Did I make the wrong choice? (long)


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I want to thank everyone on this thread for supporting me and all those different perspectives you have given me.

I have made my final decision, and Ziggy stays. He makes major progress every day, and few minutes ago he just fell asleep on my lap. When I had to handle him in order to move him, he didn't hiss or run away at all, but fell asleepimmediately against my thigh. He still runs away with sudden movements and he still hisses at me when I startle him by walking into a room unexpectedly

My guess is that he's just a very either-or cat with very little in between, and that he will be a great cat once he decides which extreme I belong to(the good one, I hope!)
Yaay!! This is such great news, for him AND for you!

I bet you will see he is meant to be with you, and you will only grow closer and closer with time.

Sounds like progress going on already :)

On another note, I would seriously be watching for any vomiting, even the diarrhea is not excusable from stress.

If he has been eating the same food all along with nothing changed or added, this will def. be something to look in to.

Vomiting is also uncommon eating the same diet.

So I would surely keep a watchful eye on this.

Things sound very good, much better!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 30, 2014
I have to say this story makes me very sad. My cats have always been strays, or usually from the Humane Society. I guess I've been very lucky with all my babies, as they have eventually adjusted quite well, even to the point of traveling in our RV with us. I've only had one " purebred" who was a gift from a breeder friend. She was a sweetheart, but more work to keep up with ( I'd recently had Severe Pancreatitis, ) so I really had to take her back. It broke my heart to do it but Savannah's need a great deal of special foods, vitamins, etc., to this day I wish I could have kept her.
My question overall is why a purebred when there are so many cats out there who need homes? I've had two who look remarkably like purebred Russian Blues, a Chantilly ( big surprise there!) , a very lovely Bengal and several Lynx Point Siamese. Plus many Maine Coons. There are so many who look like purebreds, even if they are mixed, and a few of them are purebreds. It happens sometimes.
Almost always these cats are desperate for attention and affection, which I'm most happy to provide. My latest boy is a lovely mix of Maine Coon and ?, unknown. He was very scared and shy on Tuesday, when I picked him up. But I found him snuggled on my bed last night, purring away. It may be that he feels more comfy because of my other cats. I'm sure that they must help a lot.
The same kitten who did so much to help my poor Rascal be comfortable and much loved as his sweet life was ending, has also been the one to help Pezi relax in his new home. Already he acts like he's been here for months at least.
One suggestion I might add for your kitten, is to find someone who Foster's kittens. That way your little one can learn to socialize with both people and other cats. It really does sound like he hasn't had much attention in his short little life. I tend to agree with the assessment that the breeder is running a " mill" more or less. A good breeder generally raises them " underfoot" so they can learn what they need to know. I do hope you don't give up on him too soon, poor baby. Good Luck! And feel free to PM me any time.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 30, 2014
So glad to hear you're keeping him and that things are going much better. Kittens can be the most loving little creatures on earth ( and big cats of course)! Best of luck to you and Ziggy[emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji]


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
How is young Ziggy doing?  Any more lap snuggles and purrs?  Is he out playing  more or still a bit jumpy?  I've got my fingers crossed his diarhoea / tummy has settled down and he's starting to settle enough to show you what he likes.  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 7, 2015
It's been great to watch this thread unfold. I'm glad you decided to keep Ziggy - I had a feeling you would. Cats have a way of growing on you! I also echo what other people said about cats reflecting our attitudes/personalities back on us so your stress could've caused Ziggy to feel even more stressed.
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  • #48


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 3, 2015
MServant, I didn't contact the breeder, but I know I should. She wants updates and I promised to get it done more than a week ago. Ziggy sleeps with me at night now, and he has gotten much better. He's feeling... Too good, perhaps. He only wants to play in all of his waking hours, and when he wants to sleep, he jumps into my lap immediately - then I cuddle him 'till he falls asleep in the most uncomfortable-looking positions I have ever seen. It's cute, but he doesn't seem to want to spend a minute alone which worries me, since I'm starting at school tomorrow.

I really need some other toys - he does not like anything that doesn't move by itself and gets destructive and restless pretty quickly even though lots of toys are around. I even have some bird hanging on a string and a mouse who is fastened on some sort of a plastic spiral, so it jumps around and is all in all, fun. I know kittens are bound to use' one's apartment as some sort of jungle gym, but he only plays with those things for 10 minutes a day, then gets bored again. Even the laser bores him. Only one toy I have consistently keeps him entertained. That's some furry/leather thing at the end of a string, which means I need to be there swinging for hours every day, and I can't(I spend two hours on an 'inactive' day).

I'm gonna buy a huge amount of self-activating toys to rotate so he doesn't get bored even though my student economy does not really allow it. I hope that can calm him down somehow. My neighbour who lives 'under me' hates me and talks a lot about me in his foreign language - at least now he has a reason to be really mad. Ziggy must either be extremely noisy or these walls give off some sort of impressive echo - as much as cuddling him calms me down, his constant noise and playing with 'my' stuff(his toys are not interesting to him) stresses me out. I can NOT let Ziggy keep this noise level up, it is not fair to anyone living near me, and I'm constantly worried about him ruining something or him getting hurt. He gets jumpy and hysterical when he has played for long enough, in a funny way - so it's not like I'm constantly understimulating him, a few times a day I find it is rather the opposite. I actually give him long play sessions and a huge meal every night so I can sleep, but it has stopped working. If I cannot make him happier with more toys, I actually will have to return him, since the landlord only allows one pet, and other than that, I don't know what one could possibly do.

