Do you have a favorite cat?


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jun 27, 2013
I love both of my cats and their unique personalities, but I do have to admit (with my head bowed in shame) that I sometimes favor my sweet, docile boy that loves belly rubs over my more feisty girl. I would never tell them that though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i wouldn't say that i have had a favorite of my cats, but more that i have had one extremely special boy with which i was (and remain) very closely bonded. that would be my mickey, who crossed the rainbow bridge in april of 2013 and was snick's brother/litter mate.

i love both snick and jasper equally, though i guess i'd say differently. snick and i have been together since she was just under one month old, and she's going to be 15 years old in august. we've been through a lot in our lives together, including grieving the loss of our mickey. she has medical issues which i'm very careful to treat per our vet's instructions, and i keep a very close eye on my girl. snick is a very sweet and loving girl. we love each other very dearly. jasper is going to be 3 years old in june, and though i've only known him since last october i love him very much. he's a very smart, clever boy. jasper loves snuggling and being held and petted, and i love snuggling with him and holding him and giving him scritches. jasper also loves snick very much. he's a very happy boy, who has lots of energy and enjoys playing with his toys. jasper is a real sweetheart.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Of course I love all 3 of my babies but If I really had to choose a favorite it would be Sophie (AKA Saurus). I went to the shelter with the intention of meeting and coming home with Lilith, her sister. I didn't even know Sophie was there until I went in the room. The woman at the shelter who showed me into the cat room where Lilith was along with 2 siblings(they also had a brother with them who had already bee adopted and was waiting to be picked up) told me I could ignore Sophie because she wasn't friendly. I played with Lily and her brother for a while and noticed Sophie (then Midge) hiding under a chair across the room watching us. She started very slowly inching closer. I asked her if she wanted some treats too and tossed her a couple. She soon came over and the three of them were winding around by my feet wanting to be petted. Sophie became relaxed enough that she sat beside me and ate from the dish that was on the floor in between me and the wall. She let me pet her while she was eating.I left the room and went back to the front desk. The woman who showed me into the room asked how it went and if I wanted to adopt Lily. I said I'd take both of them without thinking. She was shocked and said that none of the workers or volunteers had been able to bond with Midge and AGAIN said that she was unfriendly. Weird. I found her to be sweet and very friendly. Keep in mind, they made this assessment of her after TWO WEEKS. All 3 of these cats had been rescued from an abandoned house with many other family members. More than likely a BYB who lost the home to foreclosure left them behind when they moved out. I was more than a little annoyed that they would write her off like that. Sophie turned out to be the more affectionate of the two and she and I share a bond that goes just a little bit past what I have with Lily (who I adore). Henry and I have a very good bond that is continually growing but Sophie holds a special place with me. Maybe she knows that she was almost left alone. Who knows? She loves to be petted, demands attention and is so loving and sweet. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
It's hard to say as I don't get affection from either of them but I think blighty is my favourite.


TCS Member
Apr 28, 2015
I think Erik is my "favourite". Sometimes I feel guilty, but it's not really anything to do with their personalities. Hoodles is my husband's cat .. Once we all finally moved in together, he bonded almost exclusively to my husband. If both of us are on the couch, he is always the lap chosen. It doesn't bother me, because since adopting Erik, I have had a constant companion. He was very young when we found him, and he definitely picked me to be his mum, and my lap/toes/neck are always warm. :) So, while I love H equally, I feel like I'm closer with Erik, by their choice. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I love all three cats equally but Cleo is my favourite by a long shot. Don't ask me why? She is the problem child. She is a stress head and urinates inappropriately when something sets her off. I clean up her mess annoyed at her and then I look into her deep eyes and I just melt.