Crating At Night


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
When my cat Maggie was 3 months she was wild at night so my bedroom door was usually closed til she calmed down. She had lots to keep her busy. Mostly liked to run up and down my 72 inch tower and through tunnels and cubes. Also has a cat loungers by pet fusion. She loved to run and jump over all her obstacles. Home Depo has cord
Protectors. All my trash cans are step ons. My bed just has the mattress and covers so she cant get underneath. She would get on her claws,put her paws up, and walk all over like spiderman.
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Young Cat
Jul 27, 2019
Update on the sleeping through the night.

Little man has been sleeping and leaving us alone at night. I read Jackson Galaxy tips on this. For anyone having problems with sleeping at night I recommend watching his video.

1. Play about an hour before bed. And that all cats have a second wind. Personally I play for 30 minutes rest for 15 minutes and repeat twice.

2. Switch to schedule feeding. Cats have desire to hunt, catch, kill, eat, groom and sleep. When we play we satisfy hunt and then they eat. Cats need to feel like they have satisfied that desire to hunt and eat.

3. Sleep is the hardest part. You must ignore your cat when you sleep. When we react they get attention whether positive or negative attention and keep doing the same thing to get attention. To stop this they must get nothing out of the action they are doing.

I know this is a lot but has worked wonders for me. If you are curious for more go watch his videos.