I love him, though. I'm happy that he's a lot more vocal than most russian blues - at least he lets me know when there's a problem so I can fix it. I'm feeling more bleak than usual tonight, perhaps that is reflected in my post. I just had a lot of unexpected bills this month so my mom has given me some money so I can at least not fall asleep hungy anymore, which I have done the last five days. It's not usually like this - most of the time, my economy is stable and predictable and all... I planned well for that cat, is my point.

Just thought that may have something to say about my mood, my worries and my apparent incompetence at taking care of him. But I don't kow. I'm feeling stressed out and am, quite frankly, baffled.

Catwoman707, I switched to a different kind of food, and Ziggy's stools are much smaller and healthier. He also eats less. The only time I had a problem again was after serving him cooked chicken - there was no additives or seasoning or anything in it, and it was properly cooked, yet his poop turned green the day after

ConiKat, I'll be brutally honest. I'm not into rescuing. At all. I'm selfish - I bought a cat for myself, to make me happy. I wouldn't like to rescue a cat who looked cute at the shelter, only to find out that it is scared at men/can't be alone at all/you name it. I'm all for accomodating Ziggy's need for affection and playtime and the like, but this is only because I know he can benefit me in an equal way. I wouldn't have bought him if I imagined that he would force me to make major lifestyle changes.

 If you buy a petigree cat,  you know what you are gonna get somewhat - after all, most respectable breeders put an insame amount of work into not just the looks of their cats, but their temperaments. Russian blue seemed like a pretty safe bet.

There's a superficial aspect to it is well, to make matters worse. I think russian blue cats are insanely beautiful. I would've bought a cat I thought was even greater looking(bengal) but I read about the different breeds, and russian blue was the only 'short' haired cat out there who had a reputation for being independent, cuddly and apartment friendly.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
The seemingly insane hyperactivity will diminish in time - Ziggy is a typical young kitten in that respect. It's like having a human baby who keeps you busy all the time. Just keep in mind that it's temporary and you'll get through it. Your neighbor sounds like the type who looks for any excuse to complain. It's not like you have a bunch of St. Bernard puppies galloping around the apartment and barking, so it's best to try not to worry about the neighbor.

It's possible that Ziggy simply can't tolerate chicken. Several TCS members, including me, have cats where that's the case.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@ZiggyStardust11    Ziggy sounds much like Mouse other than his being very vocal (Mouse does squeak and meow a little when he wants something but other than that he doesn't talk much).  As a kitten and young cat he was a live wire who would play 20 hours a day flat out and I would despair that he always wanted me to join in; it was exhausting.   I think it is all part of their being pretty intelligent cats, and if you have the (mis)fortune to get an inquisitive kitten with a high play drive they will make high demands of their chosen human.  You have the reward of an incredibly close and fun relationship if you can survive their kitten energy. 

The only toy Mouse used to play with on his own was the Catit Senses circuit, set up in a circle so the ball would race round at high speed without someone else propelling it back to him.  Unlike some breeds of cat such as Abbysinian though I did not find a trail of destruction when I got home having left him on his own, more it would be a tell tale warm dent in my bed covers with a light dusting of blue fur.  When I first went to work and left Mouse on his own I went out regularly for about an hour for the week before, and the first week at work I would come back in after 3 or 4 hours to check on him and reassure him.  That seemed to get him used to the idea of me going out and coming back and his being clingy when I got back in subsided quickly.  I don't think you should worry too much about noise, there is far more likelihood that Ziggy will sleep when you are out and make up for his added rest ten fold when  you get back!   The other thing is to leave lots of boxes for him to hide in and investigate as that helps to keep a cat busy and content, along with a comfy viewing spot for him at the windows so he can check out what's going on outside.

With the laser toy, try a good chase session with the laser light and at the end finish with the dot on a bit of food or his favoured toy mouse or ball and that way he will understand the game has finished.  

One other thought, with Mouse I would make time to have a vigorous play session with him before I went out in the morning so he was ready for a little nap, then put food down before I left, and when I came back in it was time for another vigorous play session.  If I didn't do this his energy would get too built up and he would be like a coiled spring waiting to explode, and explode he would if I didn't initiate play. He would be jumping up at me, biting me and generally being a pest until he got the attention he needed.  Then, after his play he would become as desperate for cuddles as he had been for action.  I learned fast that I needed to get in first so as not to encourage the unwanted behaviours.

I had 2 years of the constant play and then Mouse started to settle, and as he approaches 4 his energy levels are much more like those of a normal cat (sleeps 20 hours a day Lol).  He has transformed from a skittish kitty that was constantly wanting to play to a chilled out cat who loves nothing more than cuddles.  Everything you describe of Ziggy makes me think you have a Russian Blue with similar temperament, and if you do you are very very lucky in deed.  

