Desperate for advice on feral with severe neck injury


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2012
We have a cat that started coming around last September. He looked so thin, I started leaving food out for him. He soon took up residence under an MR2 we have covered in the backyard. I noticed that after about a month, he wasn't coming out from under the car. I peaked under and saw that he had a horrible neck injury.  I was able to trap him in a humane trap after about two months of trying. He got out of it in about two minutes. As a side note, I have never owned cats before, and this was all new to me. I had never used traps before and think that one side of it was not set up properly. I am sick about that and fear that was my only chance and I blew it. I didn't see him for about a month and a half. Later, I learned that a neighbor had tried to trap him also, and he got out of her trap as well. I called the Friends of Feral Feline group and they suggested a drop trap. They brought it over but he will not go near it, or the other humane trap.

I  was finally able to get a vet to give me some medication for his injury. I took a picture of the neck wound, and the vet thinks he either got caught in a fan belt or perhaps had an infected cat bite that abscessed. He has been on amoxicillan and prednisone now for a week, but I am not seeing any improvement yet. I am feeding the cat but he will not let me pet him or touch him. He is now staying under the car 24/7 and  not even leaving to go to the bathroom. I am  trying to keep it as clean as possible for him, but am at a loss as to what to do. The vet suggested a shot that would knock him out in about seven minutes, but there is no way I could  ever get close enough to give him a shot, and if I could, I am afraid he could ditch me in seven minutes and I wouldn't know where he was passed out.  I desperately need to get him to the vet but I don't know how to get him to leave the safety of under the car and get him in a trap.  I have put salmon and tuna in the trap, and have trapped every other cat in the neighborhood, but he won't go near them. I am afraid if I don't get him to the vet soon to get that neck looked at, he is not going to make it. If anyone has any suggestions, I would SO appreciate it. Our animal control people have been no help at all, and I even called critter catchers just to see if  they could help me trap him, but they said all they could do is set the trap. I am actually stunned that he has lasted this long. I never thought catching an injured cat could be so difficult. He is clearly not sensing my "I'm only trying to help you" vibe. 


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
Thank you for taking the time to help this baby!!!!!

Keep working with the Friends of Ferals group on this one. 2 thoughts on this one:

I have known vets to come out and dart gun sedate animals in order to capture them. The feral mother of my 2 dogs was caught this way when she couldn't be caught any other way.

When all other bait fails, Kentucky Fried Chicken, original formula, bones/skin removed seems to work. My local humane society spent over 3 years trying to catch a cat. I built them a drop trap and they caught her with KFC. None of us know exactly what they put in KFC that attracts cats, but it does seem to work when everything else fails.

Good luck!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Sorry, I dont have any good new advices.  Sending a lot of *vibes* at least.

I suspect you had already done everything.  You surely dont want to chase him out with a broom nor use a such a "fly-net on a stick".

Although catching with a big towel may be an alternative if you come close enough.  Once wrapped up he will be submissive.

.Poor guy, he must have this gashing wound at least 3 month now?   It is not unusual ferales do heal on their own, even terrible wounds. I know examples of severed off legs. But having an open, gashing wound 3 month, without going this way nor the other way...  Terrible.

Peculiar also he doesnt seek your help, when you ARE giving him help. It is not uncommon severly sick ferales do accept friendly given help when they are in real need.

On idea. Something to break of the stand still.

Steinway is the renown piano, right?  Are you a classic schooled musician?

Music, esp classical music, is often used to soothen and calm cats, fostered ferales and others, to calm down, to relax.

Classical harp music is best. "baby Bach" is also good.  Most soft, relaxing, calm music pieces does works.

Set a battery CD player by his place, and let it play such a music.  You can simultaneously add some dr Bach rescue remedy in his drinking water.

Perhaps it will give this break up of the standstill. Give him the courage to accept help. To go into this human trap.  Or even - a nice furnished carrier, looking alike a hiding hole.

Some ideas.

Good luck!       *vibes*
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2012
Thank you SO much for those tips.  We decided to have KFC tomorrow and try it. I have to say that it has been somewhat discouraging, dealing with our local animal control officer and other "professionals" whose job it is to protect these little guys, and seeing a lack of real concern. It has been immensely encouraging though to meet so many wonderful, caring individuals on sites like this one, and working with the feral volunteers. It truly is incredibly helpful and uplifting. I will let you know how it goes, and thank you again!
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TCS Member
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Mar 17, 2012
Thank you so much for your response. It is really helpful to get any feedback at all, and it is immensely encouraging to have the support of other animal-loving people.

