Describe how your cats move :D


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I've always loved watching our kitties walk/run around. But it wasn't until this journey with Lazlo's cancer that I realized how much it communicates about how they feel. Lazlo happens to have a really "jaunty" strut, and I described it as watching Charlie Chaplin - but that's really because I can't help but associate that "jaunty strut" with a bowler hat ( Don't ask - I don't know why LOL). Lazlo's is (usually) a very confident strut, not a goofy strut. :lol3: But when he was feeling his worst - well - he didn't move around much, let alone with any strut. :(

But it got me paying attention to how my kitties move around. So here's how I'd describe them.

Lazlo - struts. :cool:
Sheldon - saunters :afro:
Spooky - just walks. :walk:
Tuxedo - pings around :bunny: (Like Ricochet Rabbit)
Flowerbelle - prances :princess:
Ming Loy - wobbles (she's a CH kitty) :spin: :thud:
Billy - zooms :dash:
Chumley - bounces :blobblue: (though for such a chunky monkey, we're always SO surprised at how graceful he is!)

So how do you describe your kitties and how they move? :D
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are

Mooch: I guess shes somewhere between sauntering and just walking.  When she jumps on me though; it's like she's a tank or a wrecking ball. 

Noodles: Saunters if she's just walking.  She's dainty when she jumps up on me.  It makes it feel like she weighs half of what she does. 

Mom's cats:

Olivia: Prances.  She's half Maine Coon; so pretty large...but weighs like next to nothing!  She could almost float around... lol

Pumpkin: Skitters....not sure how else to describe him.  He's a bit of a scaredy cat!

Bunny: Tip-toes. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 7, 2011
Calgary, AB
I love watching my cats move around! I find it fascinating how unique each one is in that regard. Cinnamon Girl has this rather un-feline bulldogish gait for such a dainty looking thing. She pretty much stomps around the house like line-backer, even though she's the most petite of the 4. Her head kinda hangs low and she swings it side to side as she walks, like a Komodo dragon. 

Carrot is a maniac. He's usually seen running at full tilt, his back end going faster than his front. He leaps and bounces and slides around corners like a Jet Li stuntman. If he's not in full speed mode, then he trots everywhere he goes, somewhat like a coyote.  

Peppercorn is the most elegant of them all. He swings his butt and wafts his tail back and forth with the drama of movie-star. Then when he reaches his destination, he flumps down with emphatic flair and a big sigh, like we should all appreciate the huge effort he just made. He's also a master of the "stretch-walk", where his front legs walk normally but his back legs lag behind until they're almost parallel to the ground. 

Aztec would be 90 if he was a human, and his walk reflects that. Arthritis has slowed his gait and he shuffles around like my grandpa. I can tell it's him walking with my eyes closed. 


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I always LOVE to watch my cat's walk, run, play, jump and move around. It has always interested me too :D!!!!!! Either coming towards me or away from me, I always get a smile watching how different they all walk.

I would say :king: Pipsqueak, who is smaller walks with a very confident stride and a bit bow legged in front :lol3:. He walks with a purpose too. Each foot placement seems heavy too, like a big lion walking along in his territory. He saunters a bit ( like Laurie's Shelly :happy3:)

:princess: Perla walks around like she is on egg shells, very, very cautiously with each step thought about. It is so cute. She also has a girlie walk, and crosses her legs a bit as she walks across the room. She really is absolutely the daintiest walking kitty I have ever known. :heart3:

:pumpkin: Perkins reminds me of Liam Neeson, the actor :flail:. He is tall, handsome and has long legs and covers the ground when he walks. He has a smooth and steady stride and has a very cute "bum" :lol2:

:kitty: Presley :heart: - He is a bit clumsy and silly when he walks. He has the cutest little walk I have ever seen though. Short-strided, choppy, uneven, and sometimes walk/jogs at the same time. He just loves is life and it shows in his walk :walk:. He also "pings" :flail: like Tuxie - but then trips up :lol3: My little man, he just cracks me up...