Please do not feel incompetent in your care of Ziggy, you are getting to know each other and it is a steep learning curve for everyone at this stage, and often stressful.  I remember all too well worrying I would have to send Mouse back to his breeder because I was terrified of his biting me at night when I was in bed and didn't know how to alter the behaviour!   It sounds to me like you are both making huge progress in your relationship and hopefully you will both feel it has been destiny that has brought you together once you have settled in in your new life together. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 9, 2014
few minutes ago he just fell asleep on my lap. 
One of our 3 cats is a soon to be 2 year old tabby whom we have had since she was about 4 months. She is in our very loving home but I can count on 2 fingers the # of times she has been on our lap ;). And at night she rarely comes upstairs to our bedroom to sleep near us. We love her to bits. It seems like your RB will be a wonderful cat. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Does he have scratch posts and a climbing thing that takes him off the floor and if it's near a windows he can look outside.
I keep seeing every time something happens you're prepared to return him. Think of him as a child who won't obey you. Would you give said child back. Stop thinking like that. He is yours


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
And that's that. You can't give him back.
Ignore your stupid neighbour. He's of no importance. You have a kitty who you love and is beginning to love you back. He's your's now in sickness and in health. Enjoy him.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
I'm going to circle back around and revisit what I mentioned in the beginning of this thread - which is that this kitten should not have a job - which now appears to be playing enough, with the right amount of toys, at the right volume level and showing the correct level of interest. 

Also Ziggy, be careful with the toys, between string and pieces that break off and get swallowed, toys can be one of the most dangerous things your kitten his in its environment.  I learned the hard way to inspect toys and not buy too many.  Also not to leave dental floss in the trash.

 My kittens are 18 months now and they still have regularly lap the house at 1 or 2 in the morning.  No toy keeps them consistently entertained - though they still enjoy their tunnels.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 22, 2013
Good to see that things are working out. I came into this late, but it sounds like things with Ziggy are going good but things with your neighbor are not. I hope the toys you're going to buy will help. Some cats are picky about which toys they like to play with. Noise and craziness-- this is what kittens are all about, so you may not have much choice there! Hang in there, and breathe. You are doing great, and you're doing the best you can. Just keep it up! <3

Sa'ida Maryam

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 5, 2013
Hi to TCS and Ziggy, and his owner, as the thread progresses , it is easy to read your concerns. Yes, having a new pet is stressful. I thought my Honey kitty would not socialize to be what I had hoped. The doubt of having made the wrong choice was around for almost a year. But, she showed the traits of her breed very slowly. Then, one day she ran away. Briefly, because she wanted a good chase. Also, as in her breeding. I let her finish her hunt and I thought she would not come to me. I had to sit and wait for her to decide she wanted to come to me. She ran all around that field. Stopping occasionally, to see that I was still sitting in my spot. Grrrrr...Animal language. Although, I was cold ,frustrated and ready to leave. I said ,"she is MY kitty I can not leave her. "Then, when she come to me I knew that was it. She trusted me and I trusted her. I really wanted it to work. When you really FEEL that Ziggy is yours. In the language you two understand. Then the cat's attachment. Will solidify.

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
I know this is an old post but I just read through it. I love that you have kept Ziggy and I hope one day you will let us know how he is

By the way, the first cat I ever had was named Ziggy Stardust. After I brought him home I very often felt that I had made a mistake. I stayed commited and he was one of the great loves of my life. He died in March of 2013 and I miss him every day.He was independant and fiesty and didn't become a lap cat until he was 6
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 3, 2015
Hello, sorry I haven't answered before now

First of all, what a great name for a cat! I am very sorry that you lost him - that would be my greatest nightmare.

Ziggy is fine. He's already 7 months old and has just started responding to catnip(fun times!). I love him way more than I expected. Having such a unique temperament, everyone he 'gets to know' think he is charming and entertaining. He even makes non-cat lovers laugh - despite being a scaredy cat and taking a long time to warm up to people, he is very playful, energetic and curious, and he has the weirdest habits. I think his charming ways is partially because he is such a ham - he likes making big-eyed shocked 'faces' and acting way more scared than he actually is when non-strangers are around. He's a VERY melodramatic cat. I don't know how I know this and probably sound crazy, but it's like he loves it when people just look at him, and he acts way more crazy than he would if he were alone or if those people were really strangers. I used to think many of his antics were annoying, like running around crazy at night, but now I just love him too much to think that whatever he does could be anything other than cute(hope I got that right - English is not my native language).

In short, I'm in love.

I think he likes it here as well. He seems well-adjusted, and he is very cuddly and active. I think he is the perfect cat for me and wouldn't want him to be any other way.

I think it changed me to get a cat as well. My parents say that I've slowly mellowed ever since I've gotten Ziggy, which is great, since I've always suffered from terrible mood swings. I am very surprised at how responsible I turned out to be. I did not know that I would become such an overprotective cat lady, but there you go.

Getting Ziggy was definately not the wrong choice! :)