Corona Virus Now Spreading


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Haha, Costco is PREPARED!!! There are also pallets of water in every aisle.

View attachment 325455

However, they seem a little low on toilet paper. And they're also out of rubbing alcohol.

What does the hand soap and dish soap aisle look like??

(At least if it's empty, I could have faith that my fellow citizens are washing their hands :) )


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I've been places where you can't flush. In some countries that's the norm. But eww. I'd rather not deal with bags full of used toilet paper if I don't have to.

The Hutterites are out in full force. I wonder if they're "prepping" or if it's their normal shopping weekend.

Sam's Club is almost out of toilet paper. They have a lot of bottled water too, but not as much as Costco. And they were out of rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer. Everything else seemed normally stocked for a Saturday.

There was a case diagnosed in Nebraska today.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I've been places where you can't flush. In some countries that's the norm. But eww. I'd rather not deal with bags full of used toilet paper if I don't have to.

The Hutterites are out in full force. I wonder if they're "prepping" or if it's their normal shopping weekend.

Sam's Club is almost out of toilet paper. They have a lot of bottled water too, but not as much as Costco. And they were out of rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer. Everything else seemed normally stocked for a Saturday.

There was a case diagnosed in Nebraska today.
Then just rinse with plain water when you pee and save the tp for number two. It will last a long time that way.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I was at Costco yesterday, and an employee was standing by the entrance wearing gloves and wiping each and every cart handle with sanitizer before passing it to a customer. I appreciate the effort because even if we never see coronavirus here, we certainly are seeing flu and colds. And despite all of the warnings, not everyone is hand washing as they should.

The woman who cuts my hair told me she overheard another customer talking about being worried about drinking Corona beer. I said, “Surely she was kidding.” She just shook her head and said, “No. She wasn’t.”


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yeah, there was someone at the Costco here with gloves and sanitizer wipes too, but she got distracted when I walked up and I didn't get one. Just my luck to get the germy cart :tongue: .

I've heard jokes about Corona beer ("at least they could have named it after a decent beer, haha!") but you'd like to think nobody is dumb enough to actually think that. But of course you know they're out there. . .

What does the hand soap and dish soap aisle look like??

(At least if it's empty, I could have faith that my fellow citizens are washing their hands :) )
Lots of dish soap left on the shelves. I didn't look for hand soap though. I also didn't look at bleach, that might have been interesting. There was one person at Costco with an entire cart full of laundry detergent, but no way to know if they were virus prepping or if they just have a lot of kids/hired hands/etc. and that's their normal purchase.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2020
it's true, people in Asia are advised to wear masks because they are definitely more used to it (me being a westerner am about at my wits end having to wear it out of social pressure.). Also because we spend a lot more time in confined spaces with strangers than the average American, for sure (i commute an hour on the subway each way and at rush hour it's legitimately what you see in movies where everyone is crammed together) it's seen as more practical for us than for Americans or Europeans.

This is the official "social distancing" campaign from Seoul City (in English) if you'd like to catch a glimpse of what the gov is trying to accomplish here, but judging by my time out and about today, not many are doing it. It's Sunday, the weather is amazing. 99.5% of people are wearing masks.
Hold up! Let’s Take a Break from Social Life -

But, with 10 mil people and 120 cases (30 whom have already recovered) the situation still isn't dire here. It looks like the number of positive confirmations in the country is going down now that they've tested most of the Shincheonji members. The other thing about this that makes Korea perhaps easier to contain the virus is homogenization. like I said, 99.5% of people are wearing masks. Could you imagine that happening in any even small town in America? Doubt it!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I read this article about the new cases in BC (Canada), talking about the new cases and where they came from, and tips to avoid transmission etc...same kinda stuff as always, but this last paragraph made me laugh!

"There's no cure, there's no vaccine for COVID-19. You see on the Internet people claim this, and I have one piece of advice: if you see someone on the Internet claiming that, unfollow them," Dix said. "And if it's not your mother, block them. It's very important we deliver accurate information."
...Cuz you know you can't block your mother, even if she's crazy!!! LOL!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 8, 2014
We just got back from a church birthday party and there were two women who just retired as nurses talking about this, and the one said "my daughters were so sick and it took so long to get rid of it, I wonder if they already had it?" and the other said "it's possible, the Corona virus is not new, this is the 19th strain of it" so who knows? I'm not freaking out about it, I just know that whatever we had starting around Christmas and New Year's that took 2 months to get over was no cold, not the flu as many who were sick with it were tested for the flu and it was negative, and it was not the usual run of the mill viruses that we get, this thing was NASTY but we got over it, just wondering if we had this or if not it was something similar that we NEVER want to get again as it was rough!!
The retired nurse is right in that coronavirus isn't new; there are many different strains. Coronaviridae is organized in 2 sub-families, 5 genera, 23 sub-genera and about 40 species. (quoted from link below).

Seven strains of coronaviruses are known to affect humans:

Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)

Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus)

Human coronavirus HKU1

Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously known as 2019-nCoV or "novel coronavirus 2019"

So wonder what she was referring to when she said it's the 19th strain...? Interesting.

We have rising cases in the UK still. We're on 273 now I think, with two deaths.

Most of the cases seem to have increased noticeably after the half term week in February when a lot of people would have gone away. I know at least two schools that ran ski trips to Northern Italy....

I haven't been to any of the supermarkets lately so not sure whether people are panic buying or not. Was in a Wilko today (shop that sells loads of stuff) and they didn't seem short of anything, not even loo roll!! 👍👍


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I think if you've been to any type of medium- or large-sized gathering in the last couple of weeks or months, you've got to wonder about and watch for any symptoms. We went to the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival last weekend for 3 hours, and interacted with a lot of people. So far, no signs of any illness but with the fact that people can often have the virus and not show symptoms or show very few symptoms, it does make you wonder. A week ago, when we were at the Festival, covid-19 wasn't really even on our minds.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
My mom said that at church today, they were making everybody use hand sanitizer before entering! And my dad said the same thing happened while shopping, they were spritzing everybody with hand sanitizer at the door. This is crazy! I'm getting scared. :eek2:


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I haven't been to any of the supermarkets lately so not sure whether people are panic buying or not.
We did our weekly grocery run this morning to Fred Meyer (a Kroger-owned store), and the toilet paper and paper towel shelves were almost empty. No hand sanitizer. No isopropyl alcohol. There were signs everywhere announcing a limit of five of any item related to cold and flu. There was a front-page article in the local paper about two “presumptive” coronavirus cases here in town (pop. @75,000) so people are throwing common sense out of the window and hoarding. :disappointed:

Advising people to avoid touching their faces is kind of like telling them to stop blinking their eyes; it’s pretty much involuntary. But we are washing our hands more often and more thoroughly. We’re being careful, but we’re not going to freak out!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
My mom said that at church today, they were making everybody use hand sanitizer before entering! And my dad said the same thing happened while shopping, they were spritzing everybody with hand sanitizer at the door. This is crazy! I'm getting scared. :eek2:
There is no reason to be scared. If you are not elderly or have some underlying condition just a little common sense. More handwashing and avoiding crowds for things that aren't necessary. Doing common sense things to keep from getting run down which also weakens the immune system, things like getting enough sleep and a healthy diet. People with underlying respiratory health conditions or a compromised immune system have to be more careful.

I kind of get the hand sanitizer before church, it's a group of people in a confined area. People in church also have a tendency to shake hands or touch each other so it makes sense. The same with a store. A group of people in an enclosed area. People are using shopping carts and taking items off of shelfs. Small children no matter how well they are being watched don't always follow common sense things when it comes to stopping the spread of viruses so the hand sanitizer makes sense.