Does This Bloodwork Confirm Fip?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 22, 2018

I can't seem to come to terms that my kitten might be fatally ill. He's been lethargic, small fever (103.5), weight loss, weak appetite, and X-ray showed fluid in abdomen. Doctor immediately suggested the likelihood of FIP and when the bloodwork returned, she said that it's all in agreement with FIP. I don't know exactly what she said because it was a phonecall but I heard something about a low albumin and something about protein somewhere.

Do all of his tests confirm FIP? Is he anemic right now? Does anyone have experience or know how to read these? I'm getting a second opinion tomorrow just in case (even though I really like my doctor).

I'm just feeling very crushed right now because I feel like I might've killed my favorite kitten when I adopted two new kittens. When you read about FIP online, it says this virus mutates in multi-cat households. I remember him sneezing after the kittens arrived but I thought it was a common cold. A few weeks later he became lethargic. I wish I knew about this before adoption -- I asked at the shelter if it was a risk to adopt new kittens but they only mentioned the possibility of common colds because they check their kittens for illnesses and deworm them, etc. If I knew that there was a risk of Shadow dying I would've never adopted extra.

He tested negative for FIV and and FeLV. Waiting a few days on a PCR test.

Shadow doesn't deserve to die in any way... he's the gentlest cat I've ever owned and has never so much as clawed me. He's also the only cat I've seen that chirps instead of meowing. He always greets me in the morning with a happy chirp. Whenever I call his name he turns and chirps. I know this doesn't make him any less deserving of dying than any other cat, but I just don't really know how to cope with these results.

Attached is his bloodwork if anyone can read this...

Bloodwork1.png Bloodwork2.png MoreBloodworkMaybe.png UrineAnalysis.png XRAY.png


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 18, 2009
Hollywood, FL, USA
I am so sorry your Shadow is ill. I can tell how special he is to you.

The lab work is consistent with FIP. Shadow is mildly anemic but he’s making new red cells, which a good sign. Is there a plan to get fluid from the abdomen? You really need to look at it to see whether it’s consistent with the FIP diagnosis. I’m glad you are taking him for a second opinion, it’s always good to get input from more than one source. Is Shadow getting antibiotics just in case it’s not FIP?

I’ve never understood why the virus should be more likely to mutate in multi cat households. Maybe someone can explain. In any case, I don’t think you should beat yourself up about it. There are plenty of multi-cat households where FIP doesn’t happen. You adopted the kittens to get company for Shadow. Don’t blame them or yourself, please. It won’t help Shadow.

I’m sending a lot of healing vibes to Shadow and comforting hugs to you. Please let us know what happens.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 22, 2018
Tomorrow at the new clinic I will ask them to drain fluids then. The current doctor said that until he develops eye issues or neurological issues, we can keep alleviating the symptoms. But after those develop (if they do) she suggested putting him down is the best case scenario. (I don't want him to suffer so I would agree)

Shadow is receiving antiobitics right now & pain meds. All of these were given to battle diarrhea, possible vomiting and any pain he might be having. He's been better since I started administering all the meds (Buprenorphine, Metronidazole and Forti-Flora) but it might be because he's feeling the pain less. He was playful for the first time in 2 weeks, a much bigger appetite today, etc. He almost looks like old normal self.

Thank you so much for the healing vibes... I'm currently in Denial about it (first stage of grief), because Im really hoping it turns out to be something else or he miraculously defeats FIP or something. As far as I can tell from these results, only his white blood cells are over the roof while the rest of the "anomalous" results are barely below or above normal range...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I’ve never understood why the virus should be more likely to mutate in multi cat households. Maybe someone can explain.
silkenpaw silkenpaw - It's strictly a matter of odds and probabilities. Roughly, if you have a cat with the Coronavirus, there's a one in thirty thousand chance that he or she will develop FIP. With two cats, the odds are one in fifteen thousand. There's a somewhat better explanation here - and the beginning of an answer to the whole of the question.

Fip Question