kind of laws about this, if you call the police maybe they could help. It can be a health hazard. I have stood outside and stared at people letting their dogs go in my yard, saying, I hope you plan to pick that up, I don't own a dog. As for your trash, it's YOUR yard, you should be able to leave any thing you want outside without it being scattered everywhere. I hope you can find the courage to speak up, these people are being VERY irresponsible and shouldn't get away with it. All the luck!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Thanks Di and Bob, I 100% agree with you!  I honestly thought I was going crazy or just being uppity when some of the people around me didn't seem to have a problem with this, but this is because they are also culprits ("I'll puke" etc).  If you don't want to pick up the poo, then let your dog poo in your own yard.  I grew up in Bermuda before going to university in England, and it was the same deal there with dog poop laws.  Picking up poop isn't fun, but it's what you sign up for when you make that commitment to an animal.

We live in neighbourhood with lots of young families, and the kids tend to migrate in that spot.  I don't have kids yet, but when I do I would love to have no problems with them going outside to play and get dirty...but with poop?  BIG no...  Even in my own yard...  I wish I wouldn't have to worry about such a thing. 


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
check town laws too. Depends where you are, each town has its own laws. The town I lived in previously had a sign saying curb your dog or you'll be fined. Of course, people ignore the signs and don't pick up.

as a pet sitter, it drives me nuts at how I clean up after my client's pup, but I see other poop everywhere, especially right by the signs. sigh. people just don't have the courteousy. 


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Honestly I'm surprised that is the common reaction from  your in-laws and co-workers.  There are irresponsible owners everywhere.  Unfortunately it seems you need to find a way to let people know that is not something you are willing to put up with.  You catch more flies with honey than vinegar; but sometimes you need to find a way to convey that you are serious too.  

If you talk to people and it still happens; then contact your city and the SPCA again to find out the laws.  Ask specific questions.  I have contacted the SPCA here like that to find out the laws regarding leaving dogs in cars.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
It's good to know that there are responsible folk like you out there. 
  I was surprised by the responses, too, including: "It's just fertilizer."

I wonder whether people think it's acceptable around my area simply because they see everyone else do it.  It's unfortunate.  

Hubby and I are planning on getting a pooch, probably toward the end of the year.  I am one of those people that will gag when I smell it - and yet, I wouldn't ever dream of leaving my dog mess behind for anybody else to have the misfortune of finding.

Just as a side note: I'm sorry if the forum title upset anyone; I didn't mean to imply anything negative, I just wanted to know what the American laws were regarding leaving dog waste.  I probably could have worded it better. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 8, 2015
Wow, it definitely is interesting to hear your colleagues and in-laws saying it's not a big deal to litter dog poop everywhere. I'm from Canada and where I live, I've seen a few sign posts telling people to pick up their dog's poop or they'll be fined. But then again, Canada and England share commonwealth. 

If I had the guts, I would put up signs in that little grass area but that might cause more trouble than good. 


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Most towns in the USA, even small ones these days, will have a website.  On it, you should be able to find the local laws relating to dog waste and other items.

All over NY and NJ this is strictly prohibited.  That doesn't mean there won't always be someone who thinks they are too good to clean up after their dog.  Last week, I was driving home and saw a young girl walking a dog I had never seen before.  As she rounded the corner of my home, from the distance I see her allowing the dog onto my lawn.  I kept wondering if I'd make it over there before she left, and I did.  Just as the dog was going into one of my side garden beds!  She, on the cell phone chit chatting and totally ignoring her pet.  Obviously, someone at home didn't tell her how to properly walk the dog or, being a teenager she spaced out.

I honked loudly as I came upon them.  She looked up.  I made a "***???" face gesture from the drivers seat and pointed at her and the dog.  She look completely startled, pulled the dog out of the dirt and onto the sidewalk.  Unfortunately by the time I got out of the car she was gone, or I certainly would have said something.

For the most part, my neighbors are very good about picking up but again, not everyone is as law abiding.  Honestly, I'd love a dog also but hate the idea of having to pick up after them so I have refrained 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
I have to confess that I only work with a handful of people, so it's not a huge number.  But it still surprises me that the majority don't see anything wrong.

Regarding the sign: it totally crossed my mind!  I also thought about writing a letter addressed to "the neighbour with the Bernese Mountain Dog" and placing it in all of the mailboxes.  I don't know which exact house she lives in, but I know the general area.  I figured her immediate neighbours would see the note and that would be enough to embarrass her to not do it again, but that might be stirring too much!
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 8, 2015
Mailing a letter seems like a better idea. It's more discreet and no one is going to see you pounding down a sign in the middle of the cul de sac. 