:love: Wendall - OH MY GOSH - He is the cutest mover of all. Seriously, if he was a horse, he would be great at dressage :flail:. He has a beautiful sway to his walk, and plops his front paws way out front of his body. He is short-legged, short-backed but his stride is long. He has the coolest :cool: walk and I think I most enjoy watching him "slink" around. :bigthumb:

:heart4: Walden - He moves a bit like Perkins. Long legs, smooth stride. but what I noticed about Walden, is from the back when he walks away from, he swings his hind legs out a bit and back in. He WADDLES :lol3: :lol2: YES that is how Walden walks - He is my Waddler Walden...

I really DO love to watch my cat's move, it is so very interesting to me and it was fun to write about it !!!!! :D :D :sun::sun::sun::sun::sun: Thanks for the thread, Laurie :heart3:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2010
Nova Scotia
Parker just walks around like he's looking for something important (maybe me?), but very relaxed.

Buddy usually sort of belly crawls or creeps, as if he is about to get into trouble. When he's not doing that, he's darting full speed because he did get into trouble and got caught.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
Boots: Boots is very inquisitive, and walks around exploring things all the time. His usual exploring walk is head and tail held high, his little tail usually curling back and forth at the top, like a question mark. :lol3: I would say his usual walk is somewhere between light step and plodding -- just a normal walk.

He also zooms when he has the night crazies... or the day crazies... :lol3:

Kramer: Kramer is pretty lazy. He sometimes gets curious like Boots, and will walk around smelling things with the curly tail. I think he has a very sensitive nose, because sometimes I see him hunkered down on the carpet, just smelling what there is to smell. I never see Boots do that. Anyway, most of the time he plods, because he's going from Nap Spot A to Nap Spot B. :D


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Jamie usually saunters, but there are times when he plods, especially on steps. He's so heavy-footed on our stairs that he can be heard in the adjoining house. A couple of years ago we had a new furnace installed on that side of the house, and the man who was putting it in asked our tenant's son what kind of dog we had. He didn't quite believe it when he was told that was a cat making so much noise, so he rang our bell and asked if he could see our cat. Apparently he thought that by the sounds of Jamie trudging down the stairs, he must be the size of a mountain lion!

Miezi usually strolls. She's very much the type who stops to smell the roses, as they say. She charges like a rhino when she sees another cat on "her" property, though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2003
I miss Wisconsin
I always LOVE to watch my cat's walk, run, play, jump and move around. It has always interested me too
!!!!!! Either coming towards me or away from me, I always get a smile watching how different they all walk.
I would say
Pipsqueak, who is smaller walks with a very confident stride and a bit bow legged in front
. He walks with a purpose too. Each foot placement seems heavy too, like a big lion walking along in his territory. He saunters a bit ( like Laurie's Shelly
Perla walks around like she is on egg shells, very, very cautiously with each step thought about. It is so cute. She also has a girlie walk, and crosses her legs a bit as she walks across the room. She really is absolutely the daintiest walking kitty I have ever known.

Perkins reminds me of Liam Neeson, the actor
. He is tall, handsome and has long legs and covers the ground when he walks. He has a smooth and steady stride and has a very cute "bum"

- He is a bit clumsy and silly when he walks. He has the cutest little walk I have ever seen though. Short-strided, choppy, uneven, and sometimes walk/jogs at the same time. He just loves is life and it shows in his walk
. He also "pings"
like Tuxie - but then trips up
My little man, he just cracks me up...
Wendall - OH MY GOSH - He is the cutest mover of all. Seriously, if he was a horse, he would be great at dressage
. He has a beautiful sway to his walk, and plops his front paws way out front of his body. He is short-legged, short-backed but his stride is long. He has the coolest
walk and I think I most enjoy watching him "slink" around.

Walden - He moves a bit like Perkins. Long legs, smooth stride. but what I noticed about Walden, is from the back when he walks away from, he swings his hind legs out a bit and back in. He WADDLES
YES that is how Walden walks - He is my Waddler Walden...
I really DO love to watch my cat's move, it is so very interesting to me and it was fun to write about it !!!!!
Thanks for the thread, Laurie
Other than my binks who usually just walks.  I have to say awsome use of emoticons!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 3, 2009
Utu: depends on what he wants or is up to, but usually very regal and refined 'cat walk'. If he's wants to show off he has a 'lion walk'. If he wants something he has a habit of 'courting'. He will sweep things with his tail and he does it in a way which reminds me of flirting cartoon cats, he controls his tail very well. I find it hilarious.

Kuura: He's a ninja if needed, but most of the time just very excited, holding his tail straight up and following me like a dog.

Tomu: His shoulder movements and spots moving when he walks reminds me of some wildcat, a tiny leopard or something. Every step seems to be very cautious, specially if the surface is uneven. He's very clumsy though so it's all just an act.

Luna: Bunny. She even lays down in a positions that remind me of a bunny. She has always had this weird habit of 'wagging' her tail. She sweeps it from side to side and you can't tell her mood from it because she does it even when she's calm and happy. She also often keeps her tail curled next to her body even when she walks around. She also jogs.
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TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
As expected, Scarlett shakes her booty when she walks. She actually has the cutest little wiggle that I've seen with a cat. She's all GIRL.

Muddy switches things up. he can be a race horse, a moving speed bump (runs ahead of you and stops to trip you), and a strutter. He's finally figured out how to swash buckle that magnificant tail of his.

Pinky is a slinker, or at least it appears that way since his fur is so long it sometimes looks like its scraping the floor. He always bows his head to the other cats to prompt them to groom him.

Koko is a gopher. She likes to stop and stand on her hind legs to raise her head higher, then drop down, walk a few steps and do it again. Sometimes she speed walks. Her eyes are always moving around to look at things. A curious girl.

Spanky is a jogger. He's way to pudgy so doesn't really get into a full run, but will come jogging down the hall when I call him. He has a massive belly sway.

Lucky Pierre is a WWF wrestler. He's solid muscle, and his style of play involves throwing the other cats to the ground (they love it btw). There's nothing soft about him - he even looks stiff and hunky when he is laying down.

Stumpy is commanding. He walks like a king, he looks down his nose at the other cats (his minions), He snores when he sleeps these days. I can hear him from the next room over.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2003
I miss Wisconsin
The 'Tail Swoosh'.  I can mention on that.  Binky does that. When slowly walking by the legs, pull your tail to one side as to slightly brush the calves of the human leg as you go about your kitty business.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Flash doesn't do walking she pretty much runs everywhere she's really funny to watch 

Sooty just saunters really unless he hears food then he tears around to get it :D

Smooch wanders about with his tail held high but wiggles his bum when my mam shouts for him


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 6, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
Turtle's a "darter". when she's happy. She's here, then she there and if you try to focus on her you're asking for a bad case of whiplash! When she's calm or doting on me, she has a slow prance style of gait. Her tail is high and hooked at the end and she puts one paw in front of the other. Very dainty, but witha lot of authority


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 4, 2010
Playing with Jazzy & Ginga.
Jazzy walks like a queen, one paw in front of the other, always moving slowly and gracefully, unless there's a truck outside or a sudden loud noise, she forgets all about her dainty walking style and runs as fast as she can to a hiding place.

Ginga trots everywhere, occasionally stopping to stand up and sniff a pot plant, she's hardly ever still, except when she's stalking some kind of animal or asleep on someone. She has no need for walking, she thinks it would be a lot faster to run, she always overtakes Jazzy when running to get her food, Jazzy gets very annoyed :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
 Great question

Billy-I have always said he walks like John wayne
 since he has been nuetured he kind of waddles with his back end,it kind of bows out,he is hilarious to watch when he is running.

Floss-Oooh classy girl,rules the roost and holds her head up high

Smartie-no class here I am afraid just anyhow but that's how I love her

Candy-tap,tap,tap that is all I hear,her claws on the laminate,i certainly know when she is coming,she is so small and dainty.

Fudge-she has 3 legs so we always here when she is walking about or running about.xx