Corona Virus Now Spreading


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
The places that I go most people do wear them. The vet's office does require a mask and only one person can come in unless it is for euthanasia. They did have the deal where owners stayed outside and talked to the vet over the phone while the exam was being done.
I just got email from my vet that they are going back to curbside only for the time being. Previously, they were allowing one person in for the visit. I do prefer going in with my kitties, but I trust them, so I'm okay with curbside for now until hopefully we can get a handle on this omicron variant (assuming we ever will)

Joan M

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 3, 2020
Southeastern PA
Some info that may encourage, although I have to stress I am not a medical person and this is from my reading about the nature of pandemics. There was a book I read years ago, The Great Influenza by John M. Barry, which was about the Spanish Flu of 1918. My grandfather caught that in boot camp and almost died; it eventually spread all over the world and almost everyone now has antibodies for it. The book was a fascinating read and that strain of flu followed what I've read since about pandemics. They usually last 2.5 to 3.5 years, all the while mutating. They mutate to become less deadly but more easy to transmit from person to person. The reason is if they stay deadly, they kill all their hosts and can't keep going. So it's self-preservation for the virus. If this is true, then Omicron is following the pattern. It is less deadly but more transmittable. It's been a little over 2 years that Covid has been around. If it follows the pattern of pandemics, we will probably all get some form of it eventually and build antibodies to it. It may never go away, but it won't be the danger that it is now.

Again, I am not in the medical field, but I wanted to pass this on as an encouragement. We're all getting Covid-tired, but the end may be in sight soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
My partner missed the few free clinic dates that were open because of work and now we'd have to pay 50-70 dollars for one. Gotta love the healthcare here. 🙄
If there's a Costco in the area, anyone can use the pharmacy without a membership, and they do flu vaccines for $20 ($46.99 for senior version).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
How are you feeling, muffy muffy ? I remember that you—and your roommate—tested positive a couple of weeks ago.
I was feeling good yesterday but when I got up this morning I felt like I was run over by a truck. I had a bad headache, my shoulders hurt and I was conjested. When I got my pain pill this morning I started feeling better. We both got our booster yesterday. We both had a mild case of Covid. She has dementia and she is 99 years old. I don't know about other illnesses that she might have but she seems to be doing OK.

There is another lady that got Covid and she died last Friday. She lived just down the hall from us. I don't know what her vaccine situation was or what kind of other problems she may of had. She did have dementia. Someone told me last year that she only had the first vaccine. She liked to play bingo and I would sit by her and make sure she covered all of her numbers. I am really going to miss her. You get attached to these people and then they up and die. It's not fair.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
One of my co-worker's kids popped a positive on a home test this morning. His wife also feels crummy but her test was negative. Probably just too early. He's going to try to stay away from them. . .but let's be real; we're almost certainly all going to get it now. Hope that booster stuck. I'm right at 2 1/2 weeks so I should be at max immunity, if it's going to work at all.

And the local school has more than half the kids out right now.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I finally got the rapid Covid test, I ordered from Amazon. It did take about 10 days.
Now I feel better about using them. I had used one of the only 2 pack were were given.

This is just for my peace of mind.

The expiration date is not that long, so do not stockpile the test kits.
The one we were given has an expiration date of May. The ones I bought have an expiration date of June.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I think it is accurate (give or take a few). This variant doesn't seem to kill most people and getting admitted to the hospital doesn't necessarily mean that they are getting the full vent and what not and are on deaths door. I know of someone who did go to the hospital, they got some oxygen, were monitored for the day, then got discharged. They're better now, but it still counts as "someone in hospital with covid".
So far I can only find one death caused by Omicron here in Ontario. It was an "older adult", but they didn't provide any other information. During the time of that death (in that area), there were 5 other deaths, but they were all the Delta variant.
Although Omicron is becoming the dominant strain, Delta is still rearing it's ugly head.
Here they have been clarifying numbers especially for children. They aren't breaking them down yet. A lot of kids are being admitted for other reasons, reasons that are pretty ordinary for kids, they are all tested for COVID. Some of those kids come up positive and they go into the hospitalized statistics, many of them remain asymptomatic.

I really thing this virus is settling in as a virus that is endemic to people. We aren't there yet but I think things are finally heading in that direction.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 10, 2021
B Beholder - I found this article. It's just a small study that was done here in Ontario.
This was taken from the article,
"The study looked at 6,312 Omicron cases and 8,875 Delta cases with an onset between Nov. 22 and Dec. 17 of this year. There were 21 hospitalizations and zero deaths recorded from the Omicron cases and 116 hospitalizations and seven deaths recorded from Delta."
Thank you. This is really helpful. I'm curious about their number of 54% less likely to cause death and hospitalization. It seems like it's far higher than that for death but maybe they get that percent because they are including it with hospitalizations.
If there's a Costco in the area, anyone can use the pharmacy without a membership, and they do flu vaccines for $20 ($46.99 for senior version).
Really? That's really nice to know, thank you! I actually have a membership but had no idea they were so much cheaper than CVS.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 10, 2021
I heard on the Global News Podcast today that they are now predicting 50% of people in Europe will get Omicron. Considering this is likely the most infectious disease in documented history I think they may be underestimating here. But then again I'm not sure how seriously countries in Europe are taking it. Presumably better the the US, with the exception of Boris Johnson lol. Endemic here we come! I just hope we get there before another insane mutation stirs everything up again.

My university has decided to go online until at least Jan 31st. The chancellor basically left it up to the teachers and said you must offer online, and if you want you can also give an in-person option. Most have opted not to because it's so much extra work. We have a 98.7% vaccination rate and boosters are mandated by February, but I still can't feel comfortable in the lecture halls of 900 people each sitting knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder because the seats are so small.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
According to the Director of my building a total of 28 cases in 3 weeks!! This is including staff.
Most are returning to work/non-isolating; with a few still active. There has been no hospitalizations!

They are now selling KN95 masks in the store, $1 each... I have enough; and have purchased some for other people; in fact, getting more in today, for a friend.

Has anyone heard of ways to maintain KN95 masks? I mean to clean it?

The latest is putting it in a paper bag, leaving it in there for at least 2, up to 5 days.... thrown the brown bag away, and then reuse it?

Being a medical person my entire life, I cannot fathom this. They say after this length of time; whatever germs (Covid) is on the mask will die off....

I would prefer to throw them away. It took me a really long time, to learn to re-use a mask. I am very careful with them. If I go to a crowded store, especially where people are massless, I come home and throw that mask away.

Wondering what you have heard about this... I heard two different things... possibly 3. The last one, is something, I am not agreeing with at all.. so I am not posting it.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
One article I read, said that KN95's are meant to be worn for about 8 hours. So if you wear it all day, you probably should throw it out, at the end of the day, since it's been getting all the moisture from you breathing all that time, which I guess could eventually end up with bacteria buildup. However, if you're just running to the store, and only there an hour or so, then you can reuse it several more times. I'm sure there's many opinions, but that one made sense to me.


Alpha Cat
Jun 11, 2019
My county’s weekly new cases is 1,202. Previously our highest was about 160 so this is alarming.

I’m still waiting for my test results. I have bad health anxiety so it’s hard for me to tell what might be a real symptom and what’s just in my head, but it’s been hard. I’ve been very isolated so I don’t think I’ve been exposed but who knows?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 10, 2021
According to the Director of my building a total of 28 cases in 3 weeks!! This is including staff.
Most are returning to work/non-isolating; with a few still active. There has been no hospitalizations!

They are now selling KN95 masks in the store, $1 each... I have enough; and have purchased some for other people; in fact, getting more in today, for a friend.

Has anyone heard of ways to maintain KN95 masks? I mean to clean it?

The latest is putting it in a paper bag, leaving it in there for at least 2, up to 5 days.... thrown the brown bag away, and then reuse it?

Being a medical person my entire life, I cannot fathom this. They say after this length of time; whatever germs (Covid) is on the mask will die off....

I would prefer to throw them away. It took me a really long time, to learn to re-use a mask. I am very careful with them. If I go to a crowded store, especially where people are massless, I come home and throw that mask away.

Wondering what you have heard about this... I heard two different things... possibly 3. The last one, is something, I am not agreeing with at all.. so I am not posting it.
KN95 masks have been making me nervous for a while. The CDC recently announced that 60% of them on the market are fakes. It's very hard to keep track of the real and fakes since they are all manufactured in China. I've noticed most hardware stores have 3M N95 masks in stock, but they're going for roughly 2 dollars a piece where I live which is pretty steep.

Early in the pandemic when we each just had one mask we would just spray our masks with Lysol disinfectant room spray....probably not the best idea now especially for the lungs lol. Anyway, currently for reuse I have about 10 masks that I cycle through. So basically I will wear one each day so that they can have time for the bacteria/covid to die off. Eventually they do have to be thrown away (usually because I get foundation all over them) but they've lasted me a really long time. I doubt it substantially changes effectiveness as long as they aren't torn or stretched, but either way I cannot afford to spend 4 dollars a day for me and my boyfriend. Luckily where I live mask mandates have been in place for a very long time, so I don't really have to worry about being around maskless people unless outside.

We don't have evidence yet, but my own paranoia makes me want to wear a mask outside too. When I take my daily 6 mile walk there are often large groups of people walking along the enclosed park paths so if I can't get at least 8 feet from them I mask up. Kinda me just being paranoid, but I've gone this long without getting covid (to my knowledge) and I really don't want to get it know.

I found this study helpful btw, it basically states after 3-4 days the virus should be gone. It also states masks can be boiled, steam cleaned, and heated for reuse. It's referring to N95's, but I don't see why this couldn't apply to KN95's as well, so long as they aren't fakes.



Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
This is a known fact... All disposable masks, the thin ones, the KN95 and the N95 CANNOT be washed, boiled, sprayed, get wet in rain/snow... all liquid exposure renders them ineffective..
The liquid melds the layers together, making them useless...

I knew this from my medical employment.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 10, 2021
Well it is published in the US National Library of Medicine by the inventor of the N95 but not peer reviewed because of the crisis. So I'm not sure what to make of that...but the inventor of the masks went through each of those processes and reported/tested effectiveness.

"N95 Masks Can be Boiled for 5 Min
Masks will retain 92.4% FE after boiling. The elastic band should not be immersed in boiling water. Do not stir while boiling to avoid disturbing the physical structure of the mask. Charge loss is insignificant, and wet masks do not decrease FE of the filtering layer. Air-drying masks is recommended. At the time of this writing, FE decrease because of facial fit/contour loss as a result of heat drying or wearing the mask when wet is unknown."

"N95 Masks Can be Steam Cleaned at 125°C (257°F) for 5 Min
Masks will retain 91.7–98.5% FE after steaming. Charge loss is insignificant. Charge decay is seen with longer steaming time."

Here are two additional studies I found after a quick search that recommend boiling:

I'm not recommending anyone boil their mask, that seems like an awful a lot of unnecessary work and if not done properly it clearly may damage the mask. But it does seem like there isn't quite a general consensus on cleaning. Simply googling "should you boil your n95" comes up with a variety of results. From my own anecdotal medical experience (interacting with some of the top researchers of infectious disease in the country- including those that played a vital role in the creations of the mRNA vaccines) there also seems to be some small disputes within medical communities regarding a variety of issues from masks to contagion.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
B Beholder .. I believe there is a ton of confusing about the wearing of the KN95 masks. I believe that you are in contact with professionals.. I am just going to give you the background on my beliefs... not being snarky...

As for me, and what I tell my friends; I worked in medical field for over 50 years. I have had tons of classes on Protective Gear. I know sterile Technique.. I have been trained by infectious disease people ..

I worked through the discovery of AIDS, ---wearing protective gear, Swine Flu, MRSA, people with compromised immune systems, etc.... I worked with patients having all of this, in the beginning... when we feared them all.
I have had to don protective gear too many times to count. and in surgical areas also....

I am not being snarky... just sharing my experience.

I know that KN95, along with any disposable masks, cannot get wet... When they get wet, it causes the fibers to fuse together, rendering the masks useless.. We need the specialized layers to be separate, in order for the filtration to do its job...

I do not have the specific sources to quote..

Again, not being snarky... just caring about people and wanting the correct information out there.

I am sorry that masks are so expensive where you live..I really am.. The companies are making a fortune out of our suffering...

As far as masks, I have found some on Amazon which seem to be ok.. Yes, they are from China, but pass the " Blowing out the Candle" and the light Test...and have a European (GB) number on it... Yes, they are expensive... $70+ for 50..... but....

I am not trying to belittle you... sometimes writing is so different than speaking. You cannot hear tone, inflection, etc...

As we all say: You have to do what you feel comfortable doing... and are able to do...



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 10, 2021
B Beholder .. I believe there is a ton of confusing about the wearing of the KN95 masks. I believe that you are in contact with professionals.. I am just going to give you the background on my beliefs... not being snarky...

As for me, and what I tell my friends; I worked in medical field for over 50 years. I have had tons of classes on Protective Gear. I know sterile Technique.. I have been trained by infectious disease people ..

I worked through the discovery of AIDS, ---wearing protective gear, Swine Flu, MRSA, people with compromised immune systems, etc.... I worked with patients having all of this, in the beginning... when we feared them all.
I have had to don protective gear too many times to count. and in surgical areas also....

I am not being snarky... just sharing my experience.

I know that KN95, along with any disposable masks, cannot get wet... When they get wet, it causes the fibers to fuse together, rendering the masks useless.. We need the specialized layers to be separate, in order for the filtration to do its job...

I do not have the specific sources to quote..

Again, not being snarky... just caring about people and wanting the correct information out there.

I am sorry that masks are so expensive where you live..I really am.. The companies are making a fortune out of our suffering...

As far as masks, I have found some on Amazon which seem to be ok.. Yes, they are from China, but pass the " Blowing out the Candle" and the light Test...and have a European (GB) number on it... Yes, they are expensive... $70+ for 50..... but....

I am not trying to belittle you... sometimes writing is so different than speaking. You cannot hear tone, inflection, etc...

As we all say: You have to do what you feel comfortable doing... and are able to do...

No worries, I wasn't taking it that way at all! I definitely didn't perceive you as snarky or belittling, I was only trying to acknowledge the physical concrete studies we currently have. Science is always evolving and there's always more to learn, whether that be anecdotal or studied in a lab. I respect everyone's own experiences and knowledge.

You're correct that tone is not something always easy to pick up on through text, though. I only wanted to bring some different info that I've gathered from other medical professionals and brand new scientific data to the table. I am not, and did not intend to appear offended or upset.