But yes, I'd exhaust all authoritative options before I go mailing things! 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
LOL, just wish the township would place official signs in neighbourhood areas like they did where I used to live!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
My neighbors who let their dogs crap on my yard and don't pick up after them is a major peeve of mine. I can't tell you how many times I've been mowing my lawn when I suddenly smell that awful poo odor. When it happens I know I've run over dog crap and have to stop and clean it off the wheels unless I want the odor to both follow me for the remainder of mowing my lawn and to stink up my garage when I finish and put the mower away.

I recently put up security cameras around my house. I put one in the front that isn't needed for security reasons but gives me a video record of exactly whose dog is doing the crapping. Since I put it up my across the street neighbor has become very conscientious about patrolling my yard at least once a day to look for crap. 

There is another neighbor who lies and says he picks up after his dog. Just yesterday I got a video of his dog crapping on my yard and him not picking it up. I can't talk to him and show him proof of his lying.

Can someone please explain to me why people think it is  OK to let their dogs leave piles of crap on other peoples lawns?????


TCS Member
Apr 16, 2015
Two Sticks, California, USA
I actually live in a town that until a few months ago there wasn't any animal control officer. So we were the town of free range dogs. I now also have 2 dogs, but they are cabled for potty time and only in my own yard.

We no longer suffer dog poop all over since my recently (actually poisoned by a neighbor whom assumed due to his large size he would kill his illegal poultry. Nearsighted, gentle giant who was terrified of chickens!) deceased Maine Coon/Domestic Short Hair, large 30 -40 lb male cat became the attack cat to strays.

He would also leave dog sized poop on the lawns of dogs he disliked owners yards.

My personal fav of irresponsible dog owners is I scoop it with my shovel and toss it the dog owners yard, in a conspicuous place.

If this fails there is always the paper sack lit on fire, ring the bell and run. Lol a very good cure for bad pet owners.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 25, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
mschauer - that's terrible. Fortunately for me the neighbourhood dogs have so many options (and are drawn by other doggy smells) that we don't have too many incidents of poop in our yard.  But it has happened, and when a little bit of poop was tracked inside our home, that was when my husband went and had a chat with the neighbour that kept letting their 3 dogs roam unsupervised.  To be honest, I'm surprised they weren't too concerned with the possibility of the dogs getting hit by a car coming around the corner.  In any event, we haven't seen their dogs since the chat - and lo and behold, no poop to be found (so far).  I was honestly surprised that they respected what we had to say, since I had assumed another neighbour would have had an issue with this at some point.  But now I suspect that my husband is the only person to have said something to them - and hence why I think there's a collective feeling that it's ok to let your dog crap where it pleases and just leave it.

I don't think you should be afraid to put that footage on a DVD and leave it in their mailbox, kindly requesting that they pick up after their dog if they choose to go on your lawn...or refrain from letting their dog do their business on your property at all.  If all else fails, Dave_L posted a link with some decent options.  I just hope they don't interfere with cats enjoying outdoors.

shellsringtail - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your boy.  That is a very cruel thing to do.  Have you tried reporting the incident?  I don't condone ever hurting or punishing an animal; they don't understand right and wrong in many situations, only instinct.  If your neighbour doesn't have the proper safeguards in place to ensure their poultry aren't in any danger, then that's on them.  This is another common thing that the people I work with don't share with me.  I brought up an episode of The Incredible Dr Pol, where a mother cat that was still nursing her kittens had to have her front leg amputated when a neighbour had shot her in the shoulder.  To my surprise and utter disgust, my colleagues felt it was ok to shoot any cat wandering onto their property, especially if it is a threat to chickens and the like.  They were pretty much jeering at me, with one saying: "I thought everyone loves to shoot cats, it's a blast!" to which another replied: "Not if she loves cats more than people."  I honestly got so frustrated/angry/disgusted/upset with the whole discussion that I went for a long walk and cried.

Regarding the incident with the dog ripping apart our trash bag - my father-in-law insisted that it was my fault, telling me that leaving the trash outside the front door for a couple of minutes was the "root cause."  I suggested that the neighbour letting their dog roam, unsupervised, onto OUR property was the root cause.  He still disagreed.  It kind of amazes me.  I wonder if I'm on a different planet?! 