Does Anyone Have Experience With Fluid Therapy?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2007
I took my 13 year old to a specialist for her 3.6 creatinine level to see if they had any recommendations or techniques to lower it. They suggested fluid therapy and wanted to run some tests to rule out kidney stones, UTI, etc... They wanted her to be hospitalized for two days to administer the fluids and run the tests. It sounded great to me, they said she's in good overall health with the exception of her kidneys and thought she could really benefit from the fluid therapy.

This was totally elective. She was doing great at home, was happy, and had a lot of energy.

Choosing fluid therapy is the worst thing I have ever done for my cat.

I picked her up from the vet, brought her home and immediately she started peeing/trying to pee in her littler box and around the entire house. She was clearly in major discomfort. This went on for 3 hours before I rushed her back to the vet at 2 AM. The vet thought she had a UTI was very confident this was the issue. She was tested for a UTI when she was first admitted and the test was negative, but the vet speculated she developed the UTI while at the hospital. We were given Clavamox without a urinalysis because the vet was so confident this was the issue.

She seemed better 24 hours after the Clavamox but today she is refusing to eat and is in a deep sleep all day. It's totally freaking me out. The good news is that her trips to the litter box are less frequent.

She seems absolutely miserable. The vert told me (after I brought her home) that she was incredibly stressed while admitted and that they suspect she is recovering from 2 days of being in a high stress environment. I wish they would have called me to inform me of her stress - I would not have kept her there as long if I had known this.

I'm terrified she is dying. She is sleeping and wants nothing to do with anyone. She is not hiding and is sleeping on the bed.

Does anyone have any experience with fluid therapy or UTIs? I was hoping she would be recovering faster - it's been almost 48 hours since she started the antibiotics.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I’m so sorry that your kitty is going through this. Fluid therapy or the administration of subcutaneous fluids such as Lactated Ringers or Normosol is a simple process and shouldn’t result in any after affects except for more peeing for a brief period of time. I’ve given elderly cats fluids at home dozens of times over the years with no problems. They never showed any signs of discomfort unless you count annoyance at having fluid sloshing around under their armpit when they walked away from me after we were done!

I’m a little surprised that the vet would just speculate that she had a UTI rather than actually test for a UTI. I would want to know before simply prescribing antibiotics. You might want to read the information on this site, written by a vet who is a feline nutrition specialist: Cat Urinary Tract Diseases: Cystitis, Urethral Obstruction, Urinary Tract Infection (Several of us who post and comment on the raw feeding forum here on TCS follow her recipe for making our cats’ food.) I’m sure others will chime in with other good articles.

3.6 is high as you know. Has your vet talked to you about chronic kidney disease and treatment? Here’s a site with lots of information on CKD that I used when my senior kitty was struggling: Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Cat

I hope her reaction is all just stress from her hospital experience and that she’s feeling better tomorrow! Sending her :heartshape:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 26, 2007
Thank you for the reply. The past 48 hours have been horrible.

She had a kidney "flush" so it's a bit more extreme form of fluid therapy. While at the vet after the flush, they got her down to 2.0. The flush is supposed to improve the kidney function she has left and is a method to help treat CDK.

I'm praying she gets better. This is a traumatizing experience for both the cat and myself. I feel so horrible that I put her through this. She was loving life before even with high levels.


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ I had a beautiful Siamese cat that went into kidney failure . I did
subcutaneous Lactated Ringers for over a year and it kept him happy and comfortable . It can be a life saver for cats and is easy to do . Kitty gets used to it and you will get good at needle placement . Only caution I can give : Use shape needles !
Best of luck to you and kitty