Doesn't like to be pet but demands attention


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2013
Hi everyone!
So, I got my 7 month-old kitten Bond back when he was 2 months old. His mum is a stray cat and Bond is from her second or third litter.
He wasn't really used to people holding and petting or carrying him around when I took him in since he was only used to people leaving him a milk bowl and going about their business. But he turned domestic overnight.

He follows you around the apartment (he isn't allowed outside because of the traffic), meowing insistently if you're behind closed doors, runs to you when called and never does any damage when left alone. He usually sleeps through it. But if you're in the room and he's sleeping and you get up and walk out of the room, 99 case scenario he follows you.

I feed him, change his litter, take him to the vet, play with him and really he let's you do all kind a stuff to him while playing and never bites you out of agression. But he doesn't like to be pet very often except if he's sleepy or when he's following you around. he always sleeps on the bed next to you but just out of arms reach. He rarely purrs as well but chirps all the time. Lately, he's been going into heat and is more affectionate - jumps into my parents' lap, purrs and sleeps there sometimes even for hours.

But he runs from my touch, never wants to sleep in my lap except when I'm asleep and then if I pet him he goes away. He only comes to me for food, play and when he's in heat - trying to pounce my hand and bite it like if it was a female cat. When I shrug him off a couple of times he gets irritated and pounces my hand aggresively as if he's picking a fight.

My father says that Bond still loves me the most cause he only runs to the door when it's me and he always jumps from their lap when he hears my voice. He says that Bond sees me as another cat or as his toy/playing buddy and that's why he acts this way.

Also, about the hormonal situation - I'm having him neutered when he turns 8 months. The vet advised me to hold it off until then or until he starts showing signs of spraying which he hasn't.

How do I improve my relationship with my cat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2012
It sounds like he already loves you very much
. The hormonal aggression will very likely improve when he is nuetered. I would do it sooner rather than later. If you wait until he starts spraying (could be any day now) it might be hard to break the habit. No reason to wait until he's 8 months.
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TCS Member
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Mar 25, 2013
I'll probably have to take him to the vet in a week or two to be neutered because I hate disciplinating him when he goes all primal on my hand.
Still, I would like to create a more affectionate bond between the two us - that he might sleep on my lap and not march away when I try to pet him. Any ideas how I might do that?


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Sounds like you have a great friend in Bond and you're his person.  Some kitties just aren't big on being petted.  I have one like that and I've had him since he was about 10 wks old.  He loves being in the same room, laying on the bed with me, and follows me around, but doesn't really like being held or petted.  That's just the way he is and I respect that.  So, love that kitty anyway and don't expect him to be all lovey dovey.  Once he is neutered, which he's big enough for, he'll calm down a bit.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I agree with the others; he loves you, he just isn't big on petting.  Noodles is 8 years old and I've had her since she was a tiny kitten.  We still have to let her sniff our hands before we can pet her.  And then it's just a few times before she gives us the evil eye or smacks us.  She is only affectionate with me and usually only late at night after everyone else is in bed.  Or at 3 am if I make a bathroom trip!  Then she'll come sit in my pants and purr.  
  The big thing is that I have to let her come to me.  Love on her terms. 
  She and Mooch are litter mates and were adopted at the same time and a very different.  Mooch pretty much has to be on me, next to me or near me if I am sitting down.  Before my kids came along it was on me as close to my head as possible. She used to sit on my shoulders while I'd be on here (when she was small enough to fit).  But believe it or not; it was Noodles who first cuddled with me in my lap!  She just did it on her terms.  She prefers to cuddle by my feet on the couch.  As she has gotten older; she is a bit more affectionate, but still waits for it to be quiet.

I also think neutering, the sooner the better, will help.  The only time our vet ever advised putting off a neutering was because he kept coming down with URI's and we had to delay some vaccinations because of his sickness.  Also remember he is still a kitten.  He may mellow a bit as he ages.  He's sort of a teenager at this point.  

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2013
Thank you guys! I know that some cats just don't like to be petted much, his mom is mostly the same way. And I respect that. Also, I know that he sleeps all the time I'm not at home so when I come home he's like "Hi!Givemefood?okay,nowplayplayplayplay!!'

I guess I just get jelaous when he jumps in my parents' lap all on his own and wants to be cuddled but jumps from my lap like it's on fire. I feel like a mom to teenager and like he's telling me 'Mooom, not in front of the guys!"

After the neutering, when his hormone rate goes down, I'll wait for him to come to me on his own terms.

Also, I have a question about the neutering - does the vet cut his testicles off or just does a vasectomy and ties them preventing ejaculation?
Cause I saw on the internet pictures of a cat vasectomy and the process itself while my boyfriend's cat got his cut off (this was 8-9 years ago when they got him neutered).


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Do you feed him or do your parents?  He might be more loving towards you if he saw you as his source of food.  Also, playing is a great way to build trust and a relationship with a kitty.  My little guy won't play with my husband, but expects me to play with him just before bedtime.  I guess I'm better at playing with him than the husband is.  LOL

As for the neutering, they will remove the testicles, at least a good vet will.  It's a very easy procedure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
Cats are castrated when they are neutered - a vasectomy would only prevent reproduction, it wouldn't stop spraying, fighting, tom-cat-pee-smell, wandering (if allowed out) aggression and sexual frustration.  Male cats also don't come into call (heat) like female cats do - they are always looking for a receptive female to mate with.

I have no idea why your vet advised waiting until he is 8 months old to neuter him - that is quite old-fashioned advice.  My younger male was neutered at 4 months, the older at 5 months and I don't think I've ever let a male cat reach 8 months without being neutered.  If he is adamant then ring round the other vets to look for one that will neuter him right now.

Finally, never use your hands to play with him, and try not to pet him at least until he has been neutered AND the hormones are going away.  In a male cat that has reached puberty it takes a few weeks for the hormones to subside.