Desperate for help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 17, 2017
Please please help me. I would appreciate any help or information anyone can give. I don't want to resort to euthanasia but I'm afraid its heading that direction from astronomical costs.

I have a 12 year old diabetic domestic short hair female. Her diabetes isn't extremely tightly controlled but the vet is satisfied with her numbers. About 3 weeks ago the area above her eye started getting pinkish, slightly swollen and then hair started falling out. As this condition has gone on she's lost a lot of hair above her eye and is starting to lose some around her chest. She's extremely itchy. Most recently the backs of her ears have started to develop small scaly looking patches. She has a cone to prevent scratching but its leading to problems with hygiene because she can't clean herself properly.

I have taken her to the vet 3 times in the past 3 weeks and they have been testing her for everything under the sun.

Ringworm - still waiting (have another week)

Mites/Ticks/Worms/Parasites etc - negative

Yeast infection - negative

Other infection - negative

Underlying conditions - negative (aside from the established diabetes)

Not contagious - 2 dogs and another cat in the house and all are fine. Humans are fine as well.

She's had an in-house and out-house cytology. She's had eye drops, skin ointment, pills, a shot that lasted 2 weeks and the vet also put her on Revolution (anti-parasite.) The medications were broad spectrum for bacterial, fungal and viral. Nothing is working. She sleeps a lot and she seems miserable. Whatever is happening is throwing off her glucose numbers too. The vet called today and recommended that I take her to a dermatologist specialist for allergy testing. I've already spent $800 this month at the vets and the dermatologist would be another $500-$1200 for the initial visit and testing. The $1200 range is if the tests come back positive and they start treatment. Between the continual cost for her diabetes treatment and then this I just don't know what to do. I'm extremely stressed out and I feel horrible for considering euthanasia but I can't keep shelling out this kind of money in such a short period. If it were spaced out it would be more manageable but this is really difficult. I'm already spending a lot of money paying back school loans. My vet also said the costs could keep going up at the dermatologist because if its not an allergy and they can't determine what it is they'll want to do ultrasounds and more blood tests, so on and so forth and I could be looking at another thousand just in diagnostics. Its killing me because she's not happy right now but I feel like if this were gone she would be a happy cat.

The photo below shows the current condition of her eye. Its greasy from the ointment and a bit crusty because yellow discharge comes from the eye. I clean it daily but I wanted to show what it looks like before I can clean it. She squints that eye a lot too. Thus far it hasn't spread beyond that point of her head or to her other eye. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I'm not going to waste your time advising you because I have no idea what she is suffering from.

I am sure someone will come along soon who can offer you some good advice.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
We had to take our dog to a veterinary dermatology specialist 15 yrs. ago and he saved our dog's life.  Is it possible for you to schedule an appointment for a consultation?  That way you will get an evaluation from a vet with expertise in that specific area of medicine.  Perhaps they can let you know what the approx. tests, procedures and cost would be for your cat.  You can apply for care credit to help space out the payment.  BTW, what's your kitty's name?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 17, 2017
They don't do consultations. They simply stated the "estimated cost" of $500-$1200 is for the initial visit. Unfortunately because of the position I'm in with my loans I can't apply for any kinds of lines of credits right now. I won't get into further detail but I had checked out Care Credit previously. I know a lot of people will say don't have a pet if you can't afford treatment but I don't consider myself fiscally insolvent. I've already pared down on luxuries so I don't have problems maintaining diabetes treatment or vet visits when necessary, its just that when I'm looking at upwards of $1500 or more in one month that it gets rough. 

Sorry, I was so upset writing the post I forgot to include her name. It's Nala. Yes after the Lion King. Her color (when she's healthy) is buff and white so it reminded me of Nala.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
What food are you feeding her? If this was my cat I'd get her on a raw or homecooked, or super high quality canned food diet ASAP to try and not only rule out an allergy but boost her immune system. At least in my experience, these kinds of things can crop up out of no where when a cats immune system is compromised, and diabetes def makers her immunocompromised. She's not hyper-t, is she? 

You could give her plain cooked chicken or turkey, or even chicken or turkey flavored baby food (no onions or garlic or corn starch) to see if cutting everything possibly triggering out of her diet helps. Short term this kind of feeding is fine, and if it works you'd want to look at using something like EZcomplete to make it a balanced meal for her. Check with your vet tho first, since she is diabetic. But i feel very strongly that when a cat has a skin reaction like this the first thing you should do is rule out a food allergy by eliminating anything in commercial foods that could be triggering it. It's much more common in pets then most people realize. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
I have absolutely no suggestions aside from following missmimz's advice regarding diet.  It certainly couldn't hurt.  I sure hope your Nala gets some relief soon.  She's a lovely cat.