Disinterested Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 5, 2018
Hi everyone,

I recently adopted a 11-week old white kitten (a Persian Maine Coon mix) about a week ago from someone. With the previous owner, she was living with 4 other cats; 1 of which was her mom. She's never been to the vet before for any check-up/vaccination/treatment.

On her first day, she was pretty active, playing with toys and exploring her new environment (jumping on beds, sofas, racks etc). She's very shy/not interested with human contact, sometimes wriggling out when being pet. She's not very affectionate, doesn't respond or come to us at all -- which is understandable as she's new to us.

Then, I brought her to a vet for health check on her 2nd day. She was FELV and FIV negative. However, she was infected with earmites and the vet gave her a treatment by using Advocate on the back of her neck and using eardrops. And that's when her behaviour instantly changed. She became disinterested in any toys, humans, treats and sleeps the whole day. She still roams around the house but only to find sleeping spots. She eats very little (I feed her a mix of wet and dry), if any, and barely drinks as well. She still poops and pees normally in the litter and her gums are light pink. Her ears are getting better as well but she's still very lethargic; too disinterested for a 11-week old kitten. Yesterday night, she pukes white foam but could that be due to me giving her a different wet food (from chicken to tuna).

Has anyone ever experienced this situation before? I'm worried sick but at the same time, I'm not sure if it's required to rush straight to the vet or if she's just feeling down from the earmites infection, or if she misses her family, or if she's sick. I'm due for a follow-up check-up for her vaccination in 2 weeks time.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 30, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I would guess a reaction to the medication and vaccinations from the vet. It doesn't sound like an emergency, since she's still mobile, eating (even if not much), and using the litter box. But it's worth giving the vet a call.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Yes on calling the vet -- does sound like a bit of a reaction to the med.

As far as bonding with your kitten, you mentioned the kitten "wiggling out of getting pet". It is natural to try and pet your kitten and also to pick it up and/or put it on your lap. Unfortunately, trying to hold an active kitten that doesn't want it on the lap or pick it up can damage or slow down your bond -- you can't teach a kitten how nice it is by doing this, it does not work. Instead, you have to let the kitten be the boss -- if it isn't ready for the lap, or to be picked up, you have to stop trying. At 11 weeks, it would be fairly common to only be able to pet a kitten when it is tired. Play with the kitten with toys, give treats, and look for the times and places the kitten will allow you to pet it. It may start with a favorite spot or, as mentioned, when tired, but if you are patient you can expand from there. You can try to lure the kitten to you with treats. It may go much faster than you think once the kitten gets well, but however long it takes it takes. The upside of maybe having to wait for much affection is that your kitten (once well) will never be more playful ... have fun with a laser pointer, crumpled paper or ping pong ball and lure toy.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 5, 2018
Thanks for the advice guys. I couldn't hold it any longer and went to the vet two days back and thank god I did. She was running a high fever 40.5 degree and had a low white blood cells count. She is now under antibiotics and still feeling weak. I'm due to have a follow-up check up tomorrow. I'm praying everything will be okay.

How long does a kitten normally take to recover?


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I've never had a sick kitten, so not sure of the recovery time. Hopefully quickly. :hearthrob:Give her a hug from me and my girl, Ruby. :catlove: