do you worry about parasites etc?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
with raw meat?  or are there certain types of meat that are less prone to having parasite and parasite eggs in them?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 18, 2011
When I just started feeding raw, I worried about parasites.   I'm not sure what type of meat are less prone to have paraistes and eggs.

I heard if you just freeze it in freezer for 1 week, the parasites and eggs would die.    Now I seem to forget about parasite issue, because it has been a while since I started,  and they seem to be fine.  They like raw meat more than other things, so I guess I will just have to continue giving raw.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
Parasites are usually found only in the intestines which raw feeders don't feed. It is possible during processing for the intestine contents to be spilled and contaminate the meat surface. So there is theoretically some risk but as a practical matter it is rarely an issue. I've been feeding raw for over 5 years and have fed something like 2000 lbs of raw meat and organs in that time and none of my cats have ever been infected with parasites.

Here's what Dr. Karen Becker, a veterinarian and strong proponent of feeding a raw diet, has to day about the "risks" involved:
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
There are not different protein sources (chicken, turkey, pork, beef, rabbit, etc.) less prone to problems than others. But ground meat from the supermarket is more susceptible to contamination because of the processing.

Frozen ground commercial raw foods are different: because they're more careful about the process, as the foods are MEANT to be fed raw. :nod:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
now, do they eat less food because it is more of a whole food?  so does it end up not costing a huge amount more than a kibble would because they eat less, or does it really cost a lot more?  and how do you know how much to feed at a time?


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Feeding raw usually costs less than a high quality kibble, but even home made usually costs a little more than cheap kibble. Here's a thread discussing cost you may find helpful:

And yes, cats eating raw typically eat less than cats eating canned food. My cats ate about 5.5 ounces each of canned food. The smaller ones a little less, the bigger ones a little more (mine range from 7 pounds to at the time 16 pounds).

On raw, my little one eats 3 ounces, my biggest eats 4.5 ounces daily. (I split that between 3 meals a day). Most cats eat a little more - it typically ranges between 4 - 6 ounces though. It all depends on age and level of activity. Mine are older (most are 9 or 10 years old) and not overly active.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2011
Ideally it's why you want to freeze meat a few weeks-couple months depending on the source, I just pulled a roundworm out of the chest cavity of a grouse we shot and you can bet that meat is getting deep frozen for a few months although I'm not sure if it would even be spreadable to my pets, just the grossness factor.  Never had a parasite or worm issue with my raw fed pets so far. 


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Ideally it's why you want to freeze meat a few weeks-couple months depending on the source, I just pulled a roundworm out of the chest cavity of a grouse we shot and you can bet that meat is getting deep frozen for a few months although I'm not sure if it would even be spreadable to my pets, just the grossness factor.  Never had a parasite or worm issue with my raw fed pets so far. 
Wild caught animals are typically a different risk than farmed animals. :nod:

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Ideally it's why you want to freeze meat a few weeks-couple months depending on the source, I just pulled a roundworm out of the chest cavity of a grouse we shot and you can bet that meat is getting deep frozen for a few months although I'm not sure if it would even be spreadable to my pets, just the grossness factor.  Never had a parasite or worm issue with my raw fed pets so far. 
Wild caught animals are typically a different risk than farmed animals.
  I feed pork, beef, chicken, turkey, duck and rabbit and never worry about freezing the foods first.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I try to freeze it, but don't stress if I don't..... If I have meat that has been frozen first, then I feed that. But if I am out of frozen meat and all I have is out of the market meat, I have no issues feeding right out of the package.
I used to rinse the meats too until I posted a thread here on TCS and realized most don't and don't have an issue. So I did a test. I started feeding without rinsing/washing the meat...... alas, no difference - kitties are fine all the same, and momma is not wating her precious time :nod:

I feed chicken, turkey, pork, venison, duck and turkey hearts, and lamb and have never had an issue.......
I can say I am more afraid of kibbles today than of raw meat, by a long stretch!
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2012
NW Iowa
with raw meat?  or are there certain types of meat that are less prone to having parasite and parasite eggs in them?
I've never worried about parasites especially since I buy human meat with bones for my kitties from a human grocery store. I just lightly rinse and then grind away. They love to eat it right out of the huge stainless steel bowl I use when I'm making their food (usually around 20-30 pound batches at a time). After many years of feeding them a balanced ground raw diet, none have ever gotten sick from it. I would think that the USDA inspectors would shut down any human meat department that processes human meat that had parasites in their meats. Even when my dad had a locker and was a butcher the last years of his life--all their meats were inspected. When he was a superintendent at a meat packing plant, inspectors also inspected there too--they processed from live animals to packaging the meats, just like my dad did at his own butcher shop many years later.

When I get meat/bones/organs already pre-ground from Hare Today, it comes frozen, and Tracy flash-freezes all meats to temperatures way lower than what regular home freezers do. No problems with meat from her. I get rabbit, pheasant, and other meats that I can't find at my local grocery from her.

You didn't bring this up, but as far as bacteria that may be on the meat, kitties have short digestive tracts and digestive enzymes that can handle meat because they are true carnivores, unlike humans and dogs and other mammals. I don't suggest getting already ground meat from a grocery store when it comes to bacteria because I don't know how diligent they are because the meat is for humans and therefore, they assume that it would be cooked.

Also, I would prepackage meats from a grocery store and freeze what you're not going to use within a day or two (at the most). You don't want to offer meat that is turning bad to kitties. That WILL make them sick. I bring that up because Pretzel is so hungry and he might eat it even if it is going bad, and we don't want to be back at square one with him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I buy human meat with bones
Heehee, talk about exotic meats! :tongue2: :lol3:

Yeah, there are rules about parasites in meat sold for human consumption. The farmers de-worm the animals all the time. It's just not a problem in commercial meat. If you feed wild game, you should take the proper precautions.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2012
NW Iowa
Heehee, talk about exotic meats!
Oh my...that did sound quite funny didn't it, Willowy?! "I buy human meat with bones..."
To clarify in case someone thinks I actually buy human meat for consumption by my kitties (
I had better watch out--maybe they're sizing me up!!) it is actually chicken or other small animals, including the bones that come with said non-human animals, that are sold for humans in a human grocery store for us humans to prepare and eat. That probably isn't too clear either, LOL. Aw heck, you know what I mean.

Is that better, Ms Smarty Pants? <tee hee>

I needed a good laugh!
(My recently departed [yesterday] Uncle Jack would understand...oh my, and that would only make him and me laugh even harder given the content of this particular post. Aw Uncle Jack, I know you understand...
and miss you.)
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
Heehee, talk about exotic meats!

Yeah, there are rules about parasites in meat sold for human consumption. The farmers de-worm the animals all the time. It's just not a problem in commercial meat. If you feed wild game, you should take the proper precautions.
ha!!  this is what I was thinking too.  she buys HUMAN MEAT? LOL so funny!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
I needed a good laugh!
(My recently departed [yesterday] Uncle Jack would understand...oh my, and that would only make him and me laugh even harder given the content of this particular post. Aw Uncle Jack, I know you understand...
and miss you.)
aww, I'm so sorry :(  And here I go, bugging you about my cat all the time.  I'm sorry :(
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
Well, back to the parasite thing. ALl I can think of is the things I saw on tv about tapeworm eggs LOL.  its actually more common than one thinks.  but oh well.  it just grosses me out is all!  

Now to figure out how to do this, IF I am going to do this.  I believe that Pretz will need a special diet for at least a while, yet at the same time my DH is not into special treatment for cats.  and I KNOW he is going to make me put him on kibble after x amt of time.  unless I struck some sort of deal on meat that made it all come out the same.  Right now we were buying the big bag of purina at the store and it is $10. and it lasts a month.  this is for 2 cats.  sigh.....  I sometimes wish I could just do my own thing and not have to worry about him.  I like the idea of giving him the best he shoudl have, especially since he has a sensitive tummy.  and who knows, it might always be that way.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 17, 2012
LONG LONG story that started in August... But, here is the short version.  He drank paint water, messed up his digestive system and needed certain supplements and herbs to help heal his system.  Well, he was probably deficient in nutrients after that and started seeking out all kinds of people food like his life depended on it.  It was INSANE.  well, he got into some stuff that he shouldn't have eaten, he is SUPER fast.  I mean, we just turned for a second and he was eating stuff he shouldn't.  Vomiting started and he lost weight again.  He got to the point where he wasn't keepign anything down at all and I thought we were going to have to put him down.  I upped the amount of herbs and supplements for his system (he wasn't getting much in him bc he was hard to catch to give it!) I mixed it in food this time.  Well, he still wasn't really keeping food down, so i started some partially cooked chicken.  he started holding that down.  but, it wasn't digesting very quickly at all, so I started blending the chicken in chicken smoothies.  and finally it stays down!  and moves through and he's doing GREAT.  it has been almost 48 hours since he's vomited!  and he's gained 7 ounces since yesterday, woohoo!  But, I don't know how extensive the damage was from the paint etc, so he might just be senstivie for life, I don't know yet.  but for at least a month now, I plan on keeping him on a special diet of whole homemade food for him.  I feel like this is the way for him to heal.  then I will take it one day at a time.  I don't know if we can afford this raw food diet, I would really try and make it work long term, but my husband isn't on board with any of it really.  So I am trying to at least keep the peace there.  So I told him that I'd do it for a month.  hopefully pretz will do ok with regular cat food after that.  I am thinking this diet will replenish the nutrients that he was craving and he will stop seeking out the people food like crazy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I see. This is the cat that was locked in the bathroom with paint water. I remember.... You gave him SEB, Pepcid, etc.... What did he got into this time? What did he eat to get so sick again?
I am very sorry, but I feel I have to be brutally honest here.
Imho parasite should be the least of your concerns here. You need to cat-proof your house urgently, and be more careful. Your cat has been put in 2 back to back life-threatening situation that could be completely avoided. He might not survive a third one.
You might have the best diet in the world, but all will be to no avail if you don't make his environment SAFE.
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