do you suffer from insomnia??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I don't have insomnia, per se, but I do have issues with going to sleep and staying asleep. So, it's no wonder that it's 3:15am and I'm responding to a thread on TCS instead of being sound asleep in my bed...

For me, there are a lot of issues at play. To begin, I have severe anxiety as well as issues with post-traumatic stress disorder relating back to abuse and other situations. So, sleep is a very scary time for me. I also have OCD and, when not under "control," I can find myself up at all hours of the night. I then also have an eating disorder and that certainly can make sleeping difficult depending on the night. I am on medication to help with these issues and see professionals as well, but it's certainly not a cure all. Not by a long shot.

I also have some health issues that have caused sleep disturbances as well as the inability to fall asleep or stay that way. I won't go into all of the details, but I will second what others have said as far as having testing done to rule out issues such as thyroid and hormonal problems. I have chronic pain and a chronic health condition (interstitial cystitis) which also rears its ugly head at night. It's not uncommon for me to get up to use the restroom 10+ times per night. And, there are times where it gets far worse than that. True sleep disorders have been ruled out, but I do have health issues that influence the quantity and quality of sleep I get. So, I do the best that I can.

I am on medication. And, it's prescribed to me by my doctor. However, I went through many different avenues before settling on using some medication. I will NOT use a sleeping pill such as Ambien, Lunesta, or the like. It's my personal preference. But, along with an anti-depressant to help with my anxiety, I do take Valium (as needed) and Trazodone for sleep. I'd like to not take the Trazodone, but due to night terrors and flashbacks along with severe anxiety, I don't have another option right now. But, I should also mention that I see my doctors and counselors regularly and labs are taken at pre-determined intervals as well. Everything is monitored. It's not ideal, but it is what is working for me now and has been working for some time.

Are drugs the answer? No. But, before I took them, I didn't sleep for days on end. My body would finally take sleep and it was a dangerous and scary time for me. I still struggle today, but it is managed for the time being. So, while I may not have insomnia, I do understand and relate to the frustration. And, all I can suggest is to talk to your doctor and continue doing so until you receive some answers and some help. And, if your doctor won't listen, find another and another and another...until someone does. It doesn't have to be this way. And, please, don't be afraid to explore other options with your physician. It may not be insomnia at all. But, regardless, have faith that it can get better (and that goes for everyone reading this). There may not be an ultimate cure, but, with help, things can improve. Good luck


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
Originally Posted by CruiserMaiden

You have to be careful to go to bed once you take it though and not stay up and do things like make phone calls or get on the computer, because you can have memory loss of actions while on the medication. One time I went on my phone and downloaded $50 worth of mp3s and didn't know it until I saw the receipt in my email the next afternoon...

I saw that was listed as a side effect of Ambien. Memory loss.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
Exercise exercise exercise.

More and more research now is showing that simply exercising and maintaining a healthy diet and physical condition provides a HUGE improvement in insomnia cases as well.

Its not intuitive in the least, I mean what could running everyday have to do with brain chemistry, but they are finding its very much linked.

One of the primary causes of insomnia is an excessive release of stress hormone without appropriate trigger. Aerobic exercise actually increases this further, however, a few hours after it decreases and w/ regular exercise stays at reduced levels w/ also aids in overall body health (and thus hormone production). And naturally more physical work during the day wears you out. Unfortunately, the 'diet and exercise' prescription doesn't exactly cost anything, so some doctors may lean towards expensive pharmaceuticals since thats what they are training in and use to treat (same reason most wil simply write a script for blood pressure medication rather than advising to reduce salt intake and exercise more), but a good question to directly ask. Most will strongly advise against sleeping pills though due to long-term health effects.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2001
another insomniac here. I am lucky to get 3 hours a night - also usually very broken sleep as is never 3 hours in a row. Poor Echo sleeps on my legs and gets offended when I disturb his rest.

Sleeping pills and homeopathics don't work for me. Meditaion doesn't work. Exercise doesn't work. They ran a gambit of test and just say I have an active mind. I am so busy in the day that night time my mind runs around thinking about things I didn't get a chance to all day. And I don't always think about probnlems.

I never thought a person could live on 3 to 4 hours of sleep continuosly...but they can.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I'm not that bad; but sometimes it's really annoying. I've always been a night owl. It's no big deal for me to stay up till the wee hours of the morning; but waking up is always a chore if it's because of an alarm clock. Seriously!

Last night I fell asleep on the couch around 1 and got in bed around 3:30 or so. DH woke me up when he went to the bathroom around 4 and my daughter woke me up just before 5; highly unusual for her to wake up like that. I was up with her till 6 when she was fighting sleep (I know her; she has to be alone to go to sleep...even if she has to cry a bit). So I lay in my own bed listening to her cry for a good 30 minutes; then every little noise kept me up. I was still awake when DH got up for work. Normally I don't hear a peep out of her till close to 10; so it really was the middle of her night. I normally sleep till at least 9.

So that was last night; but I've had a few nights recently where I fall asleep on the couch and it takes me a bit to get back to sleep in bed. I don't feel comfortable taking anything to help me sleep because I'm afraid I won't hear my daughter if she needs me. Benadryl is the best sleep thing for me; but I have nights I would love to take a Tylenol pm because my back is hurting. I'm just afraid to. Maybe when she's big enough to come wake me herself if she needs me I can do that from time to time.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I didn't sleep a wink last night thinking about all of us who can't sleep
. I know it is not a laughing matter, but I was seriously concerned for all of us last night!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sleep Please


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 3, 2009
Does it count that last "night" I went to sleep after 9am and woke up at 11.30am?
It's now 10.30pm and I'm actually starting to wake up..