do my cats have worms?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 20, 2011
This site is always great with stuff like this so here goes: Tonight As I was cleaning the litter box I saw something squirming around next to the box. It was clearly a worm. It was about a quarter inch long and as thick as spaghetti. It was brownish and when I squashed it it was brownish red color. Does any one know what this is? I have two cats. One about 2 and the other 6. They are always hungry so it's hard to say whether their appetite has increased. They always act like they are starving and they have been like that since I got them. The older one constantly eats while the little one just pretend she is hungry. I of course have them on a regimented diet and I don't think I over feed them... anyway... Is this a clear indication that they have worms? Has anyone had any experience with this? I can't take them to the vet tomorrow because of work and money issues. They do not appear sick although big cat is and always has been lazy. She sleeps all day. Then again isn't that normal cat behavior? Is this an emergency type of situation where I need the vet or can I buy a treatment to give them? I rescued them both. I wish I had the money to take them to the vet every time I had a concern but I simply can't afford it. I will do whatever needs to be done though. Can any one recommend a good product or treatment? Any kind of feedback would be very appreciated. I always feel really frustrated in these types of cases because I would love to take them to the doctors and get tests and so forth done but I just can't afford it. I live paycheck to paycheck! Boohoo! They are up to date on their shots and all. Anyway thanks in advance for your feedback! Justin


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
If you found it outside the box it's probably some other kind of worm/larvae, not an intestinal worm (which are usually seen in the poop or around the cat's anal area).

But it's not a bad idea to de-worm your cats now and then. Drontal is widely recommended and is broad-spectrum. I was told that it's available OTC now but I can't seem to find a place that sells it with a precription :dk:. You can ask your vet if he/she will let you buy some de-wormer without actually bringing the cats in.


TCS Member
Apr 8, 2013
yes most probably this is the worm , my cat also had the same last month