Does a cats water break?

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 17, 2005
I'm sending this out to family and close friends as a birth announcement . I'll take the names out for a mass email to everyone in my contacts in a week or two and encourage them to forward it to their in town contacts . Hopefully, in 12 weeks, each of these cats will be placed. I think I have two homes found already.

Hello Everyone,

I am writing to let you know we have had a birth in our family, actually three births.

A cat showed up on our front lawn July 7th. If you remember we had record temperatures that week, the poor thing was so dehydrated and starved I thought it was a kitten. It took two full days of giving her small quantities of wet food and water every two hours before it was able to eat or drink without vomitting. After 3 days I started her on kitten chow with her wet food, after 2 weeks I figured she was a full grown cat so started her on a self feeder of cat chow alone.
We advertised for her owner right away and many people came to look at her, but it turns out she belonged to an elderly neighbor who had died of a stroke. She must have gotten out in all the confusion surrounding the death or maybe she had a cat door but no-one was feeding or watering her and that's how she came to me in her condition. I checked local no kill shelters but they refused to take her due to lack of space and the Humane society said they would euthenize her within 72 hours. As you know, with our dogs and birds, this isn't a suitable long term home for a cat and we are still looking for a permanant home for her.
When we returned from our annual family vacation the pet sitter, who is a vet tech, informed us she is pregnant. I had noticed she was getting a fat belly, but I figured she was still gorging herself because she had been so starved. We quarantined her in our office where she delivered 3 beautiful kittens this afternoon. I have given them temporary names.

Chad, the firstborn kitten, a male Tuxedo, came into the world tail first. Although he started life backwards he's the biggest of the litter, has a mellow personality and lets himself be pushed around by his little sisters.

Niki, the middle born and a solid black, latched on quickly and hasn't let go since.

Tara, the smallest and also black and white, gave us quite a scare at birth. When her littermates were removed Mom quickly went to work on her and I am happy to report she is doing fine now.

These kittens, and their Mom, need loving; permanant homes with owners who will promise to Nueter/Spay them and help with their baby immunization costs. If you would like to see this feline family please email me or call me.


TCS Member
Jan 7, 2001
Still Hittin' 'Em Right Between The Eyes
Let me just say for the record .... Awwwwww! You guys are the bestest ever! Thanks for all the kind words. I have been really blue here lately (have some health issues that are really bringing me down!) and the very kind comments towards me in this thread just made my day!

I was thrilled to be able to lend a hand (or talk Kookala through as the case may more accurately be) in Piper's delivery and birthing process. The confidence she placed in me to assist was great and I thank Kookala for letting me be a part of it.

Way to go, Kookala! Now you give sweet little Piper a gentle chin scritch or two from me, won't you?

Continued best of luck,



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
What a heart-warming post! Congratulations to all involved. It sounds like Piper and her kittens are going to be absolutely fine and I hope you find good homes for all of them soon.