Crystals Are Back Again


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 22, 2017
Good evening everyone,

I've been lurking on this site for a long time and think that what I'm about to ask has already been answered but when it comes to the cats I tend to panic while sometimes waiting too long. So I want to make sure I'm thinking straight.

Our oldest male, Socrates, has been sick for a long time. Over six years ago he started to develop crystals in his urethra and though we took care of them at the time they occasionally come back. However, this actually led us to learning about a worse problem in that his spine is fusing together and has been since he was a kitten. He gets a dose of metacam every day in order to manage the pain and is generally okay except on humid and cold days.

For food We generally only feed them wet food but for the last couple weeks i started leaving out a bit of dry (idiot me as its kept on hand only for when we have to take a trip and even then its still mixed with wet) and then last week we had a sudden trip to make in which I left out a bowl with a lot of dry food that I didnt put away until yesterday. This has let his crystals flare up and today they are pretty bad.

The issue is right now that he is wandering the house and trying to urinate periodically. He leaves small puddles that are tinged pink. However, I am fairly confident that he is not blocked as in the last two hours he did leave two large puddles of urine as well both of which had an area of pinkish-red at one end but appear yellow to clear otherwise. He has also defecated in the last few hours with one fecal deposit about the size of my thumb containing a good bit of fur.

All of this is very similar to when we found out that his spine is fusing as he acted in a similar way though much worse as he was also lethargic and was losing control of his urine completely. At the time he would not even get up to urinate. He isnt there yet but I am concerned.

I have left a message for my vet and am planning to watch him overnight with the plan to take him in in the morning. But, I am concerned that maybe I am letting my past experience keep me from rushing him to the vet.

Based on what I have said thus I right in waiting and watching while giving him as much wet food/water as he wants or do I need to rush him to the emergency vet?

Thank you for taking the time to consider this post.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
With cats that are prone to urinary issues you really have to be strict about NO kibble. I'd feed high quality wet or raw food only, make sure you've got a couple of water fountains to encourage extra water intake.