Does anyone have their kids micro-chipped?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
I have thought about it and I am still going back and forth. Yes it would be great just in case. BUT a lot of shelters and pounds don't scan. Many that do don't realize the chip can drastically change location before scar tissue builds up to hold it in place. I have heard of them moving to an animals chest area, between the front legs, down the back, etc. It all depends on how quickley each animal builds up the scar tissue.

Another factor in my indecisiveness... the main microchipping companies, AVID and I think the other one is called something like Home Again. They are the only companies that make the scanners to read the chips. However there are like 50 different companies that make the chips and they cannot all be read by the AVID and Home Again scanner...

What I want to know is how many animals out there have chips in them that are never found and the animal is euthanized or adopted out without anyone ever knowing...??!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
Originally Posted by Jen

I have thought about it and I am still going back and forth. Yes it would be great just in case. BUT a lot of shelters and pounds don't scan. Many that do don't realize the chip can drastically change location before scar tissue builds up to hold it in place. I have heard of them moving to an animals chest area, between the front legs, down the back, etc. It all depends on how quickley each animal builds up the scar tissue.

Another factor in my indecisiveness... the main microchipping companies, AVID and I think the other one is called something like Home Again. They are the only companies that make the scanners to read the chips. However there are like 50 different companies that make the chips and they cannot all be read by the AVID and Home Again scanner...

What I want to know is how many animals out there have chips in them that are never found and the animal is euthanized or adopted out without anyone ever knowing...??!!
If your cat is chipped, there is a chance that a compatible scanner will be used and you will be reunited. Without chipping, nothing will be picked up by any scanner ever, and you are relying solely on phone calls and flyers. Even if it's not 100% certain that everyone uses the same scanners, I think it is worth that extra little bit of probability that your cat will be able to be identified.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2005
Needles, CA
My pets are using various chips.
Avid (my Bird)
HomeAgain the dog and 4 cats, and AKC's chip CAR (Companion Animal Recovery).

There is indeed Universal scanners which will read the three Major US chips as well as some lesser known.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2006
Originally Posted by Epona

If your cat is chipped, there is a chance that a compatible scanner will be used and you will be reunited. Without chipping, nothing will be picked up by any scanner ever, and you are relying solely on phone calls and flyers. Even if it's not 100% certain that everyone uses the same scanners, I think it is worth that extra little bit of probability that your cat will be able to be identified.

If my cats were to disappear, i'd still do the flyers, the shelter visits... I don't think anyone relies solely on the chip and waits by the phone for a call and does nothing else.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 20, 2005
North York, Ontario
Originally Posted by Mom2SalemIsis

all of mine are chipped and they wear a tag on their collar that says they are chipped too with the name of the company who made their chip i had to register them online after i got it done and i can update it anytime if we move or anything changes
So do I! Infact their tags have their names (yes, I know it's a controversy, but I want their names on), ID #, and the 1-800 number to call if they find them...on the back of dynahs it says "if I'm outside I'm lost" and "shots current". Chesters says "heart condition! Contact immediately!" to stress the importance of meds.
I don't know, I feel safter having chips and tags, just as I would feel more secure having chips and flyers if I lost my darlins.
Whatever one can do to bring them home is reasonable...although....I'm still a little surprised by the giant billboard in the middle of the city for a lost ferret (never seen that before).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2006
Manchester, CT
My dog is microchipped. He came that way from the breeder I bought him from. I'm thinking of getting Bean chipped when he's neutered. Chips really aren't all that expensive, and they greatly increase your chances of getting a lost pet back.