Daily Question 02/17/16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Good morning TCS!:wavey:

The question of today is:

How so deep the Technology have change your life? ( I mean, are you using smart phones, e-mails, internet on TV instead of cable tv, etc.,...) :think:

have a nice wednesday!:wavey:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
Changed my life? Hmmmmm....

I suppose the internet in general has changed it the most in that I have access to SO much information that I wouldn't otherwise be privy to. The ability to talk with people in other countries. Having a cell phone at all times has allowed me more 'freedom' to go places and be able to stay in contact. Paying bills and shopping online has saved me a few times. 

The downside is that I think technology is making us lazy mentally.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I dont have a smart phone or anything. I have a flip phone without any minutes I have a house phone and rarely go any where during the week. I do have a tablet I use to get on the internet and I use Skype a few times a week to talk to my mom and older daughter. It's nice to see them even if not in person. Living four hours away from home is horrible but the internet allows me to feel like I can keep up with every one. We also have Netflix it comes in handy on the weekends when nothing seems to be on. 


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
It's changed my life.  I used to make up lists of things I wanted to look up at the library and then would spend hours there, researching.  I used to say the library or a book store for me was like a bar for an alcoholic--I couldn't resist them and you couldn't get me out of them.  Now, I'm constantly looking things up on the Internet.  The only time I go to the library is to donate books.  

I'm able to have a lot more contact with my mom now.  She's hard of hearing and doesn't like to talk on the phone, but she's an emailer, so my sisters and I are able to stay in contact with her, and keep in touch with each other's lives a lot more than we used to.

I stay in touch with nieces, nephews and other family members via Facebook who I wouldn't communicate with nearly as much without the Internet.  

I could go on....  


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Since I got my Nook and now my iPad, I cannot tell you when the last time was that I was in our county library. I simply get my reading books from E-Books 2 Go for my tablets. When I was in college, my friend and I used to virtually hang out at the PennState Pattee Library in State College to do research for papers and such. I doubt I'd be going there now. Much of my research for things I do at work comes from the internet.

I recently posted about our Amazon Fire Stick. Nothing on TV? No problem! Hit the Stick and find something that way. It's amazing and I'm well-pleased. I doubt I'll run out of viewing material for a long, long time.

Still madly in love with my iPad Air 2. I can sit in the living room on the couch and surf the net. Or hang out in bed and surf. I've never been able to do that with my laptop as it's simply too big, I have to worry about making sure there's air space around it or it would get too hot, keeping it plugged so it doesn't run down the battery, etc. That iPad is way cool. 

Our cell phones are wonderful, too. Rick and I are in contact at work throughout the day and I love that. I love being able to text with him during the day. I love being in contact with family and friends via texting. Sometimes people call at bad times and even though I do answer the phone, I may not be particularly happy about it. Texting is something you can do when you can.....people usually don't expect an immediate response, which is great when I'm here at work.

I love shopping online. I'm pretty careful or I try to be. But I love being able to shop online, esp around the holidays when crowds can be ridiculous. 

While I am on Facebook, I don't say much sometimes. I do read what's going on with other people and sometimes I'll talk about something. I tend to "Like" things, but try to keep my mouth shut, esp during the height of political season. It's really hard to agree with people politically and sometimes I have to sit on my hands. If I say much, it's usually fairly mundane stuff. 

I disagree that this kind of technology is making us lazy mentally. Physically? Yes, without a doubt. Mentally? I'm not so sure about that.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It's been a very long time since I have been to the library.  I've started listening to audio books while working and I borrow them from the library online.  I can borrow a book 24/7.  I do a lot of shopping on line rather than going to a store.  I have a smart phone but I don't use it that much.  I occasionally get online when I am away from home.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Tremendously and not a lot.  I still have a phone that just talks and texts, although it does text.  My computer skills are very, very basic...I can do email, and keep my household records, and do basic surfing, but that's about it.  I still like books on paper, but am thinking about getting a reader, just because of my environmental concerns.  I don't have a smart house, nor do I want one.  A thermostat that doesn't have to be manually switched from ac to heat would be nice, tho!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i'd have to agree with @Mamanyt1953 -- tremendously, and not a lot.

i've had a cell phone, and now use only a landline phone (though a cordless one) because i prefer it. i absolutely love my computer, and am fascinated by them and love to learn about them. i use the internet to research things, learn how to do or construct or repair things, i pay some bills online, i prefer email over phone conversations -- absolutely hate texting, i shop online often, and i stream through my computer to my tv -- can watch either on my computer or on the tv set. i have a kindle reader, but mostly use the kindle app on my computer -- so i read ebooks, rarely read actual in print books anymore.

i also am able to connect with many wonderful people online, here at TCS and other forums, that i more than likely would never 'meet' otherwise! 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Forgot all about the daily questions the last few days!!!

Hmmm well, I'm in that interesting generation where my entire childhood, I had no internet. I got internet when I was 19 years old, and omg, it was awesome! Smart phone came MANY years later. I enjoy having the smart phone but by no means is it my "main thing". I like my laptop much more. I mainly use my smart phone if I'm out (although not while eating! that thing is put away then), or working from home, in which case it's used as an actual phone! I also have a tablet, which serves primarily as my alarm clock.

I still prefer to watch TV on my TV. I have a satellite dish and enjoy recording movies and shows I like. I still like to read actual books, but not necessarily for research. I think I like being able to look for specifics way too much, plus I'm addicted to "CTRL-F" :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I only use a smart phone. I recently got the galaxy 6 which isn't pleasing me very much yet.
It's easy to talk to the family and friends on what's app.
I. Can also watch a film from my phone to the TV.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Technology has changed all of our lives a ton! Sometimes in ways we don't even realize. Right down to groceries and, well, just everything. So even if someone personally avoided using any internet or other technology, they're still affected. They pay less for goods and services because the company saves money through automation. People know more because knowledge is easier to get, so even if YOU never learned anything from the internet, people around you would and you'd still benefit.

But, yes, personally, I'd say technology is a pretty big part of my life. The computers at work, my smartphone/tablet, internet community and information, etc. I was in my 20s when the internet really became a Thing so I can remember what it was like before. Not great! You were at the mercy of what your teachers/parents taught you---if they didn't know it, you couldn't learn it! I spent a lot of time at the library, and learned a lot there, but at the same time, you were captive to whatever information the library had. So if they had one dog training book, that's all you knew about. You didn't know there were other methods of dog training, the controversies surrounding each method, the alternatives and what worked for other people, that kind of thing.

The letters section of magazines was always my favorite part. And internet forums are just like an interactive letters section :D.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Technology is a huge part of my life and always has been.  I worked in a scientific field and remember how glorious it was when digital photography meant the end of the darkroom, with all its problems.  Now that I'm retired, I depend on my computer and iPhone to stay connected with the world.  When I first retired, I thought I'd feel "left out" of things but that hasn't turned out to be true at all.  If anything I feel even more in touch because I have more time to follow what's going in the world.  And I can still keep up with my old profession as well.   And of course, I can keep up with friends and family and always stay connected with them.

Another big benefit is that I can order practically everything I need on-line and have it delivered.  I don't have a car now and don't know how I would cope if this were not possible.

Being able to do research on medical and feline issues on-line is invaluable.  

Oh, and I love playing games.   And of course Netflix.  I love Netflix.  I only watch cable now for the political debates.  

The downside is that I am completely dependent on my phone, especially.  When the charger pooped out a few days ago, I had to pay an astronomical fee to get a new one shipped to me in time to avoid losing the last glimmer of charge.  Being without a phone in an emergency is not a pleasant prospect!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I thought about this question last night as I was updating Rick's union laptop and my laptop.

I had plugged in my cell phone, my iPad, and my Nook to receptacles. I had connected my iPod and my Fitbit Charge to my computer. Plugged in Rick's Fitbit Flex to his computer. And I was lying in bed, watching Episode 1 from Season 2 of the X-Files, using the Amazon Fire Stick.

Yes, we have become very dependent on technology, I'd say.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Yes, we have become very dependent on technology, I'd say.
yes no doubth about it... and like someone says before, make us mentally lazys :indiff:


it really change my life, many things I do it with Internet and else (smartphone, e-mails) etc... ( For Good or for Worse) :rolleyes: