Could use advice on first trapping


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 2, 2014
Alright, FOCAS gave me the voucher for Tiger, but their vet is doing their yearly super cleaning, so they won't be able to make the appointment till Monday, which means I have between 1 and two weeks to prep for Tiger being brought in. (Everything will be nice and extra sterile for him, on the plus side!)

A couple things: We have to transport him, in the trap, ourselves. We don't mind this, but we don't want him overly stressed or angry with us if possible. Any tips on making this a less painful process for him? It could take up to an hour, depending on traffic and time.

How close should the trap be to the usual feeding spots? We have a table over the feeding area to protect it from the rain, sun, etc. He will eat other places if there is food, but he prefers to eat with the girls these days. (He's starting to be more friendly, thank goodness)

It's a cat sized Havahart trap from Harbor Freight. (Thank you to whoever I saw suggest that, saved us a TON!) 

He's responded to minor training, he'll approach us, take food from our hands, but cannot be pet. I touched him once on accident (Turning with food before looking), and he reacted like I challenged for dominance (It was the lightest possible brush. I wouldn't have realized it if he didn't react so strongly. He didn't swat though, thank goodness). I have been careful to not cross that line till he's fixed and more relaxed. But he will slow blink at us, he even sat right by my hubby outside in the afternoon (the day we rescued Luna).

I've offered treats, catnip, and fed him when he shows up alone. (He comes before the girls in the afternoons) 

Honestly, of all the cats, he seems to be the quickest to want human affection. He had the most wild instincts at first (he used to drag the food dishes to bury them for later), but has made several efforts to be social with us, much faster than any of the others, honestly. He wanders a lot during the day. And he's still the smallest of the bunch. (Yes, I believe he has a napoleon complex)

I've never personally trapped a cat before, I'm gonna go on youtube and look for videos and everything, but I was also hoping for other tips and advice from you guys with personal experiences. I know we're not gonna be his favorite people for a while, but the less trouble it'll be, the better for everyone.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I am rushing out the door, but wanted to send you a video to watch.  This is from the Alley Cat Allies site.  It's the first video on trapping a colony.  It has excellent advice.

Make sure that once you trap him, you immediately cover the trap with a light sheet.  This will calm him down.  If you are not leaving immediately, take him to a quiet location.  All of the cats I have trapped and transported have been very quiet.  When you bring him home and need to keep him in the trap for the night, once again keep the trap covered in a quiet location.  I get puppy pee pads from the Dollar Tree and place them on my concrete basement floor and put the trap on top.  Just incase he pees. 

You will need to keep him in your home over night if they do not keep him.  Just keep the area quiet.  I play soft music and leave a small light on. 

Ask lots of questions.  We are here to help.