Does Anyone Recognize These Symptoms?


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Brian, my beloved soulmate, died 5 days after his 10th birthday, I always presumed he'd live til he was at least 20 and that we had all those glorious years to come. I've had many dozens of cats over my lifetime and have known literally hundreds more, some were 'just' cats (if there is such a thing), others were best friends whose deaths hit very hard. Brian's sudden death hit me harder than when my best friend hung himself (sorry Robbie) and I was physically ill for well over a year. I still think of Brian daily and yearn after him with hunger like pangs. I cry often and miss his guidance - he was a very clever cat who always knew what to do. It's been 22 months now. Being Brian on this site has helped, I love it when people call me "Brian"!

Anyway, I'm here for you now and always. And I know that others are too.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Good timing. I just got back from my fourth vet visit. Its not good. Most of the swelling has migrated to his lower abdomen and hind legs and paws. He's not in any discomfort yet and is still eating ok. The Vet told me today she suspects at this point it's something serious, which may led to him being put to sleep soon. I suspected, but I still wasn't ready to hear it. Pretty crushing as I'm sure any animal lover understands. 3 weeks ago you would think he was a young cat. I figured he'd make 20.

On the Vets recommendation I made an appointment to see an internist tomorrow to see if we can get some more info. Beyond that, theres not much left. :-(
has there been an ultrasound done of the heart? Edema sometimes indicates there;s something going on cardiac- Did they send you home with water pills to help pull out the Edema? What about blood pressure? Of course your kitty isn't feeling well-I hope you get some answers soon-what about an x ray of chest=to see if this edema is interfering with breathing? There's medications that help with this-but first they need to do an ultrasound of the heart-so we can see how exactly it's working. Then x ray to see if pooling in the lung area...I am so sorry it's come to this and no answers.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
Mike, I'm so sorry that the news from the vet is not good, and that you and Izzy are going through this.

"Brian", thanks for sharing your memories of Brian, and condolences on your loss. Some cats are really soulmates, aren't they?


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Very sorry to hear the update from the vets doesn't sound good. Did they ever share with you any results from the biopsies / tests they ran the other week, or might this internist go through them with you? Sending loads of positive vibes for you and Izzy. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #25


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks again for all the kind words. I'm going to have to ask my ignorance be excused, for some reason the medical thing is Chinese to me. It's hard for me to say exactly what has and hasn't been done at this point. Ive spoken with 6 Vets which doesn't help.

I took Izzy to see the internist and a cardiologist. I found both to be excellent and I finally have some answers. It could be worse. He is suffering from heart disease. His thyroid is being checked the results will be in tomorrow. For now, he is on 2 medications, one to reduce the swelling and another for his heart. The cardiologist said he could possibly live with his condition 2 month or 2 years. You never know.

Having answers is a relief and I'm thankful for any time he has left not in discomfort.



Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
I want to say, "hurray!" and so I will, "HURRAY!"

My first cat of my very own, i.e., not mine and mum's, Strawberry, had inoperable (but pain-free) cancers on her back caused by repeated injection sites which she had every couple of days for several years. For interest's sake, she had calicivirus and was injected with interferon, which was a novel treatment in those days, 20 years ago. Anyhow, I had a particularly strong bond with her and was devastated by her terminal illness. But, she lived happily for over a year after our final prognosis (I took her to several specialists before I conceded), and with daily dressing of her back her quality of life was only affected cosmetically by her bandage strap. In the time we had left together I came to terms with losing her and we shared a great deal of 'love-ins', with hours long purring sessions, falling asleep in each other's arms. When the time came to put her to sleep, albeit utterly sad, it was a million times easier than when Brian, my soulmate cat, died suddenly and horrifically two years ago.

So, what I'm trying to say is, however long you have together, you can make wonderful, build loving memories, and prepare. I'm ever so thankful that you are able to share this part of Izzy's life, because I honestly can't think of anyone better.

Please keep posting on your thread, hopefully we'll still be here in two years. :catrub:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
My Gwen died recently from thyroid/heart issues, and I couldn't agree more with Brian-- with medication, we were able to add about 6 months to her life, and the time we spent together during those months is a very special memory. I hope you and Izzy have more time, and are able to enjoy that time despite his diagnosis.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Thanks again for all the kind words. I'm going to have to ask my ignorance be excused, for some reason the medical thing is Chinese to me. It's hard for me to say exactly what has and hasn't been done at this point. Ive spoken with 6 Vets which doesn't help.

I took Izzy to see the internist and a cardiologist. I found both to be excellent and I finally have some answers. It could be worse. He is suffering from heart disease. His thyroid is being checked the results will be in tomorrow. For now, he is on 2 medications, one to reduce the swelling and another for his heart. The cardiologist said he could possibly live with his condition 2 month or 2 years. You never know.

Having answers is a relief and I'm thankful for any time he has left not in discomfort.

I'm glad you got some real answers finally. It's a sad commentary that it took so much effort (6 vets! :censored: )

I will hope that the medications are helpful in at least relieving his discomfort, and allow you to have a little more time with him. :catrub:
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  • #30


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2018
So, the thyroid test came back negative, as did the biopsy. I wouldn't say he is any pain or discomfort, except when he walks. He's eating well and having normal bowel movements. The swelling is going down and he is moving around much better.

As far as the 6 vets, I should say that included the internist and cardiologist. I believe this may have been beyond a typical vets knowledge which the last 2 vets acknowledged. I would like to be told what I should be doing in regard to finding an answer which the last vet did, suggested I see the internist, and I got my answer which has brought some relief to me at least. In the end, I want to know I did everything I could for him.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Not good, but so NOT the worst, either. You have some time. Glory in it with her, enjoy every moment the two of you have together. We are here.
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  • #32


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2018
So, I thought I would update this, its been a little over 6 months. Maybe something here will help someone out someday.

My cat was prescribed Lasix & Pimobendan for his heart condition. After several weeks his swelling had not improved. I was advised to double the Lasix dosage for 3 months. The swelling went down shortly after but he started having accidents in the house.

At 4 months we were considering having him euthanized. His mobility had not really come back. He basically laid in his bed all day only getting up to eat or hopefully use the litter box.

Right about then it was time to cut his Lasix dose in half. He stopped having accidents in the house. His mobility got much better, probably 75%. Which isn't too bad. He moves around well and can jump if he wants to.

A few years ago he was 22 LBS. I got him down to 15 LBS per my vet. He's now barely 10 LBS despite eating 3x the food. He's constantly carrying on for food. Constantly. He will eat a big bowl of food within 1/2 hour he's carrying on again. We feed him multiple times a day. The last feeding around 11PM. He will go to sleep and with any luck he doesn't start harassing me for food until 5am.
I would just leave a bowl of food out, but I have an over-weight female cat that would eat it. The issue is the food runs right thru him. He has constant diarrhea. We have to constantly clean the litter box. This is a side effect of the Pimobendan.

Its not been easy. But it could be worse. Who knows. He could live another year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Hi! I was wondering if you thought of putting plain pumpkin puree in some wet food for him? The extra fiber might help keep him satiated a little longer and it also helps firm and bulk up stool. Just a thought.
I recently got a Congestive Heart Failure diagnosis for my cat, and he is now on 7 different meds/supplements. (blood pressure, diuretic, vasodilater, heart pumper, blood thinner, and a few supplements.) We were also given a "it could be 2 months or 2 years" when we asked about his prognosis. May I ask what Pimobendan is used for with yours? That is not one that my Hank is on, and he is doing pretty good so far, and does not have diarrhea. I wonder if the vet could recommend a different med that won't give him diarrhea?
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  • #34


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2018
Hello. He was prescribed Pimobendon for heart disease. My understanding is it causes the heart to beat harder. As much as I hate to drag him back to the vet, I'm making an appointment this week to discuss what if anything can be done about the food running right thru him issue.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Well I checked which medication Hank's on for his "heart pumping/beating" enhancer and it is called Vetmedin, which is the same as Pimobendan. I guess I'm just lucky that Hank does not have the diarrhea side effect.

Do you think he would do well in his own room over night? That way he could eat as much as he wants, as long as he doesn't make himself sick from eating too much.

I hope you can find a solution.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
When was the last time the T3 and T4 been tested? A high thyroid level can cause weight loss and cardic issues despite eating a ton of food.

Also check for worms in his belly. Have them test the poop. Even indoor cats can get's a long shot I know but better to test to make sure its not missed.

The never ending diarrhea concerns me. I would try the pumpkin. It could help. Also probiotics too. And maybe switching of medication as seems this didn't start until the meds were started?

Keep us posted!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hi! I was wondering if you thought of putting plain pumpkin puree in some wet food for him? The extra fiber might help keep him satiated a little longer and it also helps firm and bulk up stool. Just a thought.
That was my thought, as well.

When was the last time the T3 and T4 been tested? A high thyroid level can cause weight loss and cardic issues despite eating a ton of food.
It certainly can, and that slipped right by me! I would hope that this was already checked, but after reading posts here for the past..goodness, almost THREE years now...I know better.