Yes, I am a classically trained pianist, and teach as well. I had actually heard about classical music soothing animals and play it for my rescue dogs all the time. I had also heard of a spray that is supposed to soothe cats in particular. I am afraid if I sprayed anything under the car though, it would probably scare him. I may try Beethoven or Chopin with his salmon tomorrow (:>)  Cats are a whole different experience than my dogs...I am learning a lot . I just can't stand to see anything hungry or injured though. Hopefully I will have a breakthrough soon. I will keep you posted. Thanks again!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Welcome to TCS!!!!!!! A big huge thank you for trying to save this cat. This sounds very serious - the wound :sniffle: I would try the KFC or set up a medium sized crate and prop the door open and start feeding in that crate. Make it cozy, safe and covered. Will this cat eat in your presense? If so, then the crate method might work very well. Just make sure you can quickly close and latch the crate door once he is inside eating. A bit of planning and preparation ahead of time but it really does work. I have used this method many times to trap cat's instead of using the Havaheart traps. I am sorry he broke out of not one trap but two traps :shocked: That is really odd. But not sure what kind of traps that were used. Poor kitty :sniffle: You are doing everything you can to save this little guy. Please keep us posted - we care :hugs: :heart3: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
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Mar 17, 2012
Thanks, Feralvr, for the words of encouragement. Yes, the cat will eat in my presence, however, he will not come out from under the car. I think he has deemed it his "safe house" and I have left food a foot from the car, hoping to eventually move him to eating under the drop trap, and he will NOT come out for it.  I end up running off the other neighborhood cats, who come by to dine. The cat used to at least leave to go to the bathroom, but I checked the other side of the car the other day, and noticed that he has now adopted it as his litter box too. (:/) I cleaned it out, as I didn't think it was healthy for him to be under there, with all of that mess, and an open wound trying to heal.  Bless his little kitty heart. I feel SO sorry for him.  That can't be any kind of life for 24/7 underneath a sports car that he can't even stand up under.  I tried to get a good look at his neck today. I had checked it a few days ago, and it looked pretty much the same to me. I didn't get a good look at it today, either, but the little bit I saw MIGHT have looked a bit better.  It looked like the outer rim of the wound wasn't all red like it had been, and looked a bit more "white" or flesh color.  I could be wrong, and that might just be wishful thinking. I hope I am right though. I just have to figure out how to get him out from under the car. I could set up a nice place for him, but I don't know how to get him somewhere else. I have given the car to my nephew, and he will be getting it in the next couple of months, so I simply have to get the cat to the vet, and get him comfortable in another accomodation. I go out and talk to him, change his water, and feed him.  He will let my hand get close, putting the food under the car for him, and he even let me scratch his head tonight. He won't leave the area under the car, and he won't let me scratch too long, or let me hand go back any further than the front of his head. So...that's where we are.  I can't thank you all enough for your concern and tips. I am hoping the KFC will do the trick and we can get this little guy on the road to recovery. I will keep you posted.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 13, 2011
Gig Harbor Wa
Poor baby and thanks for trying. I fear for this cat. Hummm I have used KFC in traps and it doesn't work any better than wet food..but worth a try. How is the cat getting out of a humane trap? Jeez.

I can't think of anything for you to try but a bug hug from me for caring. Bless you


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Bless you for caring so much.

Some really off-the-wall suggestions:  He is under the car, with four ways to get out.  Any way to close off three or four escape routes, in other words, block him in and then when he comes out the open area, trap him, perhaps using a drop trap?

Along with the bait (mackerel, what ever he is use to), add cat nip.

As you scratch his head, could you scruff him? Yeah I know that's the area that is hurting him, but desparate times call for....

It would be GREAT if you could get a vet to come out and tranquilize him.  They are some drugs that will make a cat really sleepy--or really hyper.  That's the problem with these types of drugs, each cat reacts different.  (With Ritz, it had little effect one way or the other.)

Second the suggestion of Rescue Remedy; ordinarily I would say "follow the bottle directions" but because RR has a slight sedative effect (as least it does for Ritz), I'd increase the dose significantly.  Makes him more mellow and slows his reaction time.

Good vibes and keep us updated.  Thanks.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Gosh poor little man. Here is something else I just thought of. SINCE he never leaves from underneath the car, could you put a sedative from the vet in the wet food? Does he eat the food right away? Use Fancy Feast fish/shrimp - or a pate style FF and put the pill inside of a small pea-sized ball of food. Just thinking here. It might just work since he will just stay sleeping under the car and won't run off after eating. I think I might try something like that. Then you can try to grab him and pull him out. Scruffing him without sedation will be too risky and too awkward a position for you to have the strength to hang on and drag him out. Cat's can be very, very strong no matter how wounded they are. He might just take off if he wiggles loose - which he probably would. BUT if you can sedate him slightly first - then the scruffing might just work here and make sure you have gloves on if you try that method. AWWWWWW the poor little guy - he is just too scared and injured to even leave the safety of underneath the car. Mega vibes again tonight :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 13, 2011
Gig Harbor Wa
Rescue Remedy? I will have to check that out. I have several cats I wish I could drug them..they will not go into the trap. I did have a guy who drugged a feral cat..He was in the trap and he put it in his food. This cat was SO out I was afraid he was dead..didn't make a peep. He woke up though..I don't have any setatives..wish I did sometime. Mackeral..humm that's a good idea


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
. I did have a guy who drugged a feral cat..He was in the trap and he put it in his food. This cat was SO out I was afraid he was dead..didn't make a peep. He woke up though..I don't have any setatives..wish I did sometime.
For this situation - which really sounds like an emergency for this little guy - I would ask your vet and explain what is going on. See if you can get something to put in a tiny pea sized ball of wet food. Wait it out.... then you will have the kitty. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: