Curious if anyone can identify the breed of cat I have?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 26, 2016
Hi guys, 

First post ever but I wanted to see if anyone knew what type of cat I have had for the past 5-6 years?

He's a rescue cat that was dumped in front of my house on my street in the middle of the night in a rain storm. 

He had 2 or 3 other bro/sisters and I found the little guy crying in my yard at 3am.

Scooped him up and hes been mine ever since, named him Dexter and I have to say I was a dog person

before all this but i have sworn off Dogs and have fallen for Cats! (even though I have a dog who I love very much too)

Anyways, any help would be great. I have seen like 3-4 different types of cats that look similar but I have not idea what I am doing or if I am 

close at all in comparing them. I'm sure it will be fast and easy for anyone but myself since hes my first cat and introduction into the cat side of things.

I worked for 4-5 years in the Dog Rescue side of things and never worked with cats so any help would be amazing!

Also do any of your cats suck on their tails at nights when going to sleep and cuddling with you? 

Dexter only does it when we are about to sleep and he snuggles up under my arm and starts purring very very loudly while sucking on his tail.

He then passes out while doing so in very deep sleep, I am assuming this is due to being away from his Mother too early maybe? 

He's a beautiful cat but he looks very similar to a Birman, Himalayan, the markings on his head look very similar to a Siberian too so I just can't figure it out. 

In the pictures I have the night i found him as the kitten, then maybe at 6 months to a year and the last where he finally got all his color was a week ago, Sorry about 

the laundry in the 3rd picture, he loves to dig out my laundry and sleep in the basket lol.



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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016
Also he looks very much like a Ragdoll, so maybe hes a mix of one or two of these types?
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016
Took this really fast so It was as current as possible and better lighting so you can see his colors and markings better.



TCS Member
Oct 26, 2016
New York City
How lovely that you came to the kitty side! I thought myself as a dog person up until a couple of years ago. 

He looks wonderful! I have two rag dolls myself and I have to say he does to have quite the similar markings and traits of a ragdoll! He might be mixed with something else though can't know for sure. He's a beauty though (:
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016
Thank you! 

Yeah hes a looker for sure, I still to this day cannot understand why anyone would dump a box of kittens on the road and drive off and especially such beautiful ones such as him.

I would imagine this parents looked similar to him so I will never understand why someone can be so cruel to such a beautiful and majestic animal or any animal for that matter. 

It reminds me of working at our rescue and in the winter here it snows and gets really cold, people would drop boxes off at the rescue  in the middle of the night and by the time I got in there

the dogs would be either dead or almost. Then add parvo on top of it usually and it was hard to save even one. usually pitbulls for some reason too. Its just plain out evil. 

On a lighter note thank you for your response, are your Ragdolls very vocal? Dexter will tell me all about his day even if I leave for an hour or so, i walk in and its meow meow meow till I acknowledge him

and honestly meow back lol. Do certain breeds have different temperaments or traits that carry on in a lot of Cats?  Just wondering if breeds act similar in most cases or not? Like I said still very new to all this.




TCS Member
Oct 26, 2016
New York City
I will never understand that either. People can be so cruel to such beautiful creatures. All they asked is to be loved.

Should have given them to a shelter but theres a reason things happen and now you have this handsome guy <3 

Pits get the worst treatment I find and yet have the sweetest souls when well trained and given a lovely home

they're so misunderstood its horrible.

Mines are quiet considering however theres times they become rather vocal especially my girl when cat dad comes home lol

She meows until he is settled in and demands attention. My boy is only when its feeding time for the most part or if he wants to play.

Ragdolls often are vocal though and don't like to be alone, they're affectionate and sweet. They follow their humans from room to room

At least thats most of them.

Yes different breeds can have or lean towards certain personalities and tempers and like us different cats have different personalities of course! 

Although I have two rag dolls who are half siblings they have different moods. Different needs and wants. 

It's okay I was new to the whole cat breeds and having cats only about a year and a half ago. You just learn to co-exist and love them regardless of the breed<3 


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
If comparing him Mr Grandious  freely to anything, I would say a pointed Siberian, or its parallell breed the Neva Masquerade - whom are essentially pointed siberians.  but in their motherland the Russia, the gene pool is so great they got finicky, and decided they  dont like no pointed siberians.  so, willy nilly, the breed of Neva Masquerade was created.

Outside Russia, in countries with a lesser gene pool, they arent as fussy, and happily allow good type siberian points.

The alternative is prob the ragdoll, yet I would vote on a pointed siberian look alike.  He is tabby, he is point, the point is black, so: longhair domestic, lynx seal point.  A look alike of a pointed siberian.

This self sucking of the tail isnt that common, so I too think its because he got orphaned so early. Even if you were wise and did gave him this stuffed play animal to hold him company...  Lucky dude whom found you, and lucky you whom found him.

What happened with the others in that litter, do you know?  Did they perished or did they found new homes them too?  and do you know their looks? Were they pointed them too, or not?    If not pointed, the parents werent pointed.


ps   google on the natural siberian,  Masha  from Obninsk - they could mirror each others, with the point coloring as the only difference
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016

    Thanks for the message, Yeah I agree he looks very much like those as well. I had it narrowed down between the Ragdoll, Birman, Himalayan or Siberian....

So hes probably a mix of 2 or more but who really knows.

    As for the others in the litter, I found out about 6 months later after I had scooped up this guy that our friends next door to us have a barn and found 3 kittens in it the same time as I had found Dexter, 2 made it and one did not. It had gotten pretty cold that night and I think the lack of milk and warmth allowed the kitten to perish. Our friend came and looked at Dexter and said they had to be from the same litter, they looked identical except the one who died had more black on him. They ended up getting them their shots, caring for them for a few months and then moving them into great homes so at least the story has a good outcome to it. 

I know they were dropped off because I found a milk crate out on the side of our road with blankets in it with some cat hair on it the very next morning so someone obviously just left them there to die or be found.

   When I found Dexter he had a full belly of milk, he seemed like he had eaten very recently but I ended up hand feeding him for a week or so till he was able to eat soft food, so he was hand fed and probably looks at me as his "Mother". When I first had him he would sleep in my bed with me, still does but he would rub up and down my belly at night when he was hungry looking for milk lol, it was adorable. So I believe the tail sucking has to be part of that.  I have done a bit of research about the tail stuff and they said its not a big deal as long as the hair is staying in and not having any skin issues from it but he doesn't do it every night either so its almost a calming effect on me as well. Makes me feel proud of for saving him and that he trusts me enough to do that and cuddle up with me. 


Thanks for the message and the Siberian idea was a very good one, thank you for pointing that out!

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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016

Yeah for some reason the Pits always get the worst end of things, they have such a bad rep. when I think they are some of the if not the most loveable dog. I have had 2 over my life time and they have been the best dogs I have ever had. Very well behaved after the puppy stage of course lol and always just looking for ways to please. Ill never understand people and why they have to demonize an animal due to what other people have done to the breed. Its all about the owner in most cases not the dog!

Thank you for the answer about the traits as well, were still just amazed how full of energy and huge personality this cat puts out since day 1. Most people hear I have a cat and you can see the roll of eyes or the disappointment but when ever anyone meets him they always say "god I wish I had a cat like this".  So hes something special, but i have seen alot of cats with the same traits and personalities again I believe very much in the fact that the owner plays a bigger part in the animal then most people are lead to believe.

Can I see a picture of your cats? I didn't look on your profile for any which I guess I could but would love to see some of your Ragdolls?




TCS Member
Oct 26, 2016
New York City

This is the best photo I have of them. To the left is my boy and the right my girl.

Yes indeed they do get the worst rep and are the first to be put down. Crazy. People just can't leave them be. Owner plays a huge part in their development. That I agree with.

And yes they have a good amount of energy. It's amazing how my boy can go two hours playing with a ball we made out of aluminum foil. He jumps and prances around with his sister. And they run like wild at all hours. Lol

Oh yes many people hear we have cats who don't have themselves. They're like eh. Then they meet them and it's like "oh they're so much more different than I thought!" I wanted cats who would be good for everyone who walks in. My boy greets whoever does the mail outside. My husband caught him at the window one day and saw the mail man wave goodbye at him since my boy was meowing for attention. Isn't that insane? Haha well bless your heart for taking such a beautiful creature in. I've found that even as an original dog lover myself. My cats have brought me so much beauty and patience in my life.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 21, 2016
Apologies my photos are screenshots from Instagram – I just cleared all the photos from my phone recently. I figured I would join in since I think my Athena is also part ragdoll. She doesn't have blue eyes, but I know for a fact her momma did, and her mother's markings were just like hers. I know that her grandma also had the same exact markings but with the same green eyes as Athena. Her litter mates did not look like her. I believe they had long fur but one was an all black cat and the other perhaps a silver tabby. I can't really remember as it was five years ago and I only ever saw a photo of her cat family. But yeah, here she is! Would love to hear what anyone thinks or if Dexter and my Athena look similar at all:
^ She is shaved in this photo. Her coat mats really badly.
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TCS Member
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Oct 26, 2016

Yeah they can completely change your life, with mine he showed up like a month before I hit rock bottom, ended up in jail for 2 weeks and went straight to a rehab program for abusing Oxy and everything else under the sun! lol I had a back surgery and ended up staying on pills for a very very long time, they took over my life and ruined a lot of great things for me. So when i came home I had my family no trusting me or wanting to deal with me, I had to drop every friend because that's how you get and stay clean, and he was the only thing there. I ended up having to hand feed him like I said previously and there as something with that and having a cat that I had to take care of, instead of just myself as usual.  He helped me get emotions back and feel something for someone again, I was so bitter twords the world and he really turned my life and attitude around. That will be 6 years ago on November 11th so I give him credit for saving my life and showing me what life was about. Sounds cheesy but that's exactly how it happened and not sure I would be here today with out the little guy. Maybe he was meant to show up then for that exact reason, I believe he was for sure. 

So anyways that just got super personal haha but I like sharing that story because anyone needing to heal or go through something tough I find a cat or animal to take care of helps more than anything else! I guess its the idea that they don't judge you and love you the way you are? Give you something to care for and see that its not just about you and your needs but you can help others as well and get more pleasure out of serving or helping others rather than yourself. 

Your cats are so beautiful! They look so close to being brother and sister for some reason lol  What are their names if you don't mind me asking? Also do you ever get your cats groomed/shaved/trimmed? How do you deal with all the hair? That's the biggest downfall to a long haired cat is I go through so many lint rollers and even then they don't work wonders. I find that he is not very willing to sit still and let me brush him much and when I get him to sit there he will steal the brush away from me and bunny kick it and kick if off the bed or where ever we are lol Almost like saying get that shit out of here!  

So I would like to get him shaved up in the spring to summer time but in the Winter I feel he wouldn't be as comfortable I find even with all that hair he still likes to sleep between my legs in the winter under the blankets. So not sure if he just likes being extra extra warm or if hes cold and in that case taking his coat away would be bad. I live in Utah so it gets down to like 20f-30f  during the days and lower during the nights in the winter time here. Plus we get a good amount of snow here in the valley.   So any input on that would be great! 

One more question too if you don't mind it's nice to finally have someone to talk to about a longer haired cat, whos probably gone through some of the same stuff as myself and maybe figured out things differently.

Do your cats throw up at all? Dexter seems to throw up here and there right after eating like he's eating too fast or the foods to big, maybe he has some hair in there from grooming alot. He seems to groom quite often, so I know they can get furballs that can make them throw up food here and there. So its not all the time but sometimes it seems like he will 2-3 in a week and then not for a month?

He eats blue buffalo "______  "  just which ever sounds decent but i was suggested that brand by my Vet. She says its semi normal but it seems to be more frequent sometimes and worries me plus its not fun cleaning up. Usually the food is pretty much not chewed and all in full pieces which makes me believe hes not chewing it. If I feed him say soft food, that comes right up in 30 seconds or less, almost like he doesn't like it or it upsets his stomach?

So Kinda lost on this one, but any help would be greatly appreciated!  I don't think hes sick because this had been what he does since Day 1 and I am just used to it by this point but I want him to be the healthiest possible and happy!


Mark and Dexter
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 26, 2016

Hey Coniferously,

Yeah they look similar to some extent but I think your Athena is missing some of the marks in her face like Dexter has which leads me to believe after some more research that Dexter is more likely more Siberian than anything IMO. Athena looks to me more like a Ragdoll but again its very hard to tell the difference because cats seem to have a very mixed breed outcome in most parts of the world unless its more specific a breeder who's working with pure breeds. So I would say shes a Ragdoll, possibly mixed with something or just call it that. lol  

I still think Dexter looks like 3-4 different breeds all in one, cause I can see similar markings or coloring's in multiple breeds, but when it comes down to it I think hes more a Siberian as it fits more with that single breed than any other. 

How old is your girl? How long have you had her? 



TCS Member
Oct 26, 2016
New York City
I'm very glad you are better now and that your little guy contributed to your recovery. There is no judgement here at all. Least from my side. They are so helpful to our mental well being it's amazing how we bond with them. It doesn't sound cheesy at all. My two little ones save me from myself sometimes too. To clear up their names are Japanese based. On the left my boy's name is Kaito. "Kai" refers to the sea;ocean. Which I saw in his eyes and "To" which is soar;fly which I felt my heart do when he was first placed into my arms. He was very calm and warmed up to us very quickly. The name just seemed very fitting. We first got him for my anxiety. When my husband and I first moved in together he works full time and I was home alone. The silence was painful. I wasn't sleeping well and I was sad most nights. I have a history of self harm so when I brought up the idea of a pet to my husband he was reluctant but very open to the idea since he has had many pets growing up. Whereas I never had any pets for my dad is allergic to everything animal related as far as I know haha. He was truly a blessing to my healing. Never left my side and as a kitten since they have the tendency to cuddle and be so loving. He spent the first week curled in my chest purring happily away and the healing began. I was sleeping much more comfortably. He would run around and meow in a sing song voice which I loved. Soon I thought he needed a buddy so we checked the same breeder we got him from and she had his half sister who hadn't been taken yet and she was 8 months old. So again we brought back another beauty and named her Natsumi which means "Summer beauty" her fur so colorful and we got her close to sumer time so it seemed fitting for her as well. Kaito was never lonely around her. They follow each other and usually sleep near each other or separately. But if one meows as a way to call out to one another. One comes running to see whats wrong. They offer much comfort to each other and of course play fight almost every day. They've truly been blessings in my life.

They've healed me in ways my family honestly can't see. I recently lost my daughter at 18 weeks pregnant and they must of sensed something was wrong since the first two days they wouldn't come near me for the bleeding. But my cries I guess they couldn't resist and started to come to me again and I started to wake up every morning with them near by. Just a simple pet with my fingers in their fur and I felt like I will one day be okay. So i Understand what it is you feel.

Anyway, about the grooming. Yes I do groom them at least 1-2 a week. More during the summer because of fallout fur. I groom for as long as they tolerate for. Ive never trimmed or shaved them. Not sure if its a personal choice or I just never saw a reason to since I try my best to keep my house cool during the summer and it helps with the winters here in NYC. I mostly sweep a bunch. Mop my floors. I have a air purifier thats helps with pet dander and dust. I also have a brush to brush off the fur from the bed, couch, and any huge fabric piece I have. And yes we have a bunch of lint rollers as well. Everyone knows when they come to my house there's a lint roller near by for when they leave haha. I mean what kind of brush/comb do you use? I have 4. Slicker, silicone groomer (not sure what its called. its silicone with grooves to massage and help loosen fur) a metal fur comb and furminator. My last resort is the furminator since I heard it can pull sometimes. So I try my best with silicone and slicker and the comb is for when summer is coming and their fur starts to really shed. the furminator usually comes after if they are in that tolerant mood and I have a chance to gently brush them down with it. 

Hmmm if he isn't very tolerant. Maybe try brushing every other day and everytime you pass the brush you pet with the other hand. Once you're done, tempt with some treats and see if that works and let me know. Maybe we can come up with alternatives. As for the throwing up. Yes it happens more with Natsumi since she is fluffier than kaito. Grooming them helps with this. I have noticed they throw up more during summer time and I must grooming them to help minimize throwing up. 

By soft foods you mean the wet canned food? What brand is it?

Awww of course anything to help a fellow fluffy cat parent! I know it can be tough and every cat is different some just might be more sensitive than others is all. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 21, 2016

Hey Coniferously,

Yeah they look similar to some extent but I think your Athena is missing some of the marks in her face like Dexter has which leads me to believe after some more research that Dexter is more likely more Siberian than anything IMO. Athena looks to me more like a Ragdoll but again its very hard to tell the difference because cats seem to have a very mixed breed outcome in most parts of the world unless its more specific a breeder who's working with pure breeds. So I would say shes a Ragdoll, possibly mixed with something or just call it that. lol  

I still think Dexter looks like 3-4 different breeds all in one, cause I can see similar markings or coloring's in multiple breeds, but when it comes down to it I think hes more a Siberian as it fits more with that single breed than any other. 

How old is your girl? How long have you had her? 

I agree with you. He definitely looks more than ragdoll to me as well. Himalayan keeps coming to mind for Dexter, but like you said, they are so mixed up and have so many outcomes unless they are from an actual breeder who has a concentrated gene pool for a certain breed. I know my Athena is a mutt, but I also know she carries more than just domestic longhair in her DNA.
Athena is about five now, we made her birthdate May 8, 2011. A friend of mine gave her to me when she was about 7 months old. She was HUGE at that point already; very stocky and muscular. Her fur didn't get super fluffy until about she was about a year and a half though. She is a very sweet cat and gets along very well with my other 14 cats. I have never had a problem with her being aggressive or anything. She loves to be stroked and petted. She tends to lick and bite (love bite) a lot when we pet her and her purr is so loud, like a motorboat, ahah.


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2016
He looks a lot like my cat, and i am currently trying to figure out what breed he is. I think he could be any of these breeds or a mix: american bobtail, siamese, mekong bobtail, or ragdoll. Hope this helps! Good